ILAS-Net 2021
Message Archive

2021 December 26
ILAS-NET Message No. 2378
SUBJECT: Thomas "Tom" L. Markham (January 2, 1939 - December 20, 2021)

With sadness I write to share with you that Professor Thomas “Tom” L. Markham passed away on Monday, December 20, 2021 at the age of 82. Tom received his doctorate degree from Auburn University in 1967 under the supervision of the late Professor Emilie V. Haynsworth (1916-1985). Tom was a professor of Mathematics at the University of South Carolina (USC) from 1968 to 1999 and he was the undergraduate director of Mathematics at USC from 1996 to 1999. He retired as Distinguished Emeritus Professor in 1999. Tom was an active member of the community. He continued to publish a good number of papers in Linear Algebra after his retirement.

Below is his obituary:

He will be greatly missed by his family, students, friends, and colleagues.
2021 December 18
ILAS-NET Message No. 2377
SUBJECT: New Book: Copositive and Completely Positive Matrices

New book information:

Copositive and Completely Positive Matrices
by Naomi Shaked-Monderer and Abraham Berman

World Scientific Publishing Company, Singapore, 2021, Pages: 564. ISBN: 978-981-120-434-0 (hard cover), 978-981-120-436-4 (ebook)

The book is an updated and extended version of *Completely Positive Matrices* (Abraham Berman and Naomi Shaked-Monderer, World Scientific 2003). It contains new sections, including a chapter on the cone of copositive matrices, which is the dual of the cone of completely positive matrices, and another on the structure of these two cones. All chapters contain new results on copositive matrices and completely positive matrices.

The book is an up to date comprehensive resource for researchers in Matrix Theory and Optimization. Parts of it can also serve as a textbook for an advanced undergraduate or graduate course.
2021 December 13
ILAS-NET Message No. 2376
SUBJECT: ILAS buttons and stickers at the JMM

Dear ILAS members,

I look forward to seeing many of you at the JMM in a short few weeks January 5-9 in Seattle. The ILAS events commence with the ILAS Lecture given by Pauline van den Driesshe Wednesday January 5 at 9 am Ballroom BC of the Washington Convention Center.

Together with other ILAS officers, Minnie Catral, Leslie Hogben, and Hugo Woerdeman, we will have ILAS stickers for you to put on the corner of your badge, as well as ILAS buttons for your lapel. We will "show our colors" wearing these, and of course they will become collector items, so come early and get them from one of us!
2021 December 10
ILAS-NET Message No. 2375
SUBJECT: New Book Announcement

New book information:
Problems In Linear Algebra and Matrix Theory by Fuzhen Zhang
World Scientific Publishing Company, Singapore, 2021, Pages: 476
ISBN-13: 9811239083 (print soft cover), 9789811239793 (print hard cover)
e-ISBN-10: 9811239088

This is the revised and expanded edition of the problem book Linear Algebra: Challenging Problems for Students, now entitled Problems in Linear Algebra and Matrix Theory. The first two editions of the book were published by the Johns Hopkins University Press (in 1996 and 2009, respectively). This new edition contains about fifty-five examples and many new problems, based on author's lecture notes of Advanced Linear Algebra classes at Nova Southeastern University (NSU-Florida) and short lectures Matrix Gems at Shanghai University and Beijing Normal University.

The book is intended for upper division undergraduate and beginning graduate students; it is composed of basic, important, and elegant results in linear algebra and matrix theory. The book can be used as text or supplement for a second course in linear algebra. Each chapter starts with Definitions, Facts, and Examples, followed by problems. Hints and solutions to all problems are also provided. The students are assumed to have completed a calculus course and a linear algebra course, both at introductory level.

From the publisher World Scientific:

2021 December 09
ILAS-NET Message No. 2374
SUBJECT: 7th IMA Conference on Numerical Linear Algebra and Optimization

7th IMA Conference on Numerical Linear Algebra and Optimization
29 June - 1 July 2022, University of Birmingham, UK

Please see the website for details:
2021 December 05
ILAS-NET Message No. 2373
CONTRIBUTED ANNOUNCEMENT FROM: Froilán Dopico and Michael Tsatsomeros
SUBJECT: 25 years of the Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra

The Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra marked its 25th anniversary in 2021. The linked article celebrating this occasion will appear in Issue No. 68 of IMAGE in the spring of 2022.
2021 December 02
ILAS-NET Message No. 2372
SUBJECT: Find the new IMAGE - issue 67 of the ILAS bulletin online now!

The Fall 2021 issue of your ILAS bulletin is now available online. Explore an activity designed to help students ground their conceptions of subspaces and closure under linear combinations. Keep things positive with a review by Ravi Bapat of the recent book "Matrix Positivity" by Johnson, Smith, and Tsatsomeros. Read the conference reports and take heart that we were able to gather in 2021, sometimes even in the same physical spot. Or flip to the very last page and read the four new challenges in the Problem Corner. (Can you bound the area of the numerical range of a small unitary matrix?) Explore IMAGE 67 to find all of that... and more!

Louis Deaett
IMAGE Editor-in-Chief
2021 December 01
ILAS-NET Message No. 2371
SUBJECT: 2022 ILAS Elections

Voting in the next ILAS election (for terms starting March 1, 2022) will take place January 5, 2022 to January 25, 2022. Members will be e-mailed their voting instructions on January 5.

In order to vote you need to be a current member of ILAS when the election begins. The official ILAS membership list
lists all current members and is updated periodically (most recently December 1, 2021). If you are not yet a member, you need to submit your membership materials no later than December 28, 2021 so they can be processed before the election begins. ILAS will continue processing memberships after December 28, but it will no longer be possible to add voters for this election.

To verify your ILAS membership status:

1) Check that you are listed on the current online list of members at If your name is on the list, then you are a member and will be sent the voting instructions by email.

2) If you are not listed on the current online list of members at, and you believe you are a member because you filled in an online form to join (and made any payment that was due), please email the Secretary/Treasurer Minerva Catral ([email protected]).
Please state when you joined or last renewed and your type of membership (regular = $40/year, life, or fee waiver). If you have an e-mail confirmation of payment it would help to forward that, but it is not necessary.

3) Receiving ILAS-net messages, including this one, does not imply you are an ILAS member.
2021 December 01
ILAS-NET Message No. 2370
SUBJECT: Linear Algebra Education Seminar - Dec. 7, 2021

The ILAS Education Committee (ILAS‑ED) is hosting a Linear Algebra Education Seminar. We meet virtually on the first Tuesday of every month at 8am Pacific Time. Note that Pacific Time fell back by one hour in November, so the relative time of the seminar mayhave changed in your time zone. Normally, each event will feature a 45‑minute presentation followed by a social half‑hour where participants can ask the speaker(s) questions and visit with other participants. Join us for the opportunity to network and discussbest practices for teaching linear algebra. To suggest a speaker or request a topic, or for more information, please email Judi McDonald at [email protected].

Our inaugural speaker was Guershon Harel, who spoke On the Complexity of "Simple" Linear‑Algebraic Concepts. Our second talk was given by David Plaxco, who discussed joint work with Christine Andrews-Larson, Megan Wawro, and Michelle Zandieh on Current Workin the Inquiry-Oriented Linear Algebra (IOLA) Project. Our third seminar featured Leslie Hogben and Maria Trigueros discussing mentoring graduate students. You can view the recordings or download the slides at the ILAS-ED seminar page:

Our next seminar will be given by Helena Smigoc:

Nonnegative Factorization of a Data Matrix as a Motivational Example for Basic Linear Algebra

Linear algebra is a classical subject routinely taught to students not majoring in mathematics. As lecturers we are tasked to motivate our subject by producing convincing and interesting examples that are still within the understanding and knowledge of ourstudents. In this talk we will present a motivating example in which matrix multiplication is explicated by examination of a nonnegative decomposition of a term-by-document matrix. We will explore the meaning of the entries in the decomposition, find naturalinterpretations of intermediate quantities that arise in several different ways of writing the matrix product, and show the utility of various matrix operations. This example gives the students a glimpse of the power of an advanced linear algebraic techniqueused in modern data science.

