************************************************************************** ILAS-NET ************************************************************************** 2014 December 16 ......... ILAS-NET Message No. 2027 ---------------------------------------------------------- CONTRIBUTED ANNOUNCEMENT FROM: Peter Benner SUBJECT: Conference in Honor of Volker Mehrmann, May 2015 --------------------------------------------------------- Conference in Honor of Volker Mehrmann, Berlin, May 2015 Abstract submission and registration forms for the conference Numerical Algebra, Matrix Theory, Differential-Algebraic Equations, and Control Theory in honor of Volker Mehrmann on the occasion of his 60th birthday (Berlin, May 2015) are now online at http://www3.math.tu-berlin.de/VM60 Important deadlines: Abstract submission: 15 January 2015 Notification of authors: 31 January 2015 Early registration: 28 February 2015 Late registration: 15 April 2015 VM60 Conference: May 6-9, 2015 We hope to see you in Berlin on this special occasion, Peter Benner, Joerg Liesen, Christian Mehl, Reinhard Nabben, Lena Scholz, Andreas Steinbrecher, the VM60 Committee ************************************************************************** ILAS-NET ************************************************************************** 2014 December 13 ......... ILAS-NET Message No. 2026 ---------------------------------------------------------- CONTRIBUTED ANNOUNCEMENT FROM: Valeria Simoncini SUBJECT: Workshop V on Matrix equations and Tensor Techniques --------------------------------------------------------- The fifth Workshop on "Matrix equations and Tensor Techniques" will be held on September 21-22, 2015 at the Mathematics Department, Alma Mater Studiorum Universita' di Bologna, Italy. As in the previous meetings, the focus will be on the latest developments in the theory, computation and applications of linear and nonlinear matrix equations and tensor equations. We will extend our focus to sparsity and low rank structures, and to decay properties of matrices and tensors associated with these problems. Additional details and registration information can be found at http://mett15.dm.unibo.it/ Organizers: Peter Benner (Max-Planck Institut, Magdeburg, Germany) Heike Fa�bender (Technische Universitaet Braunschweig, Germany) Lars Grasedyck (Aachen University, Germany) Daniel Kressner (E'cole polytechnique fe'de'rale de Lausanne, Switzerland) Local Organizer: Valeria Simoncini (Alma Mater Studiorum Universita' di Bologna, Italy) ************************************************************************** ILAS-NET ************************************************************************** 2014 December 09 ......... ILAS-NET Message No. 2025 ---------------------------------------------------------- CONTRIBUTED ANNOUNCEMENT FROM: Peter Benner SUBJECT: Upcoming Conference --------------------------------------------------------- Upcoming: 06-09 May 2015: Berlin, Germany: Conference "Numerical Algebra, Matrix Theory, Differential-Algebraic Equations, and Control Theory" http://www3.math.tu-berlin.de/VM60/ ************************************************************************** ILAS-NET ************************************************************************** 2014 November 30 ......... ILAS-NET Message No. 2024 ---------------------------------------------------------- CONTRIBUTED ANNOUNCEMENT FROM: Kevin Vander Meulen SUBJECT: IMAGE 53 Can Now Be Read Online --------------------------------------------------------- Issue 53 of IMAGE, the bulletin of ILAS, can now be obtained online at http://www.ilasic.org/IMAGE/ Issue 53 includes articles on the history of linear algebra research in Spain and Chile, an interview with Roger Horn, an education article by Gilbert Strang, a feature article on normalized laplacians by Steve Butler, interesting problem solutions, new problems to try, some book reviews, and more... Enjoy! ************************************************************************** ILAS-NET ************************************************************************** 2014 November 28 ......... ILAS-NET Message No. 2023 ---------------------------------------------------------- CONTRIBUTED ANNOUNCEMENT FROM: Bryan Shader SUBJECT: 2014 ILAS Business Meeting Minutes ---------------------------------------------------------- Minutes of the ILAS Business meeting held on August 7, 2014 at 16:00 in the International Hall, 2B, 9B217, Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul President Semrl called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. About 30 ILAS members were in attendance. A. Reading of notice of meeting. President Semrl indicated that the notice of the meeting was recently posted on ILAS-net. Members present had no comments on the agenda and the meeting proceeded. B. Reading of the minutes from the previous meeting. Minutes of the previous Business Meeting at Providence June 6, 2013 were previously circulated on ILAS-net. The members in attendance had no questions, and the minutes were approved. C. Report of President and Vice-President At the ILAS Board Meeting in Providence there was agreement with the amendment to ILAS by-laws to have President report and Vice-President report be a combined P & VP report at the ILAS Business meetings from 2014 on. The report of the President and Vice-President was briefly discussed, and was based upon the written report appearing in issue 52 of IMAGE. In particular, the following items were mentioned. Froilan Dopico and Michael Overton were elected to the Board of Directors for a three year term, and Eugene Tyrtyshnikov was elected to the Board of Directors for a one year term. Peter Semrl was elected to be ILAS President. They all began their terms March 1, 2014. Thanks were expressed to the Nominating committee � Shaun Fallat, Heike Fassbender, Roger Horn (chair), Yimin Wei, and Zdenek Strakos. President Semrl expressed his thanks to outgoing board members Francoise Tisseur, David Watkins, and President Steve Kirkland, who will now serve a one-year term on Board of Directors. A September 30, 2014 deadline for requests for ILAS Lecturers and ILAS endorsements of meetings was announced. There are few changes: -each proposal for ILAS Lectureship at non-ILAS Conferences is automatically assumed to be also a request for the ILAS endorsement of the conference, -the Hans Schneider ILAS Lecture Fund was established with a generous donation from ILAS' founding President Hans Schneider. The Fund supports at most one speaker a year at a non-ILAS conference, -in the forthcoming years the Board of directors will be more selective when considering ILAS Lectureship proposals. The support to those chosen will be consequently much higher. President Semrl informed members about two decisions made at the Board Meeting on August 6, 2014: The ILAS print-Image membership fee is raised to $60 (the e-Image membership is kept at $40). A member 60 or older and who has been a dues paying member for at least 5 years (not necessarily consecutive or immediately prior to life membership) can secure lifetime e-Image membership in ILAS by payment of $200. A member 63 or older, or 60 or older and retired, and who has been a dues paying member for at least 5 years (not necessarily consecutive or immediately prior to life membership) can secure lifetime e-Image membership in ILAS by payment of $100. D. Report of Secretary/Treasurer. Treasurer Hogben presented a financial summary that indicates that ILAS is in very good financial state with a current balance of ~156K. She indicated in recent years, ILAS has had a surplus of around $5K/year in incoming funds. 2013 had some unusually large expenses, but still had an increase to the general operating budget of about $2K. Treasurer Hogben indicated that the ILAS Board has plans to utilize the annual surplus to better support ILAS activities. In particular, around $3.5K/year will be used to support ELA, and funds for ILAS lectures will be gradually increased. Treasurer Hogben addressed a question from the membership by noting that many of the ILAS accounts are in essence endowments and don't represent annual income. E. Reports of Committees. i. Education Committee Sang-gu Lee reported for the Education committee, which is comprised of Avi Berman, Jason Grout, Sang-Gu Lee, Steve Leon and David Strong (chair). The ILAS Education Committee strives to help educators in their efforts to more effectively help their students learn and appreciate the ideas and applications of Linear Algebra. Recent activities are described below. First, since 2008, at each of the annual Joint Meetings of the American Mathematical Society (AMS) and the Mathematical Association of America (MAA), have had one or more ILAS-organized sessions on "Innovative and Effective Ways to Teach Linear Algebra.� There have been dozens of interesting and useful presentations on theoretical aspects of Linear Algebra and various interesting applications of Linear Algebra at these sessions. Many of these presentations are available online at a website maintained by David Strong, the lead organizer of these sessions (and current chair of the ILAS Education Committee). Second, for the past couple of years an article on Linear Algebra education has been included in IMAGE. Articles to date concern: a simple first-day example which introduces a number of important Linear Algebra ideas; the Sage Mathematical Software System; and the application of Linear Algebra to trying to predict the winner of the annual college basketball tournament in the United States. The upcoming fall issue of IMAGE will include a Linear Algebra education article by Gil Strang. His topic is still to be finalized. Third, the Mathematical Association of America (MAA) is in the on-going process of developing a collection of online resources for Linear Algebra as part of their Course Communities within the MAA website. This past March, two of our Committee members, Steve Leon and David Strong, participated in a weekend meeting of a group of about ten mathematicians at the MAA headquarters in Washington DC to help put this collection together. The collection is now online and available as part of the MAA's webpages. Finally, in our efforts to encourage promising students to continue in mathematics and science beyond high school, there is a growing effort to familiarize students with some of the many beautiful and interesting topics in mathematics beyond Calculus. To this end, an inaugural session of "Helping Students See Beyond Calculus" is being organized by David Strong for the 2015 Joint Meetings. A special focus is being put on Linear Algebra, since that is often the first course beyond Calculus that students take at the college/university level, and because it is such a beautiful and useful area of mathematics. By sharing some of the best ideas and applications of a variety of post-Calculus mathematics courses, it is hoped that students will decide to study more mathematics and science in college/university. The committee is open to and appreciative of any suggestions that ILAS members have on furthering Linear Algebra education. Efforts, led by Jason Grout, to update the ILAS Education website are underway and input is welcomed. ii. Institutional Membership Committee The committee is composed of Hugo Woerdeman (chair), Steve Butler, Jason Grout and Peter Semrl (as an ex officio member). Steve Butler reported for the committee. There are currently five institutional members in addition to a special relationship that ILAS has formed with SIAM. The institutional members have a good relationship with the society and in particular Taylor & Francis and Elsevier have sponsored talks at the meeting and Elsevier provided a boxed lunch for attendees. Going forward we will work to maintain strong relationships with our current members including new ways to better connect institutional members with the general membership of ILAS, and look for new possibilities for institutional members. The committee is open to suggestions and appreciates any feedback from its members on institutions and/or better ways to connect. iii. ELA Editor-in-chief, Bryan Shader, reported on the state of the Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra. He noted that in 2013 ELA published 60 papers totaling 916 pages; and to date the 2014 volume has 32 papers published, and 9 papers that are accepted and being prepared for publication. There are currently two Special Issues of ELA. The first is the Proceedings of Graph Theory, Matrix Theory and Interactions Conference, Queen's University. Special Editors for the volume are: Sebastian Cioaba, Ram Murty, Claude Tardif, Kevin Vander Meulen and David Wehlau. The deadline for submissions is September 22, 2014. The second is the Proceedings of the International Conference on Linear Algebra and its Applications Conference to be held December 18-20, 2014 at Manipal University. Special editors for the volume are: Rajendra Bhatia, Steve Kirkland, K. Manjunatha Prasad and Simo Puntanen. Deadline for submissions is March 15, 2015. iv. Report on IMAGE Editor-in-chief, Kevin Vander Meulen, reported. He noted that the 52nd issue of IMAGE was recently published and that the recent additions (e.g. featured interviews, linear algebra education sections) have been well received. He thanked the editorial board (Luz DeAlba, Minerva Catral, Michael Cavers, Jane Day, Douglas Farenick, Carlos Fonseca, Bojan Kuzma, Steve Leon, David Strong, Naomi Shaked-Monderer, and Amy Wehe) for their efforts. F. Transaction of other business i) Future ILAS meetings The 20th and 21st will be held July 11-15, 2016 in Leuven, Belgium, and July 24-28, 2017 in Ames Iowa, respectively. Organization of the 20th conference is led by Raf Vandebril. Thomas Mach, a member of the local organizing committee, presented the venue and invited all participants to take part in the next ILAS conference. The 21st ILAS conference will be devoted to Connections. It was presented by the chair of the organizing committee Leslie Hogben. There will be no ILAS meeting in 2018 and the next two open slots for ILAS meetings are 2018 and 2019. Anyone interested in exploring hosting an ILAS meeting should contact President Semrl or a member of the ILAS Board, and be aware that ILAS provides significant logistical support for conference organizers such as a recently revised guidelines for organizers, and an ILAS designee to help with logistics and