Guidelines for the Hans Schneider Prize

The Hans Schneider Prize in Linear Algebra is awarded by ILAS for research, contributions, and achievements at the highest level of Linear Algebra. This prize may be awarded for an outstanding scientific achievement or for lifetime contribution.

Award date and period

The Hans Schneider Prize is awarded every three years at an appropriate ILAS conference, as decided upon by the ILAS Executive Board. In any year in which a Hans Schneider Prize is awarded, there may be more than one recipient, within the discretion of the ILAS Executive Board.


Aside from specific guidelines developed by the Hans Schneider Prize Committee, there shall be no restrictions on who may receive the prize, including without limitation, restrictions with respect to sex, race, national origin, age, or the time since the recipient took his or her last academic degree.


The Hans Schneider Prize Committee shall make specific recommendations to the ILAS Executive Board about the choice of recipients. However, recipients shall actually be chosen by the ILAS Executive Board. The ILAS Executive Board may decide on the preferred nature of the prize each time it is to be awarded, and instruct the Hans Schneider Prize Committee to make its recommendations accordingly.

The Hans Schneider Prize Committee shall consist of five members who are appointed by the ILAS President upon the advice of the ILAS Executive Board, and the ILAS President as an ex-officio member. The appointments shall be made at least nine months in advance of the prize award date. The term of office shall be from the date of appointment until the date of the Prize award.

The committee shall solicit nominations for the Hans Schneider Prize from the general membership of ILAS, as well as from other members of the scientific community. The ILAS President shall appoint a replacement for any prize committee member who is nominated for the prize and does not remove their name from consideration.

The nomination shall consist of:

  • A nomination letter of no more than five pages (it is permissible but not necessary for multiple people to sign the nomination letter and/or to quote others who are not signatories in the letter).
  • Two letters of support (of no more than two pages each).  At least one letter should be from a scholar at arm’s length from the nominee (not at the same institution, not a recent collaborator, not the nominee’s former doctoral student or advisor or postdoctoral advisee or sponsor, etc.).
  • A CV of the nominee.

If the same person is nominated by two different nominators, the nominators will be advised of this and asked to consolidate to one nomination.

The Hans Schneider Prize Committee shall notify the ILAS President of its selection at least three months prior to the award date. The notification must be accompanied by a written justification, as well as a citation that can be used for a certificate and read at award time. The ILAS Executive Board may accept, reject, or change the nomination at least three months prior to the award date.

Notification of award

The ILAS President shall notify the recipient(s) of the Hans Schneider Prize at least two months in advance of the award date. An invitation shall also be extended to the recipient(s) to attend the award ceremony to receive the prize and to present a talk.

The prize presentation

The ILAS President shall announce the Hans Schneider Prize at the chosen conference and present the prize to the recipient(s) that are present. The recipient(s) is not required to be present to receive the prize. An announcement of the Hans Schneider Prize recipient(s) shall appear in ILAS’ media.

Description of the prize

The Hans Schneider Prize consists of a certificate containing the citation. The ILAS Executive Board may also decide to grant the prize recipient(s) a cash award and/or to cover all or some of the expenses of the prize recipient(s) in attending the award ceremony.

The prize fund

The Hans Schneider Prize Fund consists of a gift of $10,000.00 given to ILAS by Professor Hans Schneider. Other donors may make gifts to the fund. Such gifts shall be added to the principal. The principal amount of the fund has been invested, and earned interest on the principal will be used to fund the Hans Schneider Prize.