Please join us at 8am PST, December 7, 2021 through the zoom link provided at

There is a waiting room set up to enter the seminar. If you encounter any difficulties, please email [email protected]

I look forward to e‑seeing you there.
2021 November 25
ILAS-NET Message No. 2369
SUBJECT: JMM with ILAS participation, January 2022

Dear Colleagues,

Please check out the Joint Mathematics Meetings program ( that includes ILAS-JMM lecturer Pauline van den Driessche, as well as special session speakers Marina Arav, Boris Brimkov, Minerva Catral, Bryan A Curtis, Raúl Curto, Shaun M Fallat, Mary Flagg, Luyining Gan, Anne Greenbaum, Jamie Haddock, H. Tracy Hall, Leslie Hogben, Franklin Kenter, Pan-Shun Lau, Chi-Kwong Li, Jephian C.-H. Lin, Judi J McDonald, Michael Overton, Linda Patton, Carolyn Reinhart, Bryan L Shader, Ilya M Spitkovsky, Sepideh Stewart, Jeffrey Stuart, Michael Tait, Michael J Tsatsomeros, Frank Uhlig, Hein Van Der Holst, Henry Wolkowicz, Derek Young, Paul F Zachlin, and many others.

Below are some sessions that we would like to highlight. Hope to see you in Seattle, January 5-8, 2022!

ILAS lecturer Pauline van den Driessche
Sign patterns meet dynamical systems

ILAS Special Sessions can be found on the following page

1/ The Inverse Eigenvalue Problem for a Graph, Zero Forcing, Throttling and Related Topics, organized by Mary Flagg and Hein Van der Holst

2/ Matrix Analysis and Applications, organized by Luyining Gan, Tin-Yau Tam, and Mohsen Aliabadi

3/ The Interplay of Matrix Analysis and Operator Theory, organized by Kelly Bickel, Hugo J Woerdeman, Ryan K. Tully-Doyle, and Meredith Sargent

AMS Special Sessions organized by ILAS members

1/ Finding Needles in Haystacks: Approaches to Inverse Problems Using Combinatorics and Linear Algebra (a Mathematics Research Communities Session), organized by Shahla Nasserasr, Sam Spiro, and Emily J Olson

2/ Innovative and Effective Ways to Teach Linear Algebra, organized by David M. Strong, Sepideh Stewart, Megan Wawro, and Gil Strang
2021 November 25
ILAS-NET Message No. 2368
SUBJECT: Call for Nominations, Householder Prize for Best PhD Thesis

The 2022 Householder Award for the best PhD thesis in numerical linear algebra, for a PhD earned between 1 January 2020 and 31 December 2021, will be presented at the XXI Householder Symposium on Numerical Linear Algebra held from 12-17 June 2022 at hotel Sierra Silvana, Selva di Fasano (Br), Italy.

Nominations for the Householder Award can be made in the period December 1, 2021 - January 31, 2022. The PhD supervisor must submit the PhD dissertation, an appraisal and one or more external letters of recommendation supporting the nomination. For more information see
2021 November 12
ILAS-NET Message No. 2367
SUBJECT: First announcement, ALAMA2022-ALN2gg, June 2022

Dear colleagues,

The ALAMA2022-ALN2gg is a joint international meeting that gathers the seventh biennial meeting of the Spanish Red Temática ALAMA (Thematic network on Linear Algebra, Matrix Analysis, and Applications) and the seventeenth edition of ALN2gg (Due giorni di Algebra Lineare Numerica).

The meeting will be held at the Universidad de Alcalá (Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, Spain) in June, 1st-3rd, 2022.

It is celebrated in honour of Ion Zaballa, professor at the Universidad del País Vasco, and of Dario A. Bini, professor at the Università di Pisa, with the occasion of their retirement.

The deadline for submitting a communication proposal is March 1st, 2022, and the deadline for early bird registration is April 12, 2022.

Please have a look at the webpage

The plenary speakers are:

- Dario A. Bini (Università di Pisa).
- Françoise Tisseur (The University of Manchester, ILAS speaker)
- Eugene Tyrtyshnikov (Moscow State University and Russian Academy of Sciences).
- Ion Zaballa (Universidad del País Vasco).

The meeting is endorsed and/or sponsored (so far) by


We are looking forward to meeting you in Alcalá.

Best regards,
The Organizing Committee
2021 November 08
ILAS-NET Message No. 2366
SUBJECT: Slate of Nominations and Additional Nominations

The Nominating Committee has completed its work candidates for the election of ILAS officers with terms commencing on 1 March 2022. The slate of candidates is as follows.

For the position of ILAS Vice President:
Froilan Dopico
Rachel Quinlan

For the two open positions on the ILAS Board of Directors:
Joseph Landsberg
Lek-Heng Lim
Lajos Molnar
Sarah Plosker

With this message I am calling the ILAS membership to consider further nominations, as stated in the ILAS ByLaws.

"Additional nominations for officers may be made by electronic or regular mail by any three members of the Society. No individual shall be considered nominated without prior approval of the nominee."

Please send any additional nominations to me no later than Tuesday 23 November 2022.

I take this opportunity to publicly thank the Nominating Committee for their dedication to this important task. They are:
Giana Maria del Corso, Stephen Kirkland, Michael Overton,
Peter Semrl (chair), and Vilmar Trevisan
2021 October 27
ILAS-NET Message No. 2365
SUBJECT: Linear Algebra Education Seminar - Nov. 2, 2021

The ILAS Education Committee (ILAS-ED) is hosting a Linear Algebra Education Seminar. We meet virtually on the first Tuesday of every month at 8am Pacific Time. Normally, each event will feature a 45-minute presentation followed by a social half-hour where participants can ask the speaker(s) questions and visit with other participants. Join us for the opportunity to network and discuss best practices for teaching linear algebra. To suggest a speaker or request a topic, or for more information, please email Judi McDonald at [email protected].

Our inaugural speaker was Guershon Harel, who spoke On the Complexity of "Simple" Linear-Algebraic Concepts. Our second talk was given by David Plaxco, who discussed joint work with Christine Andrews-Larson, Megan Wawro, and Michelle Zandieh on Current Work in the Inquiry-Oriented Linear Algebra (IOLA) Project. You can view the recordings or download the slides at the ILAS-ED seminar page:

Our next seminar is designed to give attendees the opportunity to discuss graduate education. Leslie Hogben, the Iowa State University College of Liberal Arts and Sciences associate dean for graduate studies and faculty development, will lead the discussion for the first half hour, highlighting strategies for mentoring graduate students in linear algebra. Maria Trigueros will lead the second half of our seminar. Professor Trigueros works at the Mathematics Department, Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM) and will discuss mentoring graduate students in the teaching and learning of linear algebra.

Please join us at 8am PDT, November 2, 2021 through the zoom link provided at

There is a waiting room set up to enter the seminar. If you encounter any difficulties, please email [email protected]

I look forward to e-seeing you there.
2021 October 19
ILAS-NET Message No. 2364
SUBJECT: New ILAS Website Manager and ILAS-net manager

I would like to announce some changes in the management of the ILAS-net and the ILAS Website.

Sarah Carnochan Naqvi has served as ILAS-net and ILAS Website manager for fourteen years, and has decided to start to ease out of the job. She has done a superb job all these years, and it has been a personal pleasure to work with her during the last almost two years of my tenure as President. We are grateful for her valuable service to the Society (a formal appreciation will take place at the banquet of the 25th ILAS Conference).

Her job was so big, that to replace her we need two people.