grant writing. ii) Other business President Semrl noted that the term of Secretary/Treasurer Leslie Hogben will end next February but she is willing to continue to serve in this duty for another term. Shaun Fallat raised the question of recognition of the work of many volunteers. The Executive Committee will consider various possibilities and prepare a proposal for a discussion at the Board of Directors. G. Adjournment President Semrl adjourned the meeting at 5:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Steve Kirkland, on behalf of Bryan Shader, Vice-President of ILAS ************************************************************************** ILAS-NET ************************************************************************** 2014 November 17 ......... ILAS-NET Message No. 2022 ---------------------------------------------------------- CONTRIBUTED ANNOUNCEMENT FROM: Leslie Hogben SUBJECT: 2014 ILAS Election Voting Is Now Open ---------------------------------------------------------- Each member of ILAS was e-mailed an individual username and password and instructions for electronic voting on or about November 17, and voting was opened. If you have not yet voted, you may vote any time until January 16, 2015. If you did not receive an e-mail and wish to vote, please verify that you are a 2014 member (remember, receiving ILAS-net messages does not imply you are an ILAS member). You can determine whether or not you are a 2014 member of ILAS (as of Nov. 15, 2014) by consulting the website: http://www.ilasic.org/misc/membership.html If you are a member and did not receive an e-mail, please contact Leslie Hogben , ILAS Secretary Treasurer, to obtain your username and password. ************************************************************************** ILAS-NET ************************************************************************** 2014 November 03 ......... ILAS-NET Message No. 2021 ---------------------------------------------------------- CONTRIBUTED ANNOUNCEMENT FROM: Leslie Hogben SUBJECT: Voting in upcoming 2014 ILAS Elections ---------------------------------------------------------- In the upcoming ILAS elections, electronic voting will again be used, with Votenet Solutions, the company that has conducted previous ILAS elections. Each member will be e-mailed an individual username and password and instructions for electronic voting; this year that email will come from Secretary/Treasurer Leslie Hogben via the email address ilas@iastate.edu, not from Votenet directly. This e-mail will be sent on or about November 17, 2014. You may vote as soon as you receive your username and password. Voting will conclude on January 16, 2015. Any member who prefers to vote by paper ballot should e-mail Secretary/Treasurer Leslie Hogben at hogben@aimath.org to request a paper ballot; such request must be received by November 13. You can determine whether or not you are a 2014 member of ILAS (currently up to date as of Oct. 31, 2014) by consulting the website http://www.ilasic.org/misc/membership.html Please note: 1) This is the only current online list of ILAS members, even thought there may be other sites with old lists of ILAS members. 2) Receiving ILAS-net messages does not make you an ILAS member. See http://www.ilasic.org/misc/membership.html for information about ILAS membership. After November 13, it is no longer possible to add online voters, so anyone whose membership is processed after that date will receive a PDF ballot to be printed and returned like a paper ballot. Please note that it usually takes 2 weeks or more to process memberships, and 2015 memberships received after about December 15, 2014 will probably not processed before 2015). Leslie Hogben, ILAS Secretary/Treasurer ************************************************************************** ILAS-NET ************************************************************************** 2014 October 31 ......... ILAS-NET Message No. 2020 ---------------------------------------------------------- CONTRIBUTED ANNOUNCEMENT FROM: Valeria Simoncini SUBJECT: Summer School Announcement, June 2015 ---------------------------------------------------------- During the week of 21-26 June 2015, the C.I.M.E. Foundation will organize the following Summer School: "Exploiting Hidden Structure in Matrix Computations. Algorithms and Applications" homepage: http://web.math.unifi.it/users/cime/ with the following lecturers: Michele Benzi (Emory University, USA) Dario Bini (Universita' di Pisa, Italy) Daniel Kressner (EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland) Hans Munthe-Kaas (University of Bergen, Norway) Charles Van Loan (Cornell University, USA) The School will be held at Hotel San Michele in Cetraro, Italy homepage: http://www.sanmichele.it Registration will be open starting December 1st, 2014 and will close on April 30, 2015. Some limited fundings for lodging expenses will be available for students and postdoctoral fellows. The Directors of the School Michele Benzi and Valeria Simoncini ************************************************************************** ILAS-NET ************************************************************************** 2014 October 29 ......... ILAS-NET Message No. 2019 ---------------------------------------------------------- CONTRIBUTED ANNOUNCEMENT FROM: Peter Semrl SUBJECT: Hans Schneider Memorial Webpage ---------------------------------------------------------- Hans Schneider, ILAS's founding president, was instrumental in shaping the tone and direction of our Society. Those who knew Hans remember his humour, his passion for mathematics, his commitment to linear algebra as a discipline and to ILAS as an organisation. A vibrant personality, Hans has left us with many stories to tell. In order to provide a forum for those stories, ILAS has set up a memorial web page (found at the following address http://www.ilasic.org/misc/memorial.html), where Hans' friends, colleagues and admirers can post their memories of him. You are invited to submit anecdotes and reminiscences about Hans to the memorial page. It is hoped that, taken together, these stories will serve not only as a record of Hans' influence on linear algebra and its practitioners, but also as a tribute to ILAS's founding president. Please use ilasic@uregina.ca for submitting your contribution. ************************************************************************** ILAS-NET ************************************************************************** 2014 October 28 ......... ILAS-NET Message No. 2018 ---------------------------------------------------------- CONTRIBUTED ANNOUNCEMENT FROM: Richard Brualdi SUBJECT: Hans Schneider ---------------------------------------------------------- I am very sad to have to tell you that Hans Schneider died this morning, October 28, 2014, at the Agrace Hospice Care Center. He was 87 years old. As most of you know, Hans was diagnosed with cancer of the esophagus several months ago, and was fighting it ever since. He had been at home until a few days ago when he was moved to Agrace. His obituary is attached. ************************************************************************** ILAS-NET ************************************************************************** 2014 October 28 ......... ILAS-NET Message No. 2017 ---------------------------------------------------------- CONTRIBUTED ANNOUNCEMENT FROM: Yanni Zeng SUBJECT: 39th SIAM Southeastern Atlantic Section Conference (SIAM-SEAS 2015) ---------------------------------------------------------- The 39th SIAM Southeastern Atlantic Section Conference (SIAM-SEAS 2015) will be hosted at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, on March 20-22, 2015, with a social event on March 20, and scientific programs on March 21-22. We expect that SIAM-SEAS 2015 will continue to provide an inspiring and productive forum in applied mathematics to get acquainted with the most recent developments, to stimulate and exchange new ideas, and to formulate new challenging problems that will have an impact on diverse fields of applications. The conference will feature the following plenary speakers: Yuefan Deng, Stony Brook University Irena Lasiecka, University of Memphis Tai-Ping Liu, Academia Sinica James Nagy, Emory University We invite scientists, engineers, mathematicians, and students (graduate and undergraduate) in all areas of applied mathematics, from the United States and from other countries, to participate. There will be limited funding for student travel support, and there will be three prizes for the best student presentations and posters. There are three formats of participation: Minisymposia, contributed talks and a poster session. The important deadlines are as follows: * Submission of minisymposium proposals by minisymposium organizers is due by January 5th, 2015. * Submission of abstracts for minisymposium talks, contributed talks and posters is due by February 23rd, 2015. Hotel rooms with discounted rates are available for booking before deadlines set by several local hotels (various dates from February 26, 2015 to March 5, 2015). Please refer to the conference website for more details: http://people.cas.uab.edu/~cnavasca/siam-seas/< http://people.cas.uab.edu/%7Ecnavasca/siam-seas/> Information on SIAM-SEAS can be found from SIAM�s website, where you can access the conference website as well: http://www.siam.org/sections/seas/ Looking forward to seeing you in Birmingham. ************************************************************************** ILAS-NET ************************************************************************** 2014 October 28 ......... ILAS-NET Message No. 2016 ---------------------------------------------------------- CONTRIBUTED ANNOUNCEMENT FROM: Chen Greif SUBJECT: 2016 Gene Golub SIAM Summer School (G2S3) ---------------------------------------------------------- SIAM is calling for Letters of Intent proposing topics and organizers for the 2016 Gene Golub SIAM Summer School (G2S3). Preference will be given to a computational linear algebra theme, but Letters of Intent in all areas of applied and computational mathematics will be considered. It is expected that the program will run two weeks for 40 to 50 graduate students in 2016. SIAM will contribute up to $95,000 towards the running of the summer school. Information about the G2S3 program, including the composition of the G2S3 committee, can be found atwww.siam.org/about/com_golub.php. Information about the 2015 G2S3 can be found at www.siam.org/students/g2s3 and the archives of earlier G2S3s can be found athttp://www.siam.org/students/g2s3/archive.php. The deadline for Letters of Intent is January 31, 2015. For more information see www.siam.org/students/g2s3/summer_call.php ************************************************************************** ILAS-NET ************************************************************************** 2014 October 01 ......... ILAS-NET Message No. 2015 ---------------------------------------------------------- CONTRIBUTED ANNOUNCEMENT FROM: James Nagy SUBJECT: Householder Symposium 2017 ---------------------------------------------------------- On behalf of the Householder Committee, I would like to post the following announcement on ILAS-NET: The Householder Symposium XX on Numerical Linear Algebra will be held at The Inn at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, VA, USA, 18-23 June 2017. http://www.math.vt.edu/HHXX This symposium is the twentieth in a series, previously called the Gatlinburg Symposia, and will be hosted by the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (VA Tech), in cooperation with the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) and the SIAM Activity Group on Linear Algebra. The Symposium is very informal, with the intermingling of young and established researchers a priority. Participants are expected to attend the entire meeting. The sixteenth Householder Award for the best thesis in numerical linear algebra since 1 January 2014 will be presented. Attendance at the meeting is by invitation only. Applications will be solicited from researchers in numerical linear algebra, matrix theory, and related areas such as optimization, differential equations, signal processing, and control. Each attendee will be given the opportunity to present a talk. Some talks will be plenary lectures, while others will be shorter presentations arranged in parallel sessions. The application deadline will be some time in Fall 2016. It is expected that partial support will be available for some students, early career participants, and participants from countries with limited resources. ************************************************************************** ILAS-NET ************************************************************************** 2014 September 24 ......... ILAS-NET Message No. 2014 ---------------------------------------------------------- CONTRIBUTED ANNOUNCEMENT FROM: Kevin N. Vander Meulen SUBJECT: Send News and Articles for IMAGE Issue 53 ---------------------------------------------------------- Deadline: October 1, 2014. IMAGE seeks to publish all news of interest to the linear algebra community. We are still seeking problem solutions, especially problem 52-5. New problems are always welcome. Also, if you have a a conference report, please send it in. Send your items directly to the appropriate person: Problems and Solutions to Bojan Kuzma (bojan.kuzma@upr.si) History of Linear Algebra to Naomi Shaked-Monderer (nomi@tx.technion.ac.il) Book Reviews to Douglas Farenick (Doug.Farenick@uregina.ca) Linear Algebra Education news to David Strong (David.Strong@pepperdine.edu) Announcements and Reports of Conferences, Workshops and Journals to Minerva Catral (catralm@xavier.edu) Interviews of Senior Linear Algebraists to Carlos Fonseca (carlos@sci.kuniv.edu.kw) Advertisements to Amy Wehe (awehe@fitchburgstate.edu) Feature articles to Michael Cavers (mscavers@gmail.com) All other news to Kevin N. Vander Meulen (kvanderm@redeemer.ca). This includes: Honors and awards, funding opportunities, job openings. Brief references to articles appearing elsewhere, of interest to the linear algebra community. Announcements of new books, software, websites. Transitions (new positions, obituaries). Letters to the Editor. Small items like clever proofs, historical tidbits, cartoons, etc. Suggestions for IMAGE Deadline for submission is Oct. 1, 2014 IMAGE Issue 52 is scheduled to be published