Guidelines for the ILAS Richard A. Brualdi Early Career Prize
The ILAS Richard A. Brualdi Early Career Prize was established by the Board of Directors in 2021. The prize is named for Richard A. Brualdi, president of ILAS during the period 1996-2002.
Award date and period
The ILAS Richard A. Brualdi Early Career Prize is awarded every three years at an appropriate ILAS conference, as decided upon by the ILAS Executive Board.
The prize is awarded to an outstanding early career researcher in the field of linear algebra who is within seven (7) years of receiving the PhD or equivalent degree as of October 1 of the year before the award, for distinguished contributions to the field. The prize committee may consider exceptions to the seven-year rule in the case of career interruptions.
A Prize Committee shall make specific recommendations to the ILAS Executive Board about the choice of recipients. However, recipients shall be chosen by the ILAS Executive Board.
The Prize Committee, consisting of at least three ILAS members, will be appointed by the ILAS President in consultation with the Executive Board. The ILAS President shall appoint a replacement for any Prize Committee member who may have a conflict of interest once the nominations have been received.
The committee shall solicit nominations for the Prize from the general membership of ILAS, as well as from other members of the scientific community.
The nomination shall consist of:
- A nomination letter of no more than two pages.
- Two letters of support (of no more than two pages each) from scholars who are not the nominee’s doctoral advisor nor a co-author of the nominee.
- A CV of the nominee.
The Prize Committee shall notify the ILAS President of its selection at least six months prior to the award date. The notification must be accompanied by a written justification, as well as a citation that can be used for a certificate and read at award time. The ILAS Executive Board may accept, reject, or change the nomination at least four months prior to the award date.
Notification of award
The ILAS President shall notify the recipient of the Prize at least four months in advance of the award date. An invitation shall also be extended to the recipient to attend the award ceremony to receive the Prize and to present a principal lecture.
The prize presentation
The ILAS President shall announce the Prize at the chosen conference and present the Prize to the recipient. An announcement of the Prize recipient shall appear in ILAS’ media.
Description of the prize
The Prize consists of a certificate containing the citation. The awardee will be invited to give a principal lecture at an ILAS Conference, with all reasonable expenses to attend the meeting covered by ILAS.
The prize fund
The ILAS Richard A. Brualdi Early Career Prize Fund is used to support the travel expenses of the awardee.