Dominique Guillot, who you may recall help set up the new website recently, agreed to take over the part of managing the website, effective immediately. To send him an ILAS website message, please write to [email protected]

Pietro Paparella, who is currently an Assistant Manager, will take the position of ILAS-net Manager starting January 1st, 2022. You can continue to send messages (for now) to [email protected]

Thank you, Sarah!!

and thank you Dominique and Pietro for stepping up to help in the new capacities.

Daniel Szyld
2021 October 18
ILAS-NET Message No. 2363
SUBJECT: The 2022 Hans Schneider Prize awarded

It is a pleasure as ILAS President to announce the two recipients of the 2022 Hans Schneider Prize.

Pauline van den Driessche from the University of Victoria (Canada) is cited for her influential contributions in combinatorial matrix theory, in mathematical biology and the interaction between these two areas.

She will present her lecture at the 24th ILAS Conference in Galway, Ireland (, June 20-24, 2022

Nick Higham from the University of Manchester (UK) is cited for his fundamental contributions in the analysis of a wide range of numerical linear algebra problems and matrix functions.

He will present his lecture at the 25th ILAS Conference in Madrid, Spain, June 5-9, 2023.

On behalf of the ILAS Community: Congratulations to both!

Daniel Szyld
2021 October 10
ILAS-NET Message No. 2362
SUBJECT: ILAS Welcoming and inclusiveness statement

Dear ILAS members:

At the recent ILAS Board of Directors meeting, we have approved an ILAS Welcoming and Inclusiveness Statement, which you can read below, or at our website:

We want everyone at our conferences and activities to feel safe and welcome.

We also added relevant questions in the application for future endorsements or support for non-ILAS activities.


Welcoming and Inclusiveness Statement

The International Linear Algebra Society (ILAS) is comprised of a diverse global membership.

It is the policy of ILAS to offer a welcoming and inclusive environment to all participants in its activities, including all its meetings and conferences, regardless of gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, race, color, national or ethnic origin, religion or religious belief, age, marital status, disabilities, and field of expertise.

ILAS strives to foster an atmosphere that encourages the free expression and exchange of ideas, free from all forms of discrimination, harassment, and retaliation, and that is welcoming and safe to all members and to those who participate in its activities.

If you feel harassed or unsafe in any way because of the actions, words, pictures, or expression of any other member or participant, we encourage you to bring this to the attention of the organizers, and/or ILAS executive officers
Alternatively, ILAS has designated three respected former officers, who you may contact.

Leslie Hogben
(username is hogben and domain name is

Stephen Kirkland
(username is Stephen.Kirkland and domain name is

Chi-Kwong Li
(username is ckli and domain name is
2021 October 07
ILAS-NET Message No. 2361
SUBJECT: Householder Symposium XXI on Numerical Linear Algebra

The Householder Symposium XXI on Numerical Linear Algebra has been rescheduled to be held at Hotel Sierra Silvana, Selva di Fasano (Br), Italy, 12-17 June 2022.

The Symposium is very informal, with the intermingling of young and established researchers a priority. Attendance is by invitation only. Each attendee will be given the opportunity to present a talk or a poster. Some talks will be plenary lectures, while others will be shorter presentations arranged in parallel sessions. Participants are expected to attend the entire meeting. Anyone accepted for HHXI in 2020 has a valid invitation for 2022. In February 2022, we will re-open the application process to fill any vacancies that arise due to cancellations as a result of the new situation. Applications will be solicited from researchers in numerical linear algebra, matrix theory, and related areas such as optimization, differential equations, signal processing, control, and data science.
2021 October 01
ILAS-NET Message No. 2360
SUBJECT: Conference on Fast Direct Solvers (Online), October 2021

Purdue CCAM (Center for Computational & Applied Mathematics) will be hosting the 2021 Conference on Fast Direct Solvers on October 23-24, 2021. It will be an online conference. A preliminary program has been posted:

Registration is free but is required to receive the online meeting information. The conference themes include:

- Structured matrices and structured direct solvers
- Sparsity and data sparsity
- Randomized numerical linear algebra
- High performance direct solvers and matrix factorizations
- Structured preconditioning and FMM solvers
- Fast PDE and IE solvers
- Applications to data science and other fields
- Other relevant subjects

More details may be found from the conference webpage.
2021 September 30
ILAS-NET Message No. 2359
SUBJECT: Suggestions sought for ILAS VP and Board members

We will soon hold the annual elections. This time, we will vote to fill the vacancy of (first) Vice President since Hugo Woerdeman is completing his second and last possible term. We will also vote to fill two slots at the ILAS Board of Directors. These two slots are being vacated by Valeria Simoncini and Michael Tsatsomeros whose terms are ending. Continuing members are Sebastian Cioaba, Dragana Cvetkovic-Ilic, Melina Freitag, and Apoorva Khare. The continuing Executive Board members are Minnie Catral (Secretary- Treasurer), Raf Vandebril (second Vice-President for Conferences), and myself.

I am writing to ask you to consider suggesting the name of a colleague (or yourself) to run for the election. Such suggestions should be sent by Friday October 8 to Peter Šemrl ([email protected]), who is the chair of the Nominating Committee.

The other members of the Nominating Committee are Gianna del Corso, Steve Kirkland, Michael Overton, and Vilmar Trevisan. I take this opportunity to thank the committee for their service to ILAS. A list of former ILAS Board members can be found at:
2021 September 28
ILAS-NET Message No. 2358
SUBJECT: ILAS-ED is hosting a Linear Algebra Education Seminar

The ILAS Education Committee (ILAS-ED) is hosting a Linear Algebra Education Seminar. We meet virtually on the first Tuesday of every month at 8am Pacific Time. Each event will feature a 45-minute presentation followed by a social half-hour where participants can ask the speaker(s) questions and visit with other participants. Join us for the opportunity to network and discuss best practices for teaching linear algebra. To suggest a speaker or request a topic, or for more information, please email Judi McDonald at
[email protected].

Our inaugural speaker was Guershon Harel, who spoke on September 7, 2021, with a talk entitled On the Complexity of "Simple" Linear-Algebraic Concepts. You can view the recording or download his slides at the ILAS-ED seminar page:

Our second talk will be October 5, 2021 at 8am Pacific Daylight Time. Our speaker will be David Plaxco, discussing joint work with Christine Andrews-Larson, Megan Wawro, and Michelle Zandieh on Current Work in the Inquiry-Oriented Linear Algebra (IOLA) Project. For over a decade, the Inquiry-Oriented Linear Algebra (IOLA) project has developed research-based curricular materials and instructional support materials for an inquiry-oriented approach to the teaching and learning of introductory linear algebra at the university level. In this talk we will share recent results from the IOLA project. In particular, we will introduce four new curricular units, briefly discuss how the new units fit relative to previously developed materials, and illustrate the units with an example from our new unit on null space and column space. We will also discuss some student approaches we encountered during our research-based curriculum development.

Please join us at 8am PDT, October 5, 2021 through the zoom link provided at

There is a waiting room set up to enter the seminar. If you encounter any difficulties, please email [email protected]

I look forward to e-seeing you there.
2021 September 12
ILAS-NET Message No. 2357
SUBJECT: OSELOT (Online Seminar in Linear Algebra and Operator Theory)

OSELOT (Online Seminar in Linear Algebra and Operator Theory) has been running very successfully since the COVID-19 pandemia started and after the summer break will soon restart with an exciting program of lectures, see the schedule below. The seminar runs every Thursday 15:00 - 16:00 (45 minutes talk, 15 minutes discussion) Warsaw/Berlin/Amsterdam time on the zoom platform. We welcome all interested colleagues to attend. For attending, please send an email to [email protected] to subscribe for weekly announcements (including the code to the event).