online Dec. 1, 2014. Kevin N. Vander Meulen, Editor-in-Chief, IMAGE ************************************************************************** ILAS-NET ************************************************************************** 2014 September 15 ......... ILAS-NET Message No. 2013 ---------------------------------------------------------- CONTRIBUTED ANNOUNCEMENT FROM: Peter Semrl SUBJECT: September 30 - The Deadline for Proposals for ILAS Lectureships ---------------------------------------------------------- As part of ILAS's commitment to supporting activities in Linear Algebra, the Society maintains a program of ILAS Lectureships at non-ILAS conferences. This is a reminder that there is a deadline of 30 September 2014 for receipt of proposals for sponsorship of ILAS Lectures at non-ILAS meetings taking place in 2015. Further details on the guidelines for proposals can be found at the following link: http://www.ilasic.org/misc/non_ilas_guidelines.html . You may also find information on Hans Schneider ILAS Lecture Fund there. Please note that we will not be able to consider applications submitted after the deadline as it is important to rank all of the proposals in one go. ************************************************************************** ILAS-NET ************************************************************************** 2014 September 15 ......... ILAS-NET Message No. 2012 ---------------------------------------------------------- CONTRIBUTED ANNOUNCEMENT FROM: Peter Semrl SUBJECT: 2014 ILAS Elections ---------------------------------------------------------- The Nominating Committee for the 2014 ILAS elections has completed its work. Nominated for a three year term, beginning March 1, 2015, as ILAS Secretary/Treasurer is: -Leslie Hogben, USA Nominated for the two open three-year terms, beginning March 1, 2015, as "at-large" members of the ILAS Board of Directors are: -Geir Dahl, Norway -Betrice Meini, Italy -Simo Puntanen, Finland -Henry Wolkowicz, Canada According to ILAS By-Laws, additional nominations may be made by electronic or regular mail by any three members of ILAS; prior approval of the nominee is required. All such nominations should be sent to the chair of the Nominating Committee, Shaun Fallat, Shaun.Fallat@uregina.ca, by October 11, 2014. Many thanks to the Nominating Committee: Dario Bini Shaun Fallat (chair) Marko Huhtanen Rachel Quinlan Xingzhi Zhan for their important service to ILAS. Thanks also to the nominees for agreeing to stand for election. ************************************************************************** ILAS-NET ************************************************************************** 2014 September 04 ......... ILAS-NET Message No. 2011 ---------------------------------------------------------- CONTRIBUTED ANNOUNCEMENT FROM: Bryan Shader SUBJECT: Pending Changes to Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra (ELA) ---------------------------------------------------------- Dear ILAS members, I am writing to inform you of some pending changes concerning the Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra (ELA). As of September 8, ELA will completely move to a new platform and an new location: http://repository.uwyo.edu/ela . Until then, both the existing site http://www.math.technion.ac.il/iic/ela will be in operation. On September 8, visitors to the old site will be re-directed to the new one. This platform will have several advantages over the existing website, including a) Online submission and tracking of papers b) Enhanced discoverability of papers via inclusion in more digital repositories (such as EBSCO) c) The ability to be notified of ELA papers when they or posted, or papers posted on a given subject or by a given author. d) Better digital curation through assignment of a digital object identifier (doi) to each published paper. This will allow entities like MathScinet and Web of Science to post an entry for an ELA paper immediately upon publication. At this time, we won't be implementing the platform's online refereeing and editorial abilities. Papers will be emailed to handling editors by the E-I-C and handle as before. This move will necessitate some changes in the formatting and submission of ELA papers. These are described below. 0. Creating an account In order to submit and track papers and receive notifications of papers you need to create an account. At the bottom of the ELA homepage, click on My Account. On the new page that occurs, click on Sign up Complete and submit the form; required fields are email address, first and last name, and a password. 1. Submissions All submissions will be online. On the ELA homepage select the Submit Article link (on the left hand side) You will be asked to log-in, and directed to the "Submission process" page Submission is a four stage process. Stage 1: Author Declaration and Consent to Publish form Read the instructions and press continue. You will be guided to the Author Declaration and Consent to Publish form. This outlines the agreement between the authors and ELA should the paper be accepted for publication. Your submission cannot be made unless you accept the terms of the submission agreement. This agreement has been carefully crafted to protect the rights and interests of all parties. Stage 2: Information about the corresponding author After selecting accept, you will be guided to a page that asked for information about the corresponding author (Required fields are First and Last Name, Institution). After you have provided this info, press continue. Stage 3: Information about co-authors You will now be asked to provide information about co-authors. Press add author to add info about each co-author. When done press Continue. Stage 4: Information about your submission Enter your article title, a short article title (if appropriate), keywords, a text version of your abstract, and upload a PDF file of your article. You may provide text (e.g. requests for consideration in a special volume, etc) in a Cover Letter. Select the "I acknowledge that I must attach my PDF abstract and any other supplemental ..." box. (This is an aspect of the system that we hope to eliminate soon.) Select Submit. You will then be move to the Thank you for your submission page, and be sent an email acknowledging receipt of your submission. 2. Tracking submissions and submitting revisions Select the My Account link on the bottom of the ELA homepage. Under Submissions, the titles of all your ELA submissions and their status will appear. By clicking on a title, you will be taken to a page that allows you to submit a revision or withdraw a submission. 3. Paper preparation Because ELA papers will now be assigned digital object identifiers, there are some changes to the reference format. For each possible reference, the digital object identifier must be indicated, i.e. a typical reference will be A. Uthor, The Mathematics of the Obvious. Journal of Math, 39:653-692, 1997. Available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.7768/1948-5123.112 Authors of submitted papers must provide the DOIs. A free DOI lookup tool is available at: http://www.crossref.org/guestquery/ 4. Notifications By selecting Follow on the ELA webpage you can set up automatic notifications. By selecting Follow on a particular article's webpage you will receive and notification each time a paper from one of the authors is published in ELA. You can modify notifications by logging in, selecting Follow management, and then selecting a category (authors, journals, etc). Currently, text versions of the abstracts do not appear. This will be uploaded over the next few weeks. Moving forward, we hope to use MathJax or something analogous to be able to display the abstracts in html. Please be patient, as we work out some of the bugs with the new platform. If you identify something with the new platform that you'd like to see improved then please let us know. As always, if you need to contact ELA, send an email to elamath@uwyo.edu. Sincerely, Bryan L. Shader Editor-in-chief The Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra ************************************************************************** ILAS-NET ************************************************************************** 2014 August 03 ......... ILAS-NET Message No. 2010 ---------------------------------------------------------- CONTRIBUTED ANNOUNCEMENT FROM: Pam Bye SUBJECT: 4th IMA Conference on Numerical Linear Algebra and Optimisation ---------------------------------------------------------- Fourth IMA Conference on NUMERICAL LINEAR ALGEBRA AND OPTIMISATION University of Birmingham, UK 3 � 5 September 2014 The IMA and the University of Birmingham are pleased to announce the Fourth Biennial IMA Conference on Numerical Linear Algebra and Optimisation. The meeting is co-sponsored by SIAM, whose members will receive the IMA members� registration rate. Scope The success of modern methods for large-scale optimisation is heavily dependent on the use of effective tools of numerical linear algebra. On the other hand, many problems in numerical linear algebra lead to linear, nonlinear or semidefinite optimisation problems. The purpose of the conference is to bring together researchers from both communities and to find and communicate points and topics of common interest. Conference topics include any subject that could be of interest to both communities, such as: * Direct and iterative methods for large sparse linear systems. * Eigenvalue computation and optimisation. * Large-scale nonlinear and semidefinite programming. * Effect of round-off errors, stopping criteria, embedded iterative procedures. * Optimisation issues for matrix polynomials * Fast matrix computations. * Compressed/sparse sensing * PDE-constrained optimisation * Applications and real time optimisation Invited speakers Michele Benzi (Emory University) Iain Duff (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory and CERFACS Toulouse) - SIAM UKIE Speaker Michael Friedlander (University of British Columbia) � NAG Distinguished Lecturer Andreas Grothey (University of Edinburgh) Joerg Liesen (TU Berlin) Yuri Nesterov (Universit� Catholique de Louvain) Nancy Nichols (University of Reading) Conference Fees Early Bird Fees*: IMA/SIAM Member: � 265.00 Non-IMA Member: � 370.00 IMA Student Member: � 140.00 Non IMA Student: � 150.00 Early Bird Fees* will be available until Monday 4 August 2014, after which the fees will be: IMA/SIAM Member: � 285.00 Non-IMA Member: � 390.00 Non IMA Student: � 160.00 IMA Student Member: � 170.00 Conference fees include refreshments and lunches throughout the conference, venue facilities and a drinks reception on evening of 3 September. *Early Bird Fees must be paid by Monday 4 August 2014 otherwise the higher price will be implemented. Residential Fee - �70 (includes single en-suite B&B accommodation at Lucas House for the nights of 3 and 4 September 2014). Please contact the IMA directly with regards to additional nights. To register for this event, please visit the conference webpage to download, complete and return the application form. Organising committee Michal Kocvara, University of Birmingham (co-chair) Daniel Loghin, University of Birmingham (co-chair) Jacek Gondzio, University of Edinburgh Nick Gould, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Jennifer Scott, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Francoise Tisseur, University of Manchester Conference venue The conference will be hosted by the University of Birmingham. Talks will take place in the School of Mathematics. Single en suite bed and breakfast accommodation will be available at the nearby Lucas House. Instructions for authors The deadline for abstract submissions has passed. A book of abstracts will be made available to delegates at the conference. For further information or to register your interest, please visit the conference webpage: http://www.ima.org.uk/conferences/conferences_calendar/4th_ima_conference_on_numerical_linear_algebra_and_optimisation.cfm or contact Lizzi Lake, Conference Officer, E-mail: conferences@ima.org.uk, Tel: +44 (0) 1702 354 020, Fax: +44 (0) 1702 354 111, Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, Catherine Richards House, 16 Nelson Street, Southend-on-Sea, Essex, SS1 1EF, UK. In cooperation with the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) and SIAM Activity Group on Linear Algebra Pamela Bye Conference Support Officer Institute of Mathematics and its Applications Tel: 01702 354020 Charity Registration number 1017777 ************************************************************************** ILAS-NET ************************************************************************** 2014 July 29 ......... ILAS-NET Message No. 2009 ---------------------------------------------------------- CONTRIBUTED ANNOUNCEMENT FROM: Peter Semrl SUBJECT: 2014 ILAS Business Meeting ---------------------------------------------------------- You are hereby invited to attend the 2014 ILAS BUSINESS MEETING Thursday, August 7, 2014 at 16:00 International Hall, 2B, 9B217, Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul Agenda: A. Reading of Notice of Meeting. B. Reading of the Minutes of Previous Meeting. C. Report of President and Vice President. D. Report of Secretary/Treasurer. E. Reports of Committees. i) Education Committee (Sang-Gu Lee) ii) Institutional Membership Committee (Steve Butler) iii) Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra (Bryan Shader) iv) IMAGE (Kevin Vander Meulen) F. Transaction of Other Business. i) Future ILAS meetings ii) Any other business G. Adjournment. --------------------------------------------------------- Below are the minutes of the 2013 Business Meeting --------------------------------------------------------- Minutes of the ILAS Board meeting held on June 6, 2013 at 3:30 in the Grand Ballroom, Crowne-Plaza Hotel, Providence, Rhode Island. President Kirkland called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m. About 35 ILAS members were in attendance. A. Reading of notice of meeting. Done by President Kirkland. B. Reading of the minutes from the previous meeting. Minutes of the previous Business Meeting at Braunschweig August 22-26, 2011 were previously circulated on ILAS net. The members in attendance had no questions, and the minutes were approved. C. Report of President and Vice-President Upon consent of those present, and following tradition, the reports of the President and Vice-President were combined into a single report. The report of president and vice president was briefly discussed, and was based upon the written report appearing in issue 50 of IMAGE. In particular, the following items were mentioned. Avi Berman and Volker Mehrmann were elected to the Board of Directors, and Bryan Shader was elected VP, and began their terms March 1, 2013. Thanks were expressed to the Nominating committee- Roger Horn, Naomi Shaked-Monderer, Helena Smigoc (chair), Pauline van den Driessche, and Xiao-Dong Zhang. It was noted that electronic voting ran smoothly. President Kirkland expressed his thanks to outgoing board members Christian Mehl, T.Y. Tam, and VP Chi-Kwong Li. A September 30, 2013 deadline for requests for ILAS Lecturers and ILAS endorsements of meetings was announced. Upcoming changes to ILAS-net and IIC were mentioned. In particular, ILAS will soon have its own domain name: ilasic.org and it is anticipated that by Fall 2013 all IIC functions will move to this domain name. Members were reminded that in the meantime the only updated ILAS website is the one hosted in Regina. D. Report of Secretary/Treasurer. ILAS is in good financial state. Last year there was roughly $12K in income and $8K in expenses. Some expenses for the Rhode Island conference have not yet appeared in the balance sheets. In response to a query for the audience, it was noted that ILAS provided about $5K for student support to the conference. Based on discussions with the Board of Directors, ILAS will begin providing some financial support for administration of ELA. E. Reports of Committees. i. Education Committee (Steve Leon) The committee continues to organize linear algebra sessions at conferences; e.g. ILAS, AMS Joint Math meetings, and SIAM. Avi Berman and Sang-gu Lee organized a successful meeting in June 2012 at the International Congress of Mathematics Education in Seoul. Steve Leon's role as contributing editor for IMAGE will be taken over by David Strong. Sang-gu Lee and Jason Grout are joining forces to oversee the ILAS Education website ii. Institutional Membership Committee (Hugo Woerdemann) The committee is brainstorming ways to foster additional partnerships. They have been active with approaching publishers at meetings, but noted most successful partnerships stem from leverage personal contacts suggested by ILAS members. A broader geographic distribution of institutional members is desired; and contacts with publishers outside the North America and Europe are needed. ILAS offers publishers and companies visibility through a sponsored talk, minisymposium, or reception. The committee is also trying to leverage access to ILAS' strong graduate students to encourage companies to contribute funds for graduate students, e.g. for the Rhode Island meeting, Elsevier provide funds to support five students to present. The committee is also working on ways to bring Linear Algebra more to the foreground, including encouraging special sessions at national meetings, and the pursuit of Linear Algebra themed workshops at institutes such as AIM, BIRS and MSRI. iii. ELA (Bryan Shader) An update on ELA and its plans to move ELA-hosting to Digital Commons was presented. Digital Commons provides institutional repositories for hundreds of university libraries, and offers a professional-grade editorial management system, and fully supported and hosted repository software and hardware. The transition to Digital Commons will occur over the next few months. iv. Report on IMAGE (Kevin Vander Meulen) IMAGE reached a milestone with the publication of its 50th issue in Spring 2013. Jane Day was recognized for many years of contributions to IMAGE. Doug Farenick is taking over for Oskar Baksalary as the editor handling book reviews. David Strong will replace Steve Leon. Oskar and Steve have served IMAGE for 12 and 23 years respectively. IMAGE appreciates contributions to its Problem Corner (overseen by Bojan Kuzma), and suggestions for its Interviews (Carlos Fonseca), and its History of Linear Algebra (Peter Semrl) sections. The next deadline for news items for the fall issue is October 2. Kevin thanked the Editorial Board for their contributions and efforts. G. Transaction of other business i) Future ILAS meetings The 19th ILAS conference will be held August 6-9, 2014 in Suwon, South Korea. This is one week before the International Congress of Mathematics meeting in Seoul. The ILAS conference is an official satellite meeting of the ICM. Organization of the meeting is proceeding well and being led by Suk-geun Hwang. Beyond 2014, as there is a SIAG-LA meeting in 2015, there will be no ILAS meeting in 2015. An outstanding proposal has been accepted by the Board and another proposal is expected. The Board will discuss these proposals for ILAS 2016 and 2017 meetings. Contingent upon acceptance of both proposals, the next open slot for an ILAS meeting is 2019. Anyone interested in exploring hosting an ILAS meeting should contact President Kirkland or a member of the ILAS Board, and be aware that ILAS provides lots of support and expertise to help organizers. ii) Other business President Kirkland noted that the terms of David Watkins and Francoise Tisseur on the ILAS Board of Directors will end in February 2014 and thanked them for their contributions. Jim Weaver provide an update ILAS archival: all ILAS documents, IMAGE and ELA issues are now being archived in UT-Austin's Archives of American Mathematics. H. Adjournment President Kirkland adjourned the meeting at 4:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Bryan L. Shader, Vice President ************************************************************************** ILAS-NET ************************************************************************** 2014 June 16 ......... ILAS-NET Message No. 2008 ---------------------------------------------------------- CONTRIBUTED ANNOUNCEMENT FROM:Carlos Fonseca SUBJECT: Special Matrices ---------------------------------------------------------- Dear colleagues, The journal Special Matrices has adopted an online submission system. All submissions should now go through this process using the website http://www.editorialmanager.com/spma/ The latest papers accepted for publication in Special Matrices are: Inverses and eigenvalues of diamond alternating sign matrices, by M. Catral, M. Lin, D.D. Olesky, P. van den Driessche (to be available soon) A formula for all minors of the adjacency matrix and an application, by R.B. Bapat, A. K. Lal, S. Pati Bilinear characterizations of companion matrices, by M. Lin, H.K. Wimmer http://www.degruyter.com/view/j/spma.2014.2.issue-1/issue-files/spma.2014.2.issue-1.xml Special Matrices is devoted to structured matrices. Best regards, Carlos Fonseca Editor Special Matrices ************************************************************************** ILAS-NET ************************************************************************** 2014 June 10 ......... ILAS-NET Message No. 2007 ---------------------------------------------------------- CONTRIBUTED ANNOUNCEMENT FROM: Kevin Vander Meulen SUBJECT: IMAGE 52 update ---------------------------------------------------------- Dear ILAS members The latest version of IMAGE 52 has been re-posted online. The previous version posted was missing a last revision on the Education Article. My sincere apologies to all, especially to authors Liz Bouzarth and Tim Chartier, as well as education editor, David Strong. Kevin Vander Meulen Editor-in-Chief, IMAGE, the Bulletin of ILAS ************************************************************************** ILAS-NET ************************************************************************** 2014 June 03 ......... ILAS-NET Message No. 2006 ---------------------------------------------------------- CONTRIBUTED ANNOUNCEMENT FROM: William Trench SUBJECT: Free Textbooks by William F. Trench ---------------------------------------------------------- Free Elementary Differential Equations and Real Analysis Textbooks by William F. Trench The following items can be downloaded free of charge from Digital.Commons@Trinity: 1. ELEMENTARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS http://digitalcommons.trinity.edu/mono/8/, previously published by Brooks/Cole Thomson Learning, 2000, 2. ELEMENTARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS WITH BOUNDARY VALUE PROBLEMS, http://digitalcommons.trinity.edu/mono/9/, previously published by Brooks/Cole Thomson Learning, 2000, 3. STUDENT SOLUTIONS MANUAL FOR ELEMENTARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS AND ELEMENTARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS WITH BOUNDARY VALUE PROBLEMS http://digitalcommons.trinity.edu/mono/10/ previously published by Brooks/Cole Thomson Learning, 2000. 4. INTRODUCTION TO REAL ANALYSIS http://digitalcommons.trinity.edu/mono/7/, previously published by Pearson Education, 2003, 5. FUNCTIONS DEFINED BY IMPROPER INTEGRALS http://digitalcommons.trinity.edu/mono/7/, previously published by Harper & Row, 1978, 6. THE METHOD OF LAGRANGE MULTIPLIERS, http://digitalcommons.trinity.edu/mono/7/ previously published by Harper & Row, 1978. These items have all been judged to meet the evaluation criteria set by the Editorial Board of the American Institute of Mathematics in connection with the Institute's Open Textbook Initiative http://www.aimath.org/textbooks. They may be copied, modified, redistributed, translated, and built upon subject to the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/deed.en_G. For further information, see Digital Commons Network / Mathematics Commons http://network.bepress.com/physical-sciences-and-mathematics/mathematics/. The LaTeX source code and graphics files for Items 1-3 are in a zipfile posted on http://digitalcommons.trinity.edu/mono/8/. The LaTeX source code and graphics files for items 3-6 are in a zipfile posted on http://digitalcommons.trinity.edu/mono/7/. Instructor's solutions manuals are available on request to wtrench@trinity.edu, subject to verification of faculty status. They are not licensed under Creative Commons and may not be reproduced, modified, or circulated without my written permission. Please forward this message to colleagues, friends, and students who may be interested. William F. Trench Andrew G. Cowles Distinguished Professor Emeritus Mathematics Department Trinity University wtrench@trinity.edu http://ramanujan.math.trinity.edu/wtrench/index.shtml San Antonio, Texas, USA ************************************************************************** ILAS-NET ************************************************************************** 2014 May 30 ......... ILAS-NET Message No. 2005 ---------------------------------------------------------- CONTRIBUTED ANNOUNCEMENT FROM: Kevin Vander Meulen SUBJECT: IMAGE 52 Can Now Be Read Online ---------------------------------------------------------- Issue 52 of IMAGE, the bulletin of ILAS, can now be obtained online at http://www.ilasic.org/IMAGE/ Issue 52 includes an article on the history of linear algebra in Ireland, an interview of Ludwig Elsner, an education article on ranking teams, another article on the ranking of teams with an unequal number of matches, interesting problem solutions, new problems to try, and more... Enjoy! ************************************************************************** ILAS-NET ************************************************************************** 2014 May 27 ......... ILAS-NET Message No. 2004 ---------------------------------------------------------- CONTRIBUTED ANNOUNCEMENT FROM: Richard Brualdi SUBJECT: Alan Hoffman's 90th Birthday ---------------------------------------------------------- On Friday, May 30, Alan Hoffman will be 90 years old. Alan, who was the first editor-in-chief of "Linear Algebra and its Applications" was born on May 30, 1924. He is an IBM fellow emeritus and was elected to the National Academy of Sciences in 1982. Alan has made many celebrated contributions to linear algebra, combinatorial optimization, and graph theory. Happy Birthday, Alan. ************************************************************************** ILAS-NET ************************************************************************** 2014 May 07 ......... ILAS-NET Message No. 2003 ---------------------------------------------------------- CONTRIBUTED ANNOUNCEMENT FROM: Peter Semrl SUBJECT: ILAS Lectures at Non-ILAS Meetings for 2015 ---------------------------------------------------------- As part of ILAS's commitment to supporting activities in Linear Algebra, the Society maintains a program of ILAS Lectureships at non-ILAS conferences. This is a reminder that there is a deadline of 30 September 2014 for receipt of proposals for sponsorship of ILAS Lectures at non-ILAS meetings taking place in 2015. Further details on the guidelines for proposals can be found at the following link: http://www.ilasic.org/misc/non_ilas_guidelines.html . You may also find information on Hans Schneider ILAS Lecture Fund there. Please note that we will not be able to consider applications submitted after the deadline as it is important to rank all of the proposals in one go. ************************************************************************** ILAS-NET ************************************************************************** 2013 April 28 ......... ILAS-NET Message No. 2002 ---------------------------------------------------------- CONTRIBUTED ANNOUNCEMENT FROM: Richard Brualdi SUBJECT: Hans and Miriam Schneider ---------------------------------------------------------- On Saturday, May 3 there will be a small gathering of friends and family of Hans and Miriam Schneider, at their home, to celebrate their life together. As many of you know, Hans has been having a difficult year with a diagnosis of and treatment for esophageal cancer. He recently spent 10 days in hospital. He is in reasonably good spirits, and still thinking about linear algebra and matrix theory! If anyone would like to send greetings to Hans and Miriam, please send them to me and I will collect them and present them to Hans and Miriam at the gathering. Richard Brualdi (brualdi@math.wisc.edu) ************************************************************************** ILAS-NET ************************************************************************** 2014 April 01 ......... ILAS-NET Message No. 2001 ---------------------------------------------------------- CONTRIBUTED