The Organizers
Christian Mehl Andre Ran Michal Wojtylak


16.09 Petr Semrl
23.09 Susana Furtado
30.09 Andre Ran
7.10 Sameer Chavan
14.10 Madelein van Straaten
21.10 Clifford Gilmore
28.10 Anna Szczepanek
4.11 Ryan O'Loughlin
11.11 Luis Miguel Anguas
18.11 Ilya Spitkovski
2.12 Raul Curto
2021 September 10
ILAS-NET Message No. 2356
SUBJECT: AMS highlights ILAS as partner for JMM 2022

Dear ILAS members, the AMS has posted a "partner spotlight" highlighting
the participation of ILAS at the Joint Mathematics Meeting; see:

I hope to see many of you in January in Seattle.

Daniel Szyld
ILAS President

2021 September 01
ILAS-NET Message No. 2355
SUBJECT: ILAS Education Committee (ILAS-ED) Monthly Linear Algebra Education Seminar

The ILAS Education Committee (ILAS-ED) is hosting a linear algebra education seminar. We meet virtually on the first Tuesday of every month at 8am Pacific Time. Each event will feature a 45-minute presentation followed by a social half-hour where participants can ask the speaker(s) questions and visit with other participants. Join us for the opportunity to network and discuss best practices for teaching linear algebra. To suggest a speaker or request a topic, or for more information, please email Judi McDonald at [email protected].

Our first speaker will be Tuesday, September 7, at 8am Pacific Daylight Time. Our inaugural speaker is Guershon Harel, who will be speaking on

On the Complexity of “Simple” Linear-Algebraic Concepts

Why do students encounter major difficulties grasping seemingly simple concepts, such as “span”, “linear independence”, “basis”, “matrix representation of a linear transformation”, etc.? and what instructional approaches found to be effective in helping students reason linear algebraically? The talk will be organized around two themes: (1) Sources of students’ difficulties, such as inadequate attention to conceptual understanding; hodgepodge of concepts, ideas, and symbolism disconnected from students’ prior knowledge; and lack of concrete algebraic models from which students can abstract concepts and ideas. (2) An instructional approach that puts the students’ intellectual need at the center of the instructional effort.

Please join us for this seminar using the zoom link:

Meeting ID: 971 5190 0740

Passcode: 581880

There is a waiting room set up to enter the seminar. If you encounter any difficulties, please email [email protected].

I look forward to e-seeing you there.

2021 August 19
ILAS-NET Message No. 2354
SUBJECT: ILAS Lecturer for 2023 Joint Mathematical Meeting

Dear ILAS members:

Under the partnership agreement between ILAS and the AMS, the 2023 Joint Mathematical Meetings (JMM) in Boston, 4-7 January 2023, will feature an ILAS Lecturer. We are now soliciting suggestions for the ILAS Lecturer at the 2023 JMM. Please send your suggestions for candidates directly to me ([email protected]) by 15 September 2021.

We look forward to hearing from you. With best regards on behalf of the ILAS JMM Lecture and TT Prize Committee (Nair Abreu, Joseph Landsberg, Pauline van den Driessche, and Daniel Szyld),

Ilse Ipsen (chair)
2021 August 19
ILAS-NET Message No. 2353
SUBJECT: AMS Special Session on Innovative and Effective Ways to Teach Linear Algebra

ILAS members:

You are invited to propose a talk for our AMS Special Session on Innovative and EffectiveWays to Teach Linear Algebra at the January 2022 Joint Math Meetings in Seattle. Our session will be held Saturday, January 8. It is organized by myself, along with Gil Strang, Megan Wawro and Sepideh Stewart. Each talk is 20 minutes plus time for Q&A.

The description of our session:

Linear algebra is one of the most interesting and useful areas of mathematics, because of its beautiful and multifaceted theory, as well as the enormous importance it plays in understanding and solving many real world problems. Consequently, many valuable and creative ways to teach its rich theory and its many applications are continually being developed and refined. This session will serve as a forum in which to share and discuss new or improved teaching ideas and approaches. These innovative and effective ways to teach linear algebra include, but are not necessarily limited to:

(1) hands-on, in-class demos;
(2) effective use of technology, such as Matlab, Maple, Mathematica, Java Applets or Flash;
(3) interesting and enlightening connections between ideas that arise in linear algebra
and ideas in other mathematical branches;
(4) interesting and compelling examples and problems involving particular ideas being taught;
(5) comparing and contrasting visual (geometric) and more abstract (algebraic) explanations of specific ideas;
(6) other novel and useful approaches or pedagogical tools.

To be considered for this session, please email a description and/or a formal abstract of your talk directly to me by Monday, September 6.

David Strong
Pepperdine University
([email protected])
2021 August 18
ILAS-NET Message No. 2352
SUBJECT: REMINDER: Nominations sought for the Hans Schneider Prize 2022

The 2022 Hans Schneider Prize in Linear Algebra Committee has been appointed by the ILAS President upon the advice of the ILAS Executive Board. It consists of: Rajendra Bhatia, Anne Greenbaum, Leslie Hogben, Martha Takane, Paul Van Dooren (chair) and Daniel Szyld (ILAS president - ex-officio member).

It is the responsibility of the committee to solicit nominations and to make a recommendation to the ILAS Executive Board for this Prize to be awarded at the ILAS 2022 meeting in Galway.

Nominations of distinguished individuals judged worthy of consideration for the Prize, are now being invited from members of ILAS and the linear algebra community in general. In nominating an individual, the nominator should include:

(1) a brief biographical sketch, and

(2) a statement explaining why the nominee is considered worthy of the prize, including references to publications or other contributions of the nominee which are considered most significant in making this assessment.

The prize guidelines can be found at

and the list of all Hans Schneider Prize winners at

Nominations are open until September 30, 2021 and should be sent by email to the Chair, Paul Van Dooren ([email protected]). The committee may ask the nominator to supply additional information.
2021 August 17
ILAS-NET Message No. 2351
SUBJECT: ILAS Lectures at Non-ILAS Conferences and General Support of Non-ILAS Conferences and Seminars

As part of ILAS's commitment to supporting activities in Linear Algebra, the Society maintains a program of providing some support to non-ILAS conferences. This financial support may take one of two forms (a conference may apply for only one of these two forms):

• ILAS Lectureships at non-ILAS conferences. It is expected that ILAS lecturers will be of the stature of plenary speakers at ILAS conferences and may be supported by up to US1500. Reimbursement guidelines may be obtained from the Secretary/Treasurer.

• General support of conferences of up to $750. Such support could be used for support of student expenses, expenses for participants from developing countries, or plenary speakers. Refreshment costs are not eligible. You are welcome to consult the President of ILAS about what you may propose.

This is a reminder that there is a deadline of 30 September 2021 for receipt of proposals for sponsorship of ILAS Lectures at non-ILAS meetings and for general support of conferences taking place in 2022. Please note that we will not be able to consider applications submitted after the deadline as it is important to rank all applications in one go. Each proposal is automatically assumed to be also a request for the ILAS endorsement of the conference.

Further details on the guidelines for proposals can be found at the following link:

In addition, ILAS may endorse a Non-ILAS conference, without financial support. Such endorsed meetings can list ILAS' endorsement on their website, and in turn, the conferences are listed on the website of ILAS-Endorsed Meetings:
2021 July 27
ILAS-NET Message No. 2350
SUBJECT: GAMM/ANLA Workshop, Potsdam September 2021

GAMM Workshop on Applied and Numerical Linear Algebra September 16th—17th September 2021

We intend to hold the GAMM ANLA 2021 workshop at the University of Potsdam in September in person. We are aware that the pandemic situation is still ongoing but the situation has substantially improved, and we are hoping for an even better situation in (and lots of vaccinations by) September, and a lot of keen researchers who are eager to finally present their work in person again.