ANNOUNCEMENT FROM: Kevin VanderMeulen SUBJECT: Graph Theory, Matrix Theory and Interactions Conference ---------------------------------------------------------- Conference Announcement: Graph Theory, Matrix Theory and Interactions. A conference to celebrate the scholarship of David A. Gregory to be held at Queen's University, Kingston, ON, Canada June 20-21,2014 The program includes the following speakers: - The Hans Schneider ILAS Lecturer: Shaun Fallat (University of Regina) - Richard Brualdi (University of Wisconsin) - Sebastian Cioaba (University of Delaware) - Randall Elzinga (Royal Military College) - Christ Godsil (University of Waterloo) - Willem Haemers (Tilburg University) - Steve Kirkland (University of Manitoba) - Ram Murty (Queen's University) - Naomi Shaked-Monderer (The Max Stern Yezreel Valley College) - Claude Tardif (Royal Military College) - Edwin van Dam (Tilburg University) - Kevin Vander Meulen (Redeemer University College) - David Wehlau (Queen's University) Researchers representing any aspect of David Gregory's mathematical scholarship are encouraged to attend and propose a presentation. Deadline to apply for student support: April 15, 2014. Deadline to propose a contributed talk: May 20, 2014. Conference Website and Registration: http://www.fields.utoronto.ca/programs/scientific/13-14/interactions/index.html Organizing Committee - Sebastian Cioaba (University of Deleware) - Ram Murty (Queen's University) - Bryan Shader (University of Wyoming) - Claude Tardif (Royal Military College) - Kevin Vander Meulen (Redeemer University College) - David Wehlau (Queen's University) The Organizing Committee gratefully acknowledges support from the Fields Insitute for Research in Mathematical Sciences, the International Linear Algebra Society, and the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Queen's University. ************************************************************************** ILAS-NET ************************************************************************** 2014 March 31 ......... ILAS-NET Message No. 2000 ---------------------------------------------------------- CONTRIBUTED ANNOUNCEMENT FROM: Peter Semrl SUBJECT: 2014 SIAM Fellows ---------------------------------------------------------- The Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) has recently announced its 2014 SIAM Fellows, and among those named are Professors Valeria Simoncini from Universita di Bologna and Zdenek Strakos from Charles University in Prague. Both long-time ILAS members were recognized for substantial contributions to Numerical Linear Algebra. On behalf of ILAS, I extend congratulations to Valeria and Zdenek for this well-deserved honour. ************************************************************************** ILAS-NET ************************************************************************** 2014 March 30 ......... ILAS-NET Message No. 1999 ---------------------------------------------------------- CONTRIBUTED ANNOUNCEMENT FROM: Tin-Yau Tam SUBJECT: Alabama Journal of Mathematics ---------------------------------------------------------- Tin-Yau Tam of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics of Auburn University http://www.auburn.edu/~tamtiny has recently taken up the position of the Editor-in-Chief of the Alabama Journal of Mathematics http://ajmonline.org/ The Alabama Journal of Mathematics is an online and open access journal. It is published under the auspices of the Alabama Council of Teachers of Mathematics (ACTM) and the Alabama Association of College Teachers of Mathematics (AACTM). The Alabama Journal of Mathematics is designed to meet a number of needs of the mathematics community in the State of Alabama. Specifically, the intent of the Journal is to knit together the various components of this mathematical community. As such, the journal includes research articles in mathematics and mathematics education appropriate for a general audience and activities and problems for K-16 mathematics teachers. The journal has multiple sections in each volume including mathematics research, mathematics education research, and classroom activities. Submissions to the journal are welcome. See http://ajmonline.org/authors.php for submission instruction. ************************************************************************** ILAS-NET ************************************************************************** 2014 March 18 ......... ILAS-NET Message No. 1998 ---------------------------------------------------------- CONTRIBUTED ANNOUNCEMENT FROM: Shaun Fallat SUBJECT: Western Canada Linear Algebra Meeting ---------------------------------------------------------- Final Announcement Western Canada Linear Algebra Meeting University of Regina, Regina May 10-11, 2014 The Western Canada Linear Algebra Meeting (WCLAM) provides an opportunity for mathematicians in western Canada working in linear algebra and related fields to meet present accounts of their recent research, and to have informal discussions. While the meeting has a regional base, it also attracts people from outside the geographical area. Participation is open to anyone who is interested in attending or speaking at the meeting. The WCLAM '14 will be held at the University of Regina in Regina on May 10-11 and the program will include the following four featured speakers: � Joel Friedman, University of British Columbia � Roger Horn, University of Utah � Mitja Mastnak, Saint Mary's University � Maya Mincheva, Northern Illinois University (ILAS Lecturer) ________________________________________ Contributed Lectures/Posters: Participants who wish to present a 25-minute lecture or a poster should send a title/abstract to: western.canada.linear.algebra.meeting@uregina.ca Deadline for Abstract submission: 15 April 2014. To register, email western.canada.linear.algebra.meeting@uregina.ca and include the following information: � Your name and institution. � Your position (faculty member, postdoctoral researcher, graduate student, undergraduate student). � Whether you will or will not attend the banquet (evening of May 10). (There will be an extra charge for the banquet. Please indicate if you are bringing a guest.) � Whether you plan to give a talk or present a poster. (Your title/abstract can be submitted with the registration or separately.) Registration Fee: $30 (Canadian), payable by cash or cheque (made out to the University of Regina) at the meeting. Please register by 30 April 2014. Further information about Regina, the University and accommodation while attending WCLAM 2014 can be found at the conference website: http://uregina.ca/~abstsubm/index.html ________________________________________ WCLAM Organising Committee � Shaun Fallat (Regina) � Hadi Kharaghani (Lethbridge) � Steve Kirkland (Manitoba) � Peter Lancaster (Calgary) � Michael Tsatsomeros (Washington State) � Pauline van den Driessche (Victoria) Local Organising Committee � Shaun Fallat (Regina) � Douglas Farenick (Regina) The WCLAM Organising Committee gratefully acknowledges the generous support for this meeting provided by The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences, the International Linear Algebra Society, the Department of Mathematics & Statistics, the Faculty of Science, and the President�s Office at the University of Regina. ************************************************************************** ILAS-NET ************************************************************************** 2014 March 18 ......... ILAS-NET Message No. 1997 ---------------------------------------------------------- CONTRIBUTED ANNOUNCEMENT FROM: Suk-Geun Hwang SUBJECT: ILAS 2014 Accommodation Support for Grad Students & Post Docs ---------------------------------------------------------- Accommodation Support for Graduate Students and Post Doctors The LOC of ILAS 2014 conference will provide some free shared accommodation at the International House of Sungkyunkwan University for graduate students and post doctors who give talks at the conference. Each room will be shared by two persons and is available for a maximum of 5 nights starting August 5 (Tuesday), 2014. The number of rooms reserved may or may not be sufficient bacause we do not have exact statistics yet. The decision will be made by first come first served basis in case that the number of applicants exceeds the availability. Those who are interested in this offer are asked to apply a room reservation by sending e-mail to Prof. Gi-Sang Cheon(gscheon@skku.edu), one of the LOC members. Each applicant has to provide the following informations with his/her application: 1. full name 2. e-mail address 2. nationality 3. gender 4. status(student /post doc) 5. supervisor's name and affiliation 7. title of talk at the conference 8. a copy of uploaded abstract 9. check-in and check-out dates. The application has to be received by the date Apr. 15, 2014. You can also find this information in the official webpage http://www.ilas2014.org/ of ILAS 2014. ************************************************************************** ILAS-NET ************************************************************************** 2014 March 17 ......... ILAS-NET Message No. 1996 ---------------------------------------------------------- CONTRIBUTED ANNOUNCEMENT FROM: Suk-Geun Hwang SUBJECT: ILAS 2014 Announcement ---------------------------------------------------------- Deadlines of some important actions for ILAS 2014 have been extended as follows: 1. The Early bird Registration: April 30, 2014. 2. Registration: May 31, 2014. 3. The abstract submission: April 15, 2014. If you have not submitted yours yet or want to modify an existing submission, please use this opportunity to share your research with participants of ILAS 2014. You can find these changes in the official webpage http://www.ilas2014.org/ of ILAS 2014. ************************************************************************** ILAS-NET ************************************************************************** 2014 March 12 ......... ILAS-NET Message No. 1995 ---------------------------------------------------------- CONTRIBUTED ANNOUNCEMENT FROM: Valeria Simoncini SUBJECT: Summer School June, 2015 ---------------------------------------------------------- First Announcement. During the week of 21-26 June 2015, the C.I.M.E. Foundation will organize the following Summer School at the Hotel S. Michele in Cetraro (Calabria, Italy, http://www.sanmichele.it): "Exploiting Hidden Structure in Matrix Computations. Algorithms and Applications" with the following lecturers: Michele Benzi (Emory University, USA) Dario Bini (Universita' di Pisa, Italy) Daniel Kressner (EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland) Hans Munthe-Kaas (University of Bergen, Norway) Charles Van Loan (Cornell University, USA) More information will be available in the next few months. The Directors of the school Michele Benzi and Valeria Simoncini ************************************************************************** ILAS-NET ************************************************************************** 2014 March 11 ......... ILAS-NET Message No. 1994 ---------------------------------------------------------- CONTRIBUTED ANNOUNCEMENT FROM: Ilse Ipsen SUBJECT: Graduate Student Modeling Workshop (IMSM 2014), July 2014 ---------------------------------------------------------- The 19th Industrial Mathematical & Statistical Modeling (IMSM) Workshop for Graduate Students will take place at North Carolina State University, 14-22 July 2014. The workshop is sponsored by the Statistical and Applied Mathematical Science Institute (SAMSI) together with the Center for Research in Scientific Computation (CRSC) and the Department of Mathematics at North Carolina State University. The IMSM workshop exposes graduate students in mathematics, engineering, and statistics to exciting real-world problems from industry and government. The workshop will provide students with experience in a research team environment and exposure to possible career opportunities. Local expenses and travel expenses will be covered for students at US institutions. The application deadline is 15 April 2014. Information is available at http://www.samsi.info/IMSM14 and questions can be directed to grad@samsi.info With best regards, Ilse Ipsen, Pierre Gremaud, and Ralph Smith ************************************************************************** ILAS-NET ************************************************************************** 2014 March 11 ......... ILAS-NET Message No. 1993 ---------------------------------------------------------- CONTRIBUTED ANNOUNCEMENT FROM: Kevin Vander Meulen SUBJECT: Send News and Articles for IMAGE Issue 52 ---------------------------------------------------------- Deadline: April 2, 2014. IMAGE seeks to publish all news of interest to the linear algebra community. Send your items directly to the appropriate person: Problems and Solutions to Bojan Kuzma (bojan.kuzma@upr.si) History of Linear Algebra to Naomi Shaked-Monderer (nomi@tx.technion.ac.il) Book Reviews to Douglas Farenick (Doug.Farenick@uregina.ca) Linear Algebra Education news to David Strong (David.Strong@pepperdine.edu) Announcements and Reports of Conferences, Workshops and Journals to Minerva Catral (catralm@xavier.edu) Interviews of Senior Linear Algebraists to Carlos Fonseca (cmf@mat.uc.pt) Advertisements to Amy Wehe (awehe@fitchburgstate.edu) Feature articles to Michael Cavers (mscavers@gmail.com) All other news to Kevin N. Vander Meulen (kvanderm@redeemer.ca). Deadline for submission is April 2, 2014 IMAGE Issue 52 is scheduled to be published online June 1, 2014. Kevin N. Vander Meulen, Editor-in-Chief, IMAGE ************************************************************************** ILAS-NET ************************************************************************** 2014 March 10 ......... ILAS-NET Message No. 1992 ---------------------------------------------------------- CONTRIBUTED ANNOUNCEMENT FROM: Peter Semrl SUBJECT: ILAS Board of Directors Update ---------------------------------------------------------- My three-year term as ILAS President begun on March 1. I had been previously elected to the Board of Directors for the period 2012-2015. This position on the Board has been empty since March 1 and now Eugene Tyrtyshnikov has been appointed to the Board for the period March 1, 2014 - February 28, 2015. ************************************************************************** ILAS-NET ************************************************************************** 2014 March 04 ......... ILAS-NET Message No. 1991 ---------------------------------------------------------- CONTRIBUTED ANNOUNCEMENT FROM: Pam Bye SUBJECT: 4th IMA Conference on Numerical Linear Algebra and Optimisation ---------------------------------------------------------- Fourth IMA Conference on NUMERICAL LINEAR ALGEBRA AND OPTIMISATION University of Birmingham, UK 3 - 5 September 2014 The IMA and the University of Birmingham are pleased to announce the Fourth Biennial IMA Conference on Numerical Linear Algebra and Optimisation. The meeting is co-sponsored by SIAM, whose members will receive the IMA members' registration rate. Scope The success of modern methods for large-scale optimisation is heavily dependent on the use of effective tools of numerical linear algebra. On the other hand, many problems in numerical linear algebra lead to linear, nonlinear or semidefinite optimisation problems. The purpose of the conference is to bring together researchers from both communities and to find and communicate points and topics of common interest. Conference topics include any subject that could be of interest to both communities, such as: * Direct and iterative methods for large sparse linear systems. * Eigenvalue computation and optimisation. * Large-scale nonlinear and semidefinite programming. * Effect of round-off errors, stopping criteria, embedded iterative procedures. * Optimisation issues for matrix polynomials * Fast matrix computations. * Compressed/sparse sensing * PDE-constrained optimisation * Applications and real time optimisation Invited speakers Michele Benzi (Emory University) Iain Duff (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory and CERFACS Toulouse) - SIAM UKIE Speaker Michael Friedlander (University of British Columbia) Andreas Grothey (University of Edinburgh) Joerg Liesen (TU Berlin) Yuri Nesterov (Universit� Catholique de Louvain) Nancy Nichols (University of Reading) Organising committee Michal Kocvara, University of Birmingham (co-chair) Daniel Loghin, University of Birmingham (co-chair) Jacek Gondzio, University of Edinburgh Nick Gould, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Jennifer Scott, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Francoise Tisseur, University of Manchester Conference venue The conference will be hosted by the University of Birmingham. Talks will take place in the School of Mathematics. Single en suite bed and breakfast accommodation will be available at the nearby Lucas House. Instructions for authors Mini-symposium proposals and contributed talks are invited on all aspects of numerical linear algebra and optimisation. Mini-symposium proposals should be submitted to conferences@ima.org.uk by 31 March 2014. Organisers will be advised of acceptance by 10 April 2014. Contributed talks and mini-symposia talks will be accepted on the basis of a one page extended abstract which should be submitted by 30 April 2014 by e-mail to conferences@ima.org.uk. Authors will be advised of acceptance by 30 May 2014. A book of abstracts will be made available to delegates at the conference. For further information or to register your interest, please visit the conference webpage: http://www.ima.org.uk/conferences/conferences_calendar/4th_ima_conference_on_numerical_linear_algebra_and_optimisation.cfm or contact Lizzi Lake, Conference Officer, E-mail: conferences@ima.org.uk, Tel: +44 (0) 1702 354 020, Fax: +44 (0) 1702 354 111, Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, Catherine Richards House, 16 Nelson Street, Southend-on-Sea, Essex, SS1 1EF, UK. SIAM in cooperation with the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) and SIAM Activity Group on Linear Algebra ************************************************************************** ILAS-NET ************************************************************************** 2014 February 28 ......... ILAS-NET Message No. 1990 ---------------------------------------------------------- CONTRIBUTED ANNOUNCEMENT FROM: Stephen Kirkland SUBJECT: Message from the Outgoing ILAS President ---------------------------------------------------------- Today marks the end of my second term as ILAS President. It has been an honour to serve ILAS over the past six years, and during that time I have been supported by the many dedicated ILAS members with whom I have worked. It is inspiring indeed to see so many members volunteer their time and energy to strengthen ILAS and to advance linear algebra. Linear algebra is a thriving discipline, and it's part of ILAS's mission to keep it so. As my successor Peter Semrl begins his term as President, I am confident in the knowledge that ILAS is in good hands, and I look forward to seeing the Society flourish under Peter's leadership. ************************************************************************** ILAS-NET ************************************************************************** 2014 February 28 ......... ILAS-NET Message No. 1989 ---------------------------------------------------------- CONTRIBUTED ANNOUNCEMENT FROM: Sakunta Pati SUBJECT: ICLAA-2014 in Honor of Professor Ravindra B. Bapat on His 60th Birthday ---------------------------------------------------------- International Conference on Linear Algebra & its Applications(ICLAA-2014) Department of Statistics Manipal University, Manipal 6th Floor, Health Science Library Building Manipal, 574104, Karnataka, INDIA. December 18-20, 2014 The theme of conference shall focus on (i) Matrix Methods in Statistics, (ii) Combinatorial Matrix Theory and (iii) Classical Matrix Theory covering different aspects of Linear Algebra. The topic 'Matrix Methods in Statistics' is a branch of mathematics containing a variety of challenging problems in linear statistical models and statistical inference having applications in various branches of applied statistics such as natural sciences, medicine, economics, electrical engineering, Markov chains, digital signal processing, pattern recognition and neural networks to name a few. Advances in combinatorial matrix theory were motivated by a wide range of subjects such as Networks, Chemistry, Genetics, Bioinformatics, Computer Science, and Information Technology etc. The area of classical matrix theory and combinatorial matrix theory interact with each other, which is evident from the interplay between graphs and matrices. The generalized inverses of matrices such as the incidence matrix and Laplacian matrix are mathematically interesting and have great practical significance. This conference is in sequence to the conference 'CMTGIM 2012' held in Manipal during January, 2012. The conference shall provide a platform for leading mathematicians, statisticians, and applied mathematicians working around the globe in the theme area to discuss several research issues on the topic and to introduce new innovations. The main goal of the conference is to bring experts, researchers, and students together and those to present recent developments in this dynamic and important field. The conference also aims to stimulate research and support the interaction between the scientists by creating an environment for participants to exchange ideas and to initiate collaborations or professional partnerships. A day in honor of R.B. Bapat: The theme of conference is same as the research interest of eminent scientist 'Prof. Ravindra B. Bapat' of Indian Statistical Institute, Delhi. The conference will also provide a platform to all his contemporaries to come together to serve the objectives of the conference on the occasion of Prof. Bapat�s 60th birthday and the conference provides an opportunity to the young scholars around the nation, who will be the asset to the future generation, to join the team of eminent scientists. Committees for ICLAA - 2014 Chief Patrons: M. Ramdas Pai (Chancellor, Manipal University) H.S. Ballal (Pro-Chancellor, Manipal University) Patrons: K. Ramnarayan (Vice Chancellor, Manipal University) H. Vinod Bhat (Pro-Vice Chancellor, Manipal University) G.K. Prabhu (Registrar, Manipal University) Advisory Committee: R. Balakrishnan, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli N. Eagambaram, Former DDG, CSO, MOSPI T.E.S. Raghavan, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago Sharad S. Sane, Department of Mathematics, IIT Bombay, Mumbai V.S. Sunder, Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai N. Sreekumaran Nair, Professor & Head, Department of Statistics, Manipal University Scientific Advisory Committee: Rajendra Bhatia, Indian Statistical Institute, Delhi Steve Kirkland, University of Manitoba, Canada K. Manjunatha Prasad, Manipal University- Convener Simo Puntanen, University of Tampere, Finland National Organizing Committee: Parameshwara Bhat, Department of Mathematics, Mangalore University Sam Johnson, National Institute of Technology, Karnataka Arbind K Lal, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur V. Parameswaran, DDG, NSSO-MOSPI, Pune Sukanta Pati, Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati Sivaramakrishnan Sivasubramanian, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay Local Organizing Committee: H. Vinod Bhat, Pro-Vice Chancellor, Manipal University � Chairman N. Sreekumaran Nair, Professor & Head, Department of Statistics, Manipal University K. Manjunatha Prasad, Department of Statistics, Manipal University - Organizing Secretary Sreemathi Mayya, Department of Statistics, Manipal University, Manipal C. Ramesha, Department of Mathematics, MIT, Manipal G. Sudhakara, Department of Mathematics, MIT, Manipal Badri Narayanan, Director, Purchase & General Services, Manipal University, Manipal Jagadish Nayak, Director, Finance, Manipal University, Manipal Alexander Chandy, Director, PR & Media Communications, Manipal University, Manipal Last date for submission of application for registration: 31st October, 2014 All the participants are encouraged to submit the articles for oral/poster presentations. Last date for submission of abstract 30th September 2014 Registration Fee: Indian academic/ industrial delegate: INR 3000/- per delegates Indian Student delegate: INR 1500/- per delegate International delegate: $ 350 / � 275 per delegate The registration fee mentioned above includes conference kit, lunch, tea and a decent accommodation at guest house/shared flats/hostel/FIVV. Delegates seeking registration under student category should produce a letter of recommendation from HOD at their parent institution or an ID proof at the time of registration. Students from nearby institutions not seeking accommodation may register for the programme under the following category. Student delegate (without accommodation): INR 1000/- How to apply: Delegates may apply for registration by submitting the application through online: http://conference.manipal.edu/ICLAA2014/ or by sending necessary details to the following address in the prescribed format along with crossed DD for the prescribed amount drawn in favor of �Manipal University conference/workshop� payable at Manipal or Udupi. Organizing Secretary ICLAA - 2014 Department of Statistics Level VI, Health Science Library Building Manipal University, Manipal Karnataka, 574 104 INDIA. Accommodation: Participants who like to have their own arrangement for accommodation may find hotel rooms with tariffs ranges from INR 400/- to INR 6,500/- per day. Basic information may be obtained from the organizers to contact the hotels directly for accommodation. About Manipal University & Department of Statistics Manipal University has been imparting world class education for over 60 years and students from over 50 countries study here. University is situated at the rocky yet lush green hinterland of Malabar Coast. It is home to one of the best libraries and also to one of the finest anatomy museums in the world and what more; it has fully equipped campuses, research center of national repute, and above all a perfect harmony with nature. For more details, visit: http://www.manipal.edu/ The Department of Statistics was established in August 1, 2006 and offers courses in M.Sc. Biostatistics (4 semesters), Certificate course in Biostatistics, Epidemiology & Research Methodology (6 months), and Doctoral Programs. The department also conducts a continuing executive education programme for Biostatisticians working with industry. The department has state of the art computational facility equipped with SPSS, STATA and SAS. For more details visit the webpage: http://www.manipal.edu/institutions/universitydepartments/statistics/pages/welcome.aspx How to Reach Manipal? Manipal is well connected with every major city of Karnataka and neighboring states. Nearest Railway Station: Udupi railway station is located just about 4 kilometers from Manipal city and well connected with all major cities of India. Nearest Airport: Mangalore airport is about 60 kilometer by road from Manipal and it is an international airport well connected with Mumbai and Bengaluru. Weather at Manipal in December: Winter at Manipal is quite pleasant and the temperature will be in the range of 20 deg F � 35 deg F (min-max). For more details, kindly contact: Dr. K. Manjunatha Prasad Dr. N. Sreekumaran Nair Organizing Secretary, ICLAA 2014 Professor & Head Ph: +91 9980100886 Ph: +91 87228 47480 Email: km.prasad@manipal.edu Email: sree.nair@manipal.edu Department of Statistics Manipal University, Manipal Phone: 0820 � 2922407; Email: iclaa2014@manipal.edu ; stats.mahe@manipal.edu ************************************************************************** ILAS-NET ************************************************************************** 2014 February 24 ......... ILAS-NET Message No. 1988 ---------------------------------------------------------- CONTRIBUTED ANNOUNCEMENT FROM: Stephen Kirkland SUBJECT: Hans Schneider ILAS Lecture Fund ---------------------------------------------------------- We are pleased to announce the establishment of the Hans Schneider ILAS Lecture Fund, which is supported by a generous donation from ILAS's founding President, Hans Schneider. The Fund supports one speaker per year to give a lecture on linear algebra (and possibly its applications to or connections with a related discipline) at a non-ILAS meeting. The Hans Schneider ILAS Lecture is expected to be one of ILAS's signature programmes, and consequently, the Lecture will be given by a researcher with strong expository skills whose work represents linear algebra at its highest level. The Hans Schneider ILAS Lecture will enhance ILAS's existing programme of support for ILAS lectures at non-ILAS meetings. Each year, the ILAS Board of Directors will evaluate proposals for ILAS Lectures at non-ILAS meetings. The top ranked proposal will be identified as the Hans Schneider ILAS Lecture, and the lecturer so designated will be funded at an increased level. Additional contributions to the Hans Schneider ILAS Lecture Fund are most welcome; the ILAS membership renewal and donation form will be updated to include the Fund. We take this opportunity to thanks Hans for his unwavering support of Linear Algebra in general, and of ILAS in particular. Leslie Hogben, Steve Kirkland and Bryan Shader, ILAS Executive ************************************************************************** ILAS-NET ************************************************************************** 2014 February 11 ......... ILAS-NET Message No. 1987 ---------------------------------------------------------- CONTRIBUTED ANNOUNCEMENT FROM: Zhong-Zhi Bai SUBJECT: Fifth International Conference on Numerical Algebra and Scientific Computing ---------------------------------------------------------- The Fifth International Conference on Numerical Algebra and Scientific Computing (NASC 2014) Department of Mathematics Tongji University Shanghai, P.R. China October 25 (Sat.)