The workshop is devoted to all aspects of applied and numerical linear algebra. The topics include but are not limited to: eigenvalue problems, matrix functions, linear systems, least squares problems, tensor methods, matrix equations, high performance computing, inverse problems, and applications.

We will take extra precautions to ensure a safe workshop. We expect all participants to be fully vaccinated. Participants will have to physically distance themselves at all times. Since the workshop is usually small, the participants will be seated in the lecture hall 3 or 4 seats apart.

Due to new or ongoing restrictions regarding events or travel, we may have to cancel the workshop possibly on short notice. Thus, we will not have invited speakers this year. However, we strongly encourage contributed submissions, in particular by young researchers.

We do not assume any liability for costs incurred due to cancellation. We strongly encourage you to book only refundable tickets and accommodation.

Contributed talks are welcome, deadline: August 31st, 2021
Deadline for registration: August 31st, 2021

Further details are available at

We look forward to welcoming you to Potsdam, Germany, in September!

Melina Freitag and Thomas Mach
2021 July 07
ILAS-NET Message No. 2349
SUBJECT: Call for nominations, ICIAM Olga Taussky-Todd Lecture 2023

Dear ILAS members and friends:

The nomination for the ICIAM Olga Taussky-Todd Lecture 2023 is now open.

I encourage you to nominate your favorite woman researcher. See the above link for more information. Deadline for nominations is 31 December 2021. The lecture will take place at the next ICIAM in Tokyo in August 2023.
2021 June 15
ILAS-NET Message No. 2348
SUBJECT: Faculty position, KU Leuven, Belgium

Faculty Position, Numerical Methods for Large-Scale Inverse Problems and Data Assimilation, KU Leuven, Belgium

The research unit NUMA, Department of Computer Science, KU Leuven, invites applications for a full-time faculty position. The research unit covers many aspects of numerics, including approximation theory, numerical integration, numerical (multi)linear algebra, numerical PDEs, uncertainty quantification, optimization and control, discrete optimization and scheduling, network problems, data science, HPC and applied numerical mathematics.

The recent surge in advanced techniques for data acquisition gives rise to computational tasks of a complexity far beyond numerical simulation as integrating measurement data in complex models requires specific numerical algorithms. In the simplest setting, finding the “best” model parameters given some measurement data is an optimization problem. However, demands of practical applications often go far beyond this optimization: one can, for instance, also be interested in quantifying the uncertainty on the resulting optimum, the remaining modeling error with respect to the physical system, or the evolution of the model as a function of time (if data is continuously gathered).

The new faculty position aims to strengthen NUMA's position in scientific computing towards a data rich environment. The successful candidate is expected to develop a research program in inverse problems and data assimilation, ensure high-quality education within the area of mathematical engineering, and be prepared to provide scientific, social and administrative services. For further details, contact information and the application procedure follow the link:

Deadline for applications: October 11, 2021
2021 June 01
ILAS-NET Message No. 2347
SUBJECT: IMAGE 66 - the Spring 2021 bulletin of ILAS is online now!

Inside the new issue of IMAGE, you can read a wide-ranging interview with Richard Brualdi. You can also hear from Sepideh Stewart, the new chair of the ILAS Education Committee, about where research in linear algebra education has been and where it may be going. See if you can help solve a 60-year-old open problem by finding a commuting triple of n-by-n matrices generating an algebra of dimension greater than n. Or just see if you have any ideas for any of the outstanding problems from the IMAGE Problem Corner! Find all of this, and probably something else interesting in there too somewhere, in IMAGE 66:

Louis Deaett
IMAGE Editor-in-Chief
2021 May 28
ILAS-NET Message No. 2346
SUBJECT: Announcement of Wikipedia page for ELA

Dear ILAS members,

I am happy to report that ELA has now its own Wikipedia page:

I want to thank the Outreach and Membership Committee, the Journals Committee, and the ELA editors, who worked on this project. In particular kudos to Federico Poloni who did a lot of the hard work.
2021 May 26
ILAS-NET Message No. 2345
SUBJECT: Minutes of the 2021 ILAS Business Meeting


Friday May 14, 2021
Virtual via Zoom


A. Reading of Notice of Meeting.
B. Review of the Minutes of Previous Meeting.
C. Report of President and Vice President.
D. Report of Secretary/Treasurer.
E. Reports of Committees.
i) Education Committee (chair: Sepideh Stewart)
ii) Outreach and Membership Committee (chair: David Watkins)
iii) Journal Committee (chair: Beatrice Meini)
iv) Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra (Editors: Froilán Dopico & Michael Tsatsomeros)
v) IMAGE (Editor: Louis Deaett)
F. Transaction of Other Business.
i) Future ILAS meetings
ii) Any other business
G. Adjournment.

Minutes of the ILAS Business meeting held on Friday May 14, 2021, virtual via zoom.

President Szyld called the meeting to order at 11:01 am EDT. President Szyld observed that we met the quorum, as stated in the revised bylaws. These revisions were prepared by a committee with members Leslie Hogben, Peter Šemrl, and Hugo Woerdeman. The attendance during the meeting ranged between 51 to 56 ILAS members.

A. Reading of notice of meeting.

B. Review of the minutes from the previous meeting.

Minutes of the 2019 Business Meeting held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, were approved.

C. Report of President and Vice-President

President Szyld started by thanking (i) Former President Peter Šemrl for leaving ILAS in wonderful shape and keeping him on track; (ii) Vice President Hugo Woerdeman for being a fantastic partner; and (iii) Former Secretary/Treasurer Leslie Hogben for providing a steady hand, a well of knowledge, and a source of sage advice.

Next, President Szyld highlighted the Wikipedia page and the newly designed webpages. He pointed out that the new webpages were the results of a big effort with Dominique Guillot providing instrumental help with the overall design and implementation, with Vice-President Hugo Woerdeman masterminding the effort, and with continued strong support by ILAS-NET and ILAS Website Manager Sarah Carnochan Naqvi. Dominique Guillot and Pietro Paparella joined the ILAS-NET/Website team as Assistant Managers.

President Szyld also highlighted the newly introduced Facebook and Twitter pages, which Outreach and Membership Director David Watkins would discuss later on.

President Szyld announced that the board approved a new prize, the ILAS Richard A. Brualdi Early Career Prize, which will be awarded to someone within 7 years of their PhD. For the first installment it will be someone who received their PhD between 2015 and 2022, and he encouraged members to start thinking about possible nominations. In addition, the Board approved the proposal to change the Taussky-Todd Lecture to the ILAS Taussky-Todd Prize. Together with the ILAS Richard A. Brualdi Early Career Prize and the Hans Schneider Prize, ILAS now has a triplet of prizes

President Szyld continued to discuss the upcoming conferences, with the ILAS 23/SIAM-LA21 meeting next week, the ILAS 24 Galway meeting in June 2022, and the ILAS 25 Madrid meeting in June 2023. For 2025 Szyld and Vice-President for Conferences Raf Vandebril are starting to consider options, and the membership is welcome to put forward ideas and proposals.

Next, President Szyld mentioned that ILAS is now a partner at the Joint Mathematics Meetings (JMM). For JMM 2022 the board chose Pauline van den Driessche as the first ILAS Lecturer at the JMM, and in addition there will be ILAS Special Sessions. In response
To Kevin vander Meulen’s question what the financial commitment is, President Szyld answered that ILAS will contribute \$1000 to the meeting as well as cover the expenses of the ILAS Lecturer.

D. Report of Secretary/Treasurer.

Former Secretary/Treasurer Hogben mentioned that this will be a shared presentation with Secretary/Treasurer Catral as the transition to the new Secretary/Treasurer was very recent. Hogben continued to present the Treasurer’s Report, which will be published in IMAGE 66, and indicated that ILAS is in good financial state that grew in the last year from about \$200K to the current balance of about \$210K. It was reiterated that as a general rule ILAS is aiming to spend what comes in, as a non-profit organization should. This past year, however, the expenses were close to zero as conferences were cancelled or went virtual. A new expense is the copy-editing of ELA.