---29 (Wed.), 2014 NASC is an international conference organized by the Chinese numerical algebra group starting from 2006. The conference highlights recent advances in theoretical, computational and practical aspects of linear and nonlinear numerical algebra. The aim of the conference is to gather numerical algebra and scientific computing experts to exchange ideas and discuss future developments and trends of these related fields. The topics of NASC 2014 include, but are not limited to: solutions of linear and nonlinear equations; least-squares problems; computations of eigenvalue problems; tensor decompositions and computations; parallel computations; constructions and analyses of preconditioners; methods and theories of structured matrices; and applications of numerical algebraic techniques and algorithms. An important event during the conference is the award of the Applied Numerical Algebra (ANA) Prize which is awarded to the two best papers by young Chinese scientists working on numerical algebra and scientific computing. The registration fee for the conference is USD 350 (USD 300 for each spouse), which should be paid in cash at the conference. It includes lunches during the conference, a banquet, and the conference proceedings. IMPORTANT DATES: June 30th, 2014: Deadline for submission of extended abstracts July 15th, 2014: Notification of acceptance October 24th (Fri.), 2014: Registration October 25th (Sat.)�29th (Wed.), 2014: Conference NASC 2014 June 30th, 2014: Deadline for application of the ANA Prize INVITED KEYNOTE SPEAKERS: Zheng-Jian Bai (Xiamen University, CHINA) Martin J. Gander (University of Geneva, SWITZERLAND) Chen Greif (The University of British Columbia, CANADA) Ilse C.F. Ipsen (North Carolina State University, USA) Gerard Meurant (Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique, FRANCE) Alison Ramage (University of Strathclyde, UK) Lothar Reichel (Kent State University, USA) Kees Vuik (Delft University of Technology, THE NETHERLANDS) Zeng-Qi Wang (Shanghai Jiaotong University, CHINA) Walter Zulehner (Johannes Kepler University, AUSTRIA) SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE: Zhong-Ci Shi (Chair) (Chinese Academy of Sciences, CHINA) Zhong-Zhi Bai (Chinese Academy of Sciences, CHINA) Raymond H. Chan (Chinese University of Hong Kong, HONG KONG) Chen Greif (The University of British Columbia, CANADA) Ken Hayami (National Institute of Informatics, JAPAN) Ilse C.F. Ipsen (North Carolina State University, USA) Lev A. Krukier (The Southern Federal University, RUSSIA) Tian-Gang Lei (National Natural Science Foundation, CHINA) Galina V. Muratova (The Southern Federal University, RUSSIA) Maya G. Neytcheva (Uppsala University, SWEDEN) Lothar Reichel (Kent State University, USA) Miro Rozloznik (Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, CZECH) Axel Ruhe (KTH Stockholm, SWEDEN) Bo Yu (Dalian University of Technology, CHINA) Walter Zulehner (Johannes Kepler University, AUSTRIA) ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: Zhong-Zhi Bai (Chinese Academy of Sciences, CHINA) Bao-Jun Bian (Tongji University, CHINA) Jian-Yu Pan (The East China Normal University, CHINA) Zeng-Qi Wang (Shanghai Jiaotong University, CHINA) Cheng-Long Xu (Tongji University, CHINA) Jun-Feng Yin (Tongji University, CHINA) SPONSORSHIP: Tongji University Chinese Academy of Sciences National Natural Science Foundation of China Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences The Chinese Mathematical Society INSTRUCTION TO AUTHORS: Persons who wish to submit a paper should send an extended abstract to Mr. Cun- Qiang Miao at the contacting address given below before June 30th, 2014. The extended abstract should be a Latex file of 1�2 pages in double spaced A4 papers printed with Latex. Authors of all accepted papers will be noticed by July 15th, 2014. Contacting Address: Mr. Cun-Qiang Miao Institute of Computational Mathematics Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science Chinese Academy of Sciences P.O. Box 2719, Beijing 100190, P.R. China Email: miaocunqiang@lsec.cc.ac.cn PROCEEDINGS: The proceedings will be published as a special issue on �BIT Numerical Mathematics� (Springer, ISSN: 0006-3835). Papers in the proceedings will be refereed by the usual review procedure of the journal. ************************************************************************** ILAS-NET ************************************************************************** 2014 February 10 ......... ILAS-NET Message No. 1986 ---------------------------------------------------------- CONTRIBUTED ANNOUNCEMENT FROM: Erxiong Jiang SUBJECT: Eleventh International Conference on Matrix Theory and Applications ---------------------------------------------------------- The Eleventh International Conference on Matrix Theory and Applications Linyi University, Linyi, Shandong, P.R. China June 13-16, 2014 The Eleventh International Conference on Matrix Theory and Applications will be held in Linyi University, Linyi City, Shandong Province, P.R. China, during June 13-16, 2014. The conference aims at enhancing academic communication and promoting research level among scholars in China and abroad interested in matrix theory, methods and computations as well as their applications, and provides a friendly platform for senior researchers and young scientists to exchange ideas on recent developments in the relevant areas. The conference is co-organized by Shanghai University, and Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). The local organizing institution is Linyi University. Conference Chairs Er-Xiong Jiang (Shanghai University, China) Zhong-Zhi Bai (Chinese Academy of Sciences , China) Scientific Committee Feng-Shan Bai (Tsinghua Univ, China) Zhong-Zhi Bai (CAS, China) Daniele Bertaccini (Univ Roma, Italy) Chang-Jiang Bu (Harbin Engrg Univ, China) Sou-Cheng Choi (Univ Chicago, USA) Chuan-Qing Gu (Shanghai Univ, China) Li-Ping Huang (Changsha Univ Sci Tech, China) Er-Xiong Jiang (Shanghai Univ, China) Zhao-Lin Jiang (Linyi Univ, China) Tian-Gang Lei (Natural Science Foundation, China) Wen Li (South China Normal Univ, China) Xin-Guo Liu (Ocean Univ China, China) Marielba Rojas (Delft Univ Tech, The Netherlands) Miroslav Rozloznik (Academy Sci Czech Republic, Czech) Qin-Wen Wang (Shanghai Univ, China) Guo-Feng Zhang (Lanzhou Univ, China) Jian-Li Zhao (Liaocheng Univ, China) Invited Speakers Daniele Bertaccini (Univ Roma, Italy) Sou-Cheng Choi (Univ Chicago, USA) Hua Dai (Nanjing Univ Aeron Astron, China) Yong-Jian Hu (Beijing Normal Univ) Li-Ping Huang (Changsha Univ Sci Tech, China) Marielba Rojas (Delft Univ Tech, The Netherlands) Miroslav Rozloznik (Academy Sci Czech Republic, Czech) Chuan-Long Wang (Taiyuan Normal Univ) Mu-Sheng Wei (Shanghai Normal Univ, China) Jun-Feng Yin (Tongji Univ, China) Organizing Committee Chuan-Qing Gu (Chair, Shanghai Univ, Shanghai, China) Zhong-Zhi Bai (CAS, Beijing, China) Tong-Song Jiang (Linyi Univ, Shangdong, China) Zhao-Lin Jiang (Linyi Univ, Shandong, China) Zhi-Ru Ren (CAS, Beijing, China) Ying Su (Shanghai Univ, Shanghai, China) Supporting Institutions Linyi University Shanghai University Academy of mathematics and Systems Science, CAS ************************************************************************** ILAS-NET ************************************************************************** 2014 January 30 ......... ILAS-NET Message No. 1985 ---------------------------------------------------------- CONTRIBUTED ANNOUNCEMENT FROM: Julio Moro SUBJECT: Joint ALAMA - GAMM/ANLA Meeting, Barcelona July 2014, 1st Announcement ---------------------------------------------------------- First announcement: Joint ALAMA - GAMM/ANLA Meeting on Linear Algebra, Matrix Analysis and Applications, Barcelona (Spain), July 14th - 16th 2014 This is both the fourth edition of the biennial meeting of the spanish Linear Algebra and Matrix Analysis thematic network ALAMA, and the fourteenth edition of the annual workshop of the GAMM Activity Group on Applied and Numerical Linear Algebra , GAMM/ANLA. The goal of this meeting is to bring together scientists whose research interests are close to Matrix Theory, to either Core, Applied or Numerical Linear Algebra, or to any of their respective applications in different scientific areas. The aim is to discuss recent developments, promote cross-discipline interaction, and to foster new insights and collaborations. In this occasion, the meeting is held in honor of Juan-Miguel Gracia, one of the pioneers of Matrix Theory in Spain, and one of the founders of the research group in Matrix analysis and Applications of the University of the Basque Country. He was also the first Coordinator of the ALAMA Network at the moment of its foundation in september 2007, and served as its first president for two years. Invited speakers are: Mar�a Bras - Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Spain Geir Dahl - University of Oslo, Norway (ILAS Speaker) Melina Freitag - University of Bath, UK Juan-Miguel Gracia - Universidad del Pa�s Vasco, Spain Volker Grimm - Karlsruhe Institut f�r Technologie, Germany Contributed talks are welcome, deadline: April 15th, 2014 Deadline for reduced registration fee: April 30th, 2014 Further details, in particular on the registration process and abstract submission, are available at http://www.cimne.com/alama-gamm We look forward to welcoming you in Barcelona! M. Dolors Magret (Universitat Polit�cnica de Catalunya) Daniel Kressner (�cole Polytechnique F�d�rale de Lausanne) ************************************************************************** ILAS-NET ************************************************************************** 2014 January 23 ......... ILAS-NET Message No. 1984 ---------------------------------------------------------- CONTRIBUTED ANNOUNCEMENT FROM: Peter Semrl SUBJECT: Message from ILAS President-Elect ---------------------------------------------------------- Dear ILAS members, I would like to thank you for the support at the ILAS elections. I am happy to have Steve Kirkland, Bryan Shader, Leslie Hogben, and many others to help me to take up the presidency and I am looking forward to the job ahead. Peter Semrl ************************************************************************** ILAS-NET ************************************************************************** 2014 January 22 ......... ILAS-NET Message No. 1983 ---------------------------------------------------------- CONTRIBUTED ANNOUNCEMENT FROM: Stephen Kirkland SUBJECT: ILAS Election Results ---------------------------------------------------------- The ballots for this year's ILAS elections have now been counted, with the following results: Peter Semrl has been elected to the position of President for a three-year term, beginning on March 1, 2014; and Froilan Dopico and Michael Overton have been elected to three-year terms as members of the ILAS Board, beginning on March 1, 2014. On behalf of ILAS, I take this opportunity to thank the members of the Nominating Committee - Shaun Fallat, Heike Fassbender, Roger Horn (chair), Zdenek Strakos and Yimin Wei - for their efforts on behalf of ILAS, and also to thank all of the nominees for their participation in the election. Steve Kirkland ILAS President ************************************************************************** ILAS-NET ************************************************************************** 2014 January 15 ......... ILAS-NET Message No. 1982 ---------------------------------------------------------- CONTRIBUTED ANNOUNCEMENT FROM: Joab Winkler SUBJECT: Linear Algebra and Its Applications Special Issue ---------------------------------------------------------- Linear Algebra and its Applications is pleased to announce a special issue devoted to papers presented at the conference 'Structured Numerical Linear and Multilinear Algebra: Analysis, Algorithms and Applications', to be held in Kalamata, Greece from September 8 to September 12, 2014. Papers should be based on talks given at the conference. The deadline for submission is December 31 2014, and papers will be refereed according to LAA's usual standards. Papers should be submitted via the Elsevier submission system http://ees.elsevier.com/laa/ choosing any of the special editors: Dario Bini, Department of Mathematics, The University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy. bini@dm.unipi.it Marilena Mitrouli, Department of Mathematics, The University of Athens, Athens, Greece. mmitroul@math.uoa.gr Marc Van Barel, Department of Computer Science, Catholic University of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium. marc.vanbarel@cs.kuleuven.be Joab Winkler, Department of Computer Science, The University of Sheffield, Sheffield, United Kingdom. j.winkler@dcs.shef.ac.uk The responsible editor-in-chief is: Volker Mehrmann, Inst. f. Mathematics, TU Berlin, Berlin, Germany mehrmann@math.tu-berlin.de ************************************************************************** ILAS-NET ************************************************************************** 2014 January 13 ......... ILAS-NET Message No. 1981 ---------------------------------------------------------- CONTRIBUTED ANNOUNCEMENT FROM: Fuzhen Zhang SUBJECT: ILAS 2014 Contributed Minisymposia 2nd Announcement ---------------------------------------------------------- Invitations for Contributed Minisymposia at ILAS 2014 Conference: 2nd announcement. This is the 2nd (and the final) invitation for Contributed Minisymposia at the ILAS 2014 Conference. The 19th International Linear Algebra Society (ILAS) Conference will be held in SEOUL, KOREA, on the main campus of Sungkyunkwan University (please note the change of the conference site), from August 6 (Wed) through August 9 (Sat), 2014. The theme of this conference is Solidarity in Linear Algebra. ILAS 2014 Conference is one of the satellite conferences of ICM 2014 which will be held in Seoul Korea in 2014 right after the ILAS meeting. For more information about the ILAS conference, please visit the website http://www.ilas2014.org . The Scientific Organizing Committee (SOC) of ILAS 2014 welcomes proposals for Contributed Minisymposia. Proposals are due January 20th, 2014, and decision will be made by SOC around early February, 2014. Please email proposals directly to SOC members of ILAS 2014: Sang-Gu Lee (sglee@skku.edu) and Fuzhen Zhang (zhang@nova.edu) . Proposals should include the name(s) of the organizer(s), a short description of the topics of the minisymposium, and the names of proposed speakers. Please be advised that: Each talk at a minisymposium will be given 25 minutes (20 minutes talk plus 5 minutes discussion). Each minisymposium will have maximum 300 minutes (up to 12 speakers). Each person can give only one talk at ILAS 2014 except the 2nd talk at the Linear Algebra Teaching session. For your reference, listed below are the Invited Mini-Symposia of the conference. INVITED MINISYMPOSIA 1. Combinatorial Problems in Linear Algebra (Richard. A. Brualdi and Geir Dahl / University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA & University of Oslo, Norway) 2. Matrix Inequalities (Fuzhen Zhang and Minghua Lin / Nova Southeastern University, USA & University of Victoria, Canada) 3. Spectral theory of graphs and hypergraphs (Vladimir S. Nikiforov / University of Memphis, USA) 4. Tensor Eigenvalues (Jia-Yu Shao and Liqun Qi / Tongji University, China &Hong Kong Polytechnic University) 5. Quantum Information and Computing (Chi-Kwong Li and Yiu Tung Poon / College of William and Mary, USA & Iowa State University, USA) 6. Riordan arrays and Related Topics (Gi-Sang Cheon and Lou Shapiro / Sungkyunkwan University, Korea & Howard University, USA) 7. Nonnegative Matrices and Generalizations (Judi McDonald / Washington State University, USA) 8. Toeplitz Matrices and Operators (Torsten Ehrhardt / University of California-Santa Cruz, USA) ************************************************************************** ILAS-NET ************************************************************************** 2014 January 13 ......... ILAS-NET Message No. 1980 ---------------------------------------------------------- CONTRIBUTED ANNOUNCEMENT FROM: Suk-Geun Hwang SUBJECT: ILAS 2014 Venue Change ---------------------------------------------------------- ILAS 2014 VENUE CHANGE ANNOUNCEMENT ILAS 2014 Conference was scheduled to be held in Suwon, Korea (Sungkyunkwan University Science Campus) from Aug. 6 to Aug. 9, 2014. The venue is changed from SUWON, KOREA to SEOUL, KOREA (Sungkyunkwan University Main Campus). Seoul is the capital city of Korea and much more convenient to all participants. The revised home page for ILAS 2014 (http://www.ilas2014.org/) will be available in early February with which abstracts of contrubuted talks may be uploaded. Suk-Geun Hwang, ILAS 2014, SOC Chair ************************************************************************** ILAS-NET ************************************************************************** 2014 January 07 ......... ILAS-NET Message No. 1979 ---------------------------------------------------------- CONTRIBUTED ANNOUNCEMENT FROM: Richard Brualdi SUBJECT: LAA Special Issue ---------------------------------------------------------- From: Richard A. Brualdi, Volker Mehrmann, and Peter Semrl The Editors-in-Chief of the journal "Linear Algebra and its Applications" (LAA) are pleased to announce a special issue THE LEGACY OF HANS SCHNEIDER, in recognition of the enormous contributions of Hans Schneider to the journal (forty years as an editor-in-chief), to research in linear algebra and related areas (nearly 200 papers over more than 60 years, and still continuing), and to the linear algebra community (organizer of the International Linear Algebra Society and its founding president). We especially welcome contributions that have been influenced by the work of Hans Schneider. Papers should be submitted by December 31, 2014 via the Elsevier Editorial System (EES): http://ees.elsevier.com/~laa choosing the special issue indicated above and any one of the three editors-in-chief of LAA. ************************************************************************** ILAS-NET ************************************************************************** 2014 January 06 ......... ILAS-NET Message No. 1978 ---------------------------------------------------------- CONTRIBUTED ANNOUNCEMENT FROM: Shaun Fallat SUBJECT: Western Canada Linear Algebra Meeting ---------------------------------------------------------- 2nd Announcement Western Canada Linear Algebra Meeting University of Regina, Regina May 10-11, 2014 The Western Canada Linear Algebra Meeting (WCLAM) provides an opportunity for mathematicians in western Canada working in linear algebra and related fields to meet present accounts of their recent research, and to have informal discussions. While the meeting has a regional base, it also attracts people from outside the geographical area. Participation is open to anyone who is interested in attending or speaking at the meeting. Previous WCLAMs were held in Regina (1993, 2002), Lethbridge (1995, 2012), Kananaskis (1996), Victoria (1998, 2006), and Winnipeg (2000, 2008), Banff (2004, 2010). The WCLAM '14 will be held at the University of Regina in Regina on May 10-11 and the program will include the following four featured speakers: � Joel Friedman, University of British Columbia � Roger Horn, University of Utah � Mitja Mastnak, Saint Mary's University � Maya Mincheva, Northern Illinois University (ILAS Lecturer) ________________________________________ Contributed Lectures/Posters: Participants who wish to present a 25-minute lecture or a poster should send a title/abstract to: western.canada.linear.algebra.meeting@uregina.ca Deadline for Abstract submission: 15 April 2014. To register, email western.canada.linear.algebra.meeting@uregina.ca and include the following information: � Your name and institution. � Your position (faculty member, postdoctoral researcher, graduate student, undergraduate student). � Whether you will or will not attend the banquet (evening of May 10). (There will be an extra charge for the banquet. Please indicate if you are bringing a guest.) � Whether you plan to give a talk or present a poster. (Your title/abstract can be submitted with the registration or separately.) Registration Fee: $30 (Canadian), payable by cash or cheque (made out to the University of Regina) at the meeting. Please register by 30 April 2014. Further information about Regina, the University and accommodation while attending WCLAM 2014 can be found at the conference website: http://uregina.ca/~abstsubm/index.html ________________________________________ WCLAM Organising Committee � Shaun Fallat (Regina) � Hadi Kharaghani (Lethbridge) � Steve Kirkland (Manitoba) � Peter Lancaster (Calgary) � Michael Tsatsomeros (Washington State) � Pauline van den Driessche (Victoria) Local Organising Committee � Shaun Fallat (Regina) � Douglas Farenick (Regina) The WCLAM Organising Committee gratefully acknowledges the generous support for this meeting provided by The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences, the International Linear Algebra Society, the Department of Mathematics & Statistics, the Faculty of Science, and the President�s Office at the University of Regina. ************************************************************************** ILAS-NET ************************************************************************** 2014 January 06 ......... ILAS-NET Message No. 1977 ---------------------------------------------------------- CONTRIBUTED ANNOUNCEMENT FROM: Leslie Hogben SUBJECT: 2013 ILAS Election Voting Closes January 20, 2014 ---------------------------------------------------------- Each member was e-mailed an individual username and password and instructions for electronic voting on November 20, and voting was opened. If you have not yet voted, you may vote any time until January 20, 2014. If you did not receive an e-mail and wish to vote, please verify that you are a 2013 member You can determine whether or not you are a 2013 member of ILAS (as of Dec 31, 2013) by consulting the website: http://www.ilasic.org/misc/membership.html If you are on the membership list and did not receive an e-mail, please contact Leslie Hogben , ILAS Secretary/Treasurer by January 13 to obtain your username and password (or an alternate ballot if your membership was processed after the election began).


speakers: � Joel Friedman, University of British Columbia � Roger Horn, University of Utah � Mitja Mastnak, Saint Mary's University � Maya Mincheva, Northern Illinois University (ILAS Lecturer) ________________________________________ Contributed Lectures/Posters: Participants who wish to present a 25-minute lecture or a poster should send a title/abstract to: western.canada.linear.algebra.meeting@uregina.ca Deadline for Abstract submission: 15 April 2014. To register, email western.canada.linear.algebra.meeting@uregina.ca and include the following information: � Your name and institution. � Your position (faculty member, postdoctoral researcher, graduate student, undergraduate student). � Whether you will or will not attend the banquet (evening of May 10). (There will be an extra charge for the banquet. Please indicate if you are bringing a guest.) � Whether you plan to give a talk or present a poster. (Your title/abstract can be submitted with the registration or separately.) Registration Fee: $30 (Canadian), payable by cash or cheque (made out to the University of Regina) at the meeting. Please register by 30 April 2014. Further information about Regina, the University and accommodation while attending WCLAM 2014 can be found at the conference website: http://uregina.ca/~abstsubm/index.html ________________________________________ WCLAM Organising Committee � Shaun Fallat (Regina) � Hadi Kharaghani (Lethbridge) � Steve Kirkland (Manitoba) � Peter Lancaster (Calgary) � Michael Tsatsomeros (Washington State) � Pauline van den Driessche (Victoria) Local Organising Committee � Shaun Fallat (Regina) � Douglas Farenick (Regina) The WCLAM Organising Committee gratefully acknowledges the generous support for this meeting provided by The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences, the International Linear Algebra Society, the Department of Mathematics & Statistics, the Faculty of Science, and the President�s Office at the University of Regina. ************************************************************************** ILAS-NET ************************************************************************** 2014 January 06 ......... ILAS-NET Message No. 1977 ---------------------------------------------------------- CONTRIBUTED ANNOUNCEMENT FROM: Leslie Hogben SUBJECT: 2013 ILAS Election Voting Closes January 20, 2014 ---------------------------------------------------------- Each member was e-mailed an individual username and password and instructions for electronic voting on November 20, and voting was opened. If you have not yet voted, you may vote any time until January 20, 2014. If you did not receive an e-mail and wish to vote, please verify that you are a 2013 member You can determine whether or not you are a 2013 member of ILAS (as of Dec 31, 2013) by consulting the website: http://www.ilasic.org/misc/membership.html If you are on the membership list and did not receive an e-mail, please contact Leslie Hogben , ILAS Secretary/Treasurer by January 13 to obtain your username and password (or an alternate ballot if your membership was processed after the election began).


hile attending WCLAM 2014 can be found at the conference website: http://uregina.ca/~abstsubm/index.html ________________________________________ WCLAM Organising Committee � Shaun Fallat (Regina) � Hadi Kharaghani (Lethbridge) � Steve Kirkland (Manitoba) � Peter Lancaster (Calgary) � Michael Tsatsomeros (Washington State) � Pauline van den Driessche (Victoria) Local Organising Committee � Shaun Fallat (Regina) � Douglas Farenick (Regina) The WCLAM Organising Committee gratefully acknowledges the generous support for this meeting provided by The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences, the International Linear Algebra Society, the Department of Mathematics & Statistics, the Faculty of Science, and the President�s Office at the University of Regina. ************************************************************************** ILAS-NET ************************************************************************** 2014 January 06 ......... ILAS-NET Message No. 1977 ---------------------------------------------------------- CONTRIBUTED ANNOUNCEMENT FROM: Leslie Hogben SUBJECT: 2013 ILAS Election Voting Closes January 20, 2014 ---------------------------------------------------------- Each member was e-mailed an individual username and password and instructions for electronic voting on November 20, and voting was opened. If you have not yet voted, you may vote any time until January 20, 2014. If you did not receive an e-mail and wish to vote, please verify that you are a 2013 member You can determine whether or not you are a 2013 member of ILAS (as of Dec 31, 2013) by consulting the website: http://www.ilasic.org/misc/membership.html If you are on the membership list and did not receive an e-mail, please contact Leslie Hogben , ILAS Secretary/Treasurer by January 13 to obtain your username and password (or an alternate ballot if your membership was processed after the election began).