Secretary/Treasurer Catral continued and mentioned that:
• ELA started to use a private company Lumina to do the copy-editing.
• The payment options for members now include PayPal and credit card payments via PayPal.
• Processing new members takes time and is typically done once a month. Thus it takes some time before new members show up on the webpages. Secretary/Treasurer Catral asks the membership to keep this in mind, and to please be patient.
Secretary/Treasurer Catral expressed appreciation for donations that were received, and mentioned that the ILAS Richard A. Brualdi Early Career Prize Fund is a new addition to the list of funds.

E. Reports of Committees.

i. Education Committee

The Education Committee is composed of Anthony Cronin, Judith McDonald, Rachel Quinlan, Sepideh Stewart (chair), and David Strong.

Chair Stewart reported for the committee mentioning that (i) The new Education Committee was appointed in February 2021 and that they had monthly committee meetings since as well as other discussions. (ii) Anthony Cronin is now the editor in charge of the education portion of the IMAGE bulletin. (iii) They are in the process of designing education pages for ILAS website, which will be forwarded to the Board.
(iv) Weekly seminars are being planned starting Fall 2021. (v) The committee is involved in organizing workshops, including a Mini-Symposium at ILAS 23/SIAM-LA21 (“Linear Algebra Education for the Modern World”) and a Mini-Symposium at ILAS 2022 (Anthony Cronin and Sepideh Stewart are co-organizers of this session, and currently, 12 speakers are invited to present at the conference).
The committee is excited and dedicated to focus on ILAS and its goals and find ways of serving the ILAS community. The committee encourages comments and suggestions from ILAS.

ii. Outreach and Membership Committee

The committee is composed of Minerva Catral, Andrii Dmytryshyn, Federico Poloni, and David Watkins (chair).

Outreach Director Watkins reported for the committee, and mentioned that (i) in Summer 2020 the committee started a membership drive, sending out nearly 1000 letters to Linear Algebraists who are not current members of ILAS, inviting them to join. The ILAS-Net mailing list was a good resource for identifying potential members. Former Secretary/Treasurer Hogben observed that the membership drive led to several new members. The committee is currently collecting names of potential new members by, for instance, going through Linear Algebra journals. Outreach Director Watkins encouraged ILAS members to inform the committee of potential new members the committee could contact.

Watkins continued reporting that the committee started a Facebook page and a Twitter account, and he encourages ILAS members to be a follower via Facebook and Twitter, and contribute posts and send retweets with comments. In addition, he hopes that after Galway there will be new pictures to post.

The committee is also in the process of extending our presence on Wikipedia, and collaborate with Beatrice Meini, chair of the Journals Committee, to make an ELA page on Wikipedia. It was mentioned that Linear Algebra and its Applications has a Wikipedia page.

Finally, the committee is always looking for new corporate sponsors, and hopes to score the MathWorks as a new sponsor. The ILAS members are encouraged to let the committee know of potential sponsors.

Vice-President Woerdeman mentioned that he noticed that a Wikipedia page on the Hans Schneider Prize predated the ILAS Wikipedia page, and wondered if anyone knew who initiated this. Federico Poloni noticed that the initiator wrote several other Wikipedia pages on prizes in Mathematics.

iii. Journals Committee

The Journals Committee is composed of Louis Deaett (for IMAGE), Froilán Dopico (for ELA), Chi-Kwong Li, Beatrice Meini (chair), and Peter Šemrl.

Chair Meini reported for the committee, starting off with mentioning that the ILAS bulletin IMAGE has interesting articles on activities, interviews, reports, and other items, and that it is doing well. At the moment no new actions are planned regarding IMAGE.

Chair Meini continued, discussing the Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra (ELA) - the ILAS research journal, and our flagship publication. It is fully open access (no charges for authors/readers). The goal is to make the journal more attractive for authors and to continue to raise the quality of the journal.

The actions that are planned are: (i) advertise the journal, for instance, by creating a Wikipedia page for the journal. (ii) to improve the editorial process (e.g., faster publication times – professional copy-editing supported by ILAS and voluntary donations). In addition, the following actions were taken regarding the editorial board, allowing for a continuous change in editors as well as bringing in younger researchers to the editorial process:
• The President shall appoint at the direction of the Board of Directors and after consultation with the Journal Committee not more than 2 Editors-in-Chiefs (EiCs) for 3-year terms. The EiCs may not serve more than 2 consecutive terms.
• The EiCs shall appoint Advisory Editors for 3-year terms after consultation with the Journal Committee. The Advisory Editors should normally not serve for more than 3 terms. Appointments, renewals, as well as exceptions to the term limit rule, must be approved by the Journal Committee.
• The EiCs shall appoint Associate Editors for 3-year terms after consultation with the Journal Committee. The Associate Editors should normally not serve for more than 2 terms. Appointments, renewals, as well as exceptions to the term limit rule, must be approved by the Journal Committee.
• Once a year, the EiCs shall present a report to the Board of Directors (to be discussed with the Journal Committee) on the operation of the journal since the last such report.
Chair Meini encouraged all ILAS members to submit their papers to ELA, and added that the journal has great editors.

ILAS member Nair Abreu noted that in Brazil open access journals are perceived as having low quality. President Szyld responded that those journals that have page charges are perceived in that way, but that ELA does not have page charges.

iv. ELA

Editor-in-Chief Michael Tsatsomeros reported for ELA. He started out by saying that since the beginning of 2020 ELA has moved online editorial platforms from BePress to Open Journal Systems (OJS). It required a significant effort from all members of the Editorial Board in order to transfer records and adapt to the new environment. Tsatsomeros thanks everyone for their efforts.

Next, he wants to express that ELA must prioritize and strive toward the following goals:
• Seek greater quality of papers and journal reputation as measured by citations, journal metrics and ranking. Currently, the manuscripts received vary widely in quality as well as in classification. Increasingly, received manuscripts do not fit well in the journal.
• Steer ELA to better reflect and influence the research trends in linear algebra and its applications.
• Attract greater participation in the content of ELA by ILAS members.
Tsatsomeros expressed that the Editors-in-Chief along with the editors aim to be more selective, focusing on modern research and try to improve citations. It continues to be important to receive good papers, which will increase the quality, resulting in more good papers, etc. Tsatsomeros appealed to the membership to trust the direction of ELA and to submit strong papers. He acknowledged that compared to LAA, LAMA and SIMAX, the Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra does have some disadvantage as it does not have the recognition of a well-known publisher behind it. In addition, Tsatsomeros mentioned the pursuit of the CNKI (Chinese scholar indexing), which may help to increase ELA’s exposure in the Chinese research community.

Tsatsomeros’s term limit as EIC will end in February 2022, but he will stay available to continue to help with ELA’s development, and asks the ILAS membership for help in supporting ELA.

President Szyld asked what the percentage of papers is that is rejected outright. In 2020 there were 138 out of 219 papers that were rejected outright, which represents a percentage of 63%. The overall rejection rate is about 70%. Vice-President Woerdeman offered that having made ELA more prominent on the new webpages will hopefully also help ELA.

Tsatsomeros finished by thanking all the editors for their service. President Szyld reiterated this sentiment and also thanked Editors-in-Chief Froilán Dopico and Michael Tsatsomeros for all their hard work.

v. There was no separate report on IMAGE.

F. Transaction of other business

i) Future ILAS meetings

Vice-President for Conferences Vandebril started out by mentioning that the Galway meeting was postponed from 2020 to 2022, and that the Madrid meeting was moved from 2022 to 2023. He thanked the organizers for handling these changes. He continued, mentioning that next week the combined ILAS 23/SIAM-LA21 will take place, and that (i) out of the 88 minisymposia, 11 are designated as ILAS ones; (ii) out of the 72 contributed talks, 8 are designated as ILAS ones; (iii) out of the 14 plenary talks, 4 are designated as ILAS ones. In addition, many participants are identified as ILAS participants. At the time of this writing, it was additionally reported that out of the 324 minisymposia talks, 47 were designated as ILAS.

Next, he introduced Rachel Quinlan, organizer of the 24th ILAS meeting, which will be held at National University of Ireland, Galway, June 20-24, 2022. Quinlan expressed gratitude to many of the main speakers who were flexible in moving their talk to 2022. There will be some changes, though, especially regarding the special lectures as some will happen at ILAS 23/SIAM-LA21. Many minisymposia will also be moved from 2020 to 2022, and there will be a call for contributed minisymposia. She also mentioned some favorable features of the town and the conference site, and encourages ILAS members to check the conference website,, where also pandemic related and/or potential virtual component announcements will appear. She expressed the hope to see many in person in Galway. Board member Sebastian Cioabă and ILAS member Nair Abreu subsequently expressed similar sentiments.

To discuss the 25th ILAS meeting Organizer Fernando De Terán was given the floor. ILAS 25 will be held at Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED), Madrid, Spain, June 5-9, 2023, a time when the temperatures are typically still pleasant. The location is on the west side of the side of the city, easily accessible from the center of Madrid by public transportation. Support from local government has been promised including a
special venue for the banquet and/or the reception: Cecilio Rodríguez Pavillion (Retiro Garden). Next, the local and scientific organizing committees were introduced. They will be working on the webpage, the selection of plenary speakers, and the invited minisymposia.

G. Adjournment

After wishing everybody a good conference the following week, President Szyld adjourned the meeting at 12:07 pm EDT.

Respectfully submitted by Hugo Woerdeman, Vice-President of ILAS.

2021 May 25
ILAS-NET Message No. 2344
SUBJECT: V.V. Sergeichuk, 1949-2021

With deep sadness I write to share that Professor Vladimir Sergeichuk, Leading Researcher at the Institute of Mathematics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, passed away on February 13, 2021 in Kyiv, Ukraine. He was 71 years old.

Vladimir was an active member of the community: he was a plenary speaker at the 19th ILAS conference in Seoul and a Senior Editor of Linear Algebra and its Applications. Sergeichuk is well-known for his contributions to many areas of linear algebra, in particular,for the results about canonical matrices and classification problems. In 2019 a special issue of Linear Algebra and its Applications was dedicated to him on the occasion of his 70th birthday


He is and will be greatly missed by his family, students, friends, and colleagues!
2021 May 24
ILAS-NET Message No. 2343
SUBJECT: ILAS Lectures at Non-ILAS Conferences and General Support of Non-ILAS Conferences and Seminars

As part of ILAS's commitment to supporting activities in Linear Algebra, the Society
maintains a program of providing some support to non-ILAS conferences. This
financial support may take one of two forms (a conference may apply for only one of
these two forms):

• ILAS Lectureships at non-ILAS conferences. It is expected that ILAS lecturers
will be of the stature of plenary speakers at ILAS conferences and may be
supported by up to US$1000 for expenses, or in the case of a Hans Schneider
Lecturer, US$1500. Reimbursement guidelines may be obtained from the Secretary/Treasurer.

• General support of conferences of up to $750. Such support could be used for
support of student expenses, expenses for participants from developing
countries, or plenary speakers. Refreshment costs are not eligible. You are
welcome to consult the President of ILAS about what you may propose.

This is a reminder that there is a deadline of 30 September 2021 for receipt of
proposals for sponsorship of ILAS Lectures at non-ILAS meetings and for general
support of conferences taking place in 2022. Please note that we will not be able to
consider applications submitted after the deadline as it is important to rank all
applications in one go. Each proposal is automatically assumed to be also a request
for the ILAS endorsement of the conference.

Further details on the guidelines for proposals can be found at the following link:

In addition, ILAS may endorse a Non-ILAS conference, without financial support.
Such endorsed meetings can list ILAS' endorsement on their website, and in turn,
the conferences are listed on the website of ILAS-Endorsed Meetings:

During the Covid-19 pandemic, ILAS is also endorsing online global seminars of
interest to the Linear Algebra Community. Application for such endorsement can be
done following the same guidelines as for conference endorsements.
2021 May 17
ILAS-NET Message No. 2342
SUBJECT: Call for nominations for ILAS Lecturer at 2023 JMM

Dear ILAS members:

Under the partnership agreement between ILAS and the AMS, the 2023 Joint Mathematical Meetings (JMM) in Boston, 4-7 January 2023, will feature an ILAS Lecturer. We are now soliciting suggestions for the ILAS Lecturer at the 2023 JMM. Please send your suggestions for candidates directly to me ([email protected]) by 15 September 2021.

We look forward to hearing from you. With best regards on behalf of the ILAS JMM Lecture and TT Prize Committee (Nair Abreu, Joseph Landsberg, Pauline van den Driessche, and Daniel Szyld),

Ilse Ipsen (chair)
2021 April 27
ILAS-NET Message No. 2341
SUBJECT: LAA Lecture at 24th ILAS Conference, Galway

It is a pleasure to announce that the 2022 LAA Lecture committee has selected Ilse Ipsen (North Carolina State University) to deliver the LAA Lecture at the 24th ILAS Conference, which will take place on 20-25 June 2022, at the National University of Ireland, Galway.

I hope to see you all at the conference!

I wish to thank the committee, consisting of Sebastian Cioaba, Peter Šemrl (chair), and Françoise Tissuer, for their important service.
2021 April 15
ILAS-NET Message No. 2340
SUBJECT: SGT Online 2021 - Apr. 28/29Dear members of the Spectral Graph Theory community,

Two Brazilian research groups in Spectral Graph Theory are proudly hosting an informal research event, called "SGT online 2021", which will take place in the afternoons of April 28 and 29. The event is free, and no registration is required.

The full schedule of the event, and the respective links, are available at

All talks will be broadcast live on Youtube.

We look forward to your presence,

The organizers
2021 April 15
ILAS-NET Message No. 2339
SUBJECT: IMA Mathematics 2021 Online Series

IMA Mathematics 2021 Online Series
6 and 25 May 2021, Online Event via Zoom

For a number of years, the IMA has been running a series of conferences to promote mathematics with the aim of demonstrating to both mathematicians and non-mathematicians the many uses of modern mathematics. Following last summer's very successful IMA Mathematics 2020 series collaboration with the Newton Gateway to Mathematics, we are pleased to announce two events for 2021 taking place this May.

The first talk at the 6 May event will be from Nick Higham who has been awarded the Gold Medal award in recognition of outstanding contributions to mathematics and its applications. This will be followed by Jane Leeks and David Abrahams discussing future developments in mathematical sciences knowledge exchange. (See the event page for further details)

On Tuesday 25 May, we will have two talks which feature the work of V-KEMS (Virtual Forum for Knowledge Exchange in Mathematical Sciences). Presentations will feature the work of two very successful virtual study groups, which ran in the earlier this year, on Reducing the Risk of Covid-19 Transmission on Trains and Modelling Solutions to the Impact of COVID-19 on Cardiovascular Waiting Lists. (See the event page for further details).

Programme - 6 May (Full Abstracts can be found at our website)
10.00-11.00 - Nick Higham (University of Manchester) - Gold Medallist Talk - Communicating Applied Mathematics in 2021
11.00-11.10 - Break
11.10-11.55 - David Abrahams and Jane Leeks (Isaac Newton Institute) - Mathematical Sciences in the UK - Future Developments and Directions in Mathematical Sciences Knowledge Exchange

Programme - 25 May (Full Abstracts can be found at our website)
10.00-10.10 - Matt Butchers (KTN Innovate) - Introduction to V-KEMS
10.10-10.40 - Chris Budd (University of Bath) - Reducing the Risk of Covid-19 Transmission on Trains
10.40-11.10 - Alan Champneys (University of Bristol) - Modelling Solutions to the impact of COVID-19 on Cardiovascular Waiting Lists

Registration for both weeks is currently open at Registration closes on 3 May for Week One and 21 May for Week Two.

If you are an IMA Member or you have previously registered for an IMA conference, then you are already on our database. Please "request a new password" using the email address previously used, to log in.

Non Member - £20.00 per day
IMA Member - £15.00 per day
Non Student Member- £10.00 per day
IMA Student Member - £5.00 per day

The fees go towards covering staff costs, and the cost of software licence fees required to run the conference.

The IMA Mathematics 2021 Online Series has been organised in collaboration with the Newton Gateway to Mathematics.

Further information
For general conference queries please contact the Conferences Team
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel: +44 (0) 1702 354 020
Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, Catherine Richards House, 16 Nelson Street,
Southend-on-Sea, Essex, SS1 1EF, UK
2021 April 15
ILAS-NET Message No. 2338
SUBJECT: Corrected Zoom URL for ILAS Business Meeting May 14

Dear ILAS members:

You should have received an email from my email account ([email protected]) with the corrected Zoom URL for ILAS Business Meeting Friday May 14.

This is intended for ILAS members only. If you are a member (or believe you are a member) and have not received my email (and it is not in your spam folder), please check your spam folder.

You can check the ILAS member list
to verify you are a member.

If you are a member and have not received my email, please please contact ILAS Secretary/Treasurer Minerva Catral at
[email protected]
no later than May 1.

If you want to become a member or renew your membership please go to

I hope to see you all at the business meeting.

Daniel Szyld
2021 April 06
ILAS-NET Message No. 2337
SUBJECT: Updated ILAS By-Laws

Dear ILAS members:

I tasked a committee formed by Leslie Hogben, Peter Semrl, and Hugo Woerdeman to revise our By-laws, and bring them up to date. There were many obsolete sections and some obscure passages. In addition, following the Journals Committee recommendation, term limits are now codified for ELA editors.

The revised By-laws have been approved by the ILAS Board of Directors, and are now posted on the ILAS Website.

Please let us know if you have any questions or comments.

Daniel B. Szyld
ILAS President
2021 April 04
ILAS-NET Message No. 2336
SUBJECT: 2021 ILAS Business Meeting

You are hereby invited to attend the


Friday May 14, 11am EDT
Virtual via zoom (details to be provided)


A. Reading of Notice of Meeting.
B. Review of the Minutes of Previous Meeting.
C. Report of President and Vice President.
D. Report of Secretary/Treasurer.
E. Reports of Committees.
i) Education Committee (chair: Sepideh Stewart)
ii) Outreach and Membership Committee (chair: David Watkins)
iii) Journal Committee (chair: Beatrice Meini)
iv) Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra (Editors: Froilan Dopico & Michael Tsatsomeros)
v) IMAGE (Editor: Louis Deaett)
F. Transaction of Other Business.
i) Future ILAS meetings
ii) Any other business
G. Adjournment.

Below are the minutes of the 2019 Business Meeting

Minutes of the ILAS Business meeting held on Thursday July 11, 2019, Main Auditorium, Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

President Semrl called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. About 55 ILAS members were in attendance.

A. Reading of notice of meeting.

B. Reading of the minutes from the previous meeting.

Minutes of the 2017 Business Meeting held in Ames, Iowa, were approved.

C. Report of President and Vice-President

President Semrl reported on items that were new since the last President and Vice-President report that was published in the 2019 Spring issue of IMAGE.

  • The Board approved the proposal to hold the ILAS 2022 conference in Madrid. The organizers will present the proposal later in the meeting.

  • The Board approved a change to the 'Guidelines for the Hans Schneider Prize' allowing for a medal instead of a plaque.

  • The Board approved pursuing a Wikipedia page for ILAS. The page will contain material that does not require updating. Wayne Barrett will lead a team to provide content for the page. A volunteer from the membership will be needed to provide technical support to create and seek publication of the Wikipedia page. Those interested are encouraged to contact President Semrl.

  • More items were discussed at the board meeting, but those issues have not reached a conclusion yet. When they do, the membership will be informed.

D. Report of Secretary/Treasurer.

Treasurer Hogben presented the Treasurer's Report, which was published in IMAGE 62, and indicated that ILAS is in good financial state with a current balance of ~186K. It was reiterated that as a general rule ILAS is aiming to spend what comes in. In recent years support of conferences has increased.

Treasurer Hogben introduced newly appointed Assistant Secretary/Treasurer Minerva Catral. Daniel Szyld initiated a round of applause in recognition of Treasurer Hogben's dedicated service.

E. Reports of Committees.

i. Education Committee

The Education committee is composed of Avi Berman, Steve Leon, Sepideh Stewart, and David Strong (chair). As no committee member could be present at the business meeting, Chair Strong provided slides to be presented at the meeting.

The slides showed three notable activities since the 2017 ILAS Business Meeting:

  • Articles on Linear Algebra education in IMAGE

  • Sessions on "Innovative and Effective Ways to Teach Linear Algebra" at 2018 and 2019 Joint Meetings of the AMS and MAA

  • National Pedagogical Initiatives on Linear Algebra

The committee encourages comments and suggestions from ILAS members on furthering the teaching, learning and exploration of Linear Algebra.

ii. Institutional Membership Committee

The committee is composed of Minerva Catral, Heike Faßbender, Yongdo Lim (chair), and Peter Semrl (ex-officio). Heike Faßbender reported for the committee.

The current institutional members are: Elsevier; Pearson; World Scientific; SIAM; CRC Press; Taylor and Francis; Maplesoft, and Birkhäuser/Springer. Birkhäuser/Springer is a new addition due to the Israel Gohberg ILAS-IWOTA Lecture series, which was approved by the ILAS board in 2017.

Faßbender reported that the committee has tried to attract non-US based sponsors, but while these were happy to provide funds for ILAS conferences they were not inclined to become an Institutional Member of ILAS. While one may stay on the lookout for new Institutional Members, it may be advisable for the committee to focus on keeping the current Institutional Members well engaged. The committee expressed that help from any ILAS member in these efforts is very welcome.

iii. Journals Committee

The Journals Committee is composed of Rajendra Bhatia (chair), Geir Dahl, Froilán Dopico, Michael Tsatsomeros (ex-officio), and Louis Deaett (ex-officio). Tsatsomeros reported for the committee.

Tsatsomeros reported that Bryan Shader has expressed the desire to step down as Editor-In-Chief of ELA at the end of his term in October 2019. ILAS and the Journals Committee are considering a replacement.

Tsatsomeros continued, reporting for ELA.

iv. ELA

  • Editorial Board: Editors-in-Chief (Bryan Shader and Michael Tsatsomeros), 7 Advisory Editors, 16 Associate Editors, an Associate Managing Editor and an Assistant Managing Editor.

  • The ELA annual budget of $3500 from ILAS can be spent at the discretion of the Editor(s)-in-Chief of ELA for operational expenses related to copy editing, plagiarism checking, and maintenance of the ELA portal, as well as travel for the Editors-in-Chief and Managing Editors to attend ILAS conferences and SIAM ALA conferences. The OverLeaf platform that is currently free, may start charging fees.

  • Milestone ahead: ELA is approaching 1,000 papers published since 1996. Suggestions for a celebration are welcome. Richard Brualdi noted that ELA's 25th anniversary is coming up in 2021, and that one could consider a satellite meeting to SIAM-LA 2021 to celebrate this. Other disciplines have done this.

  • To date over 185,000 papers from over 5,800 institutions and 184 countries have been downloaded from the ELA portal. 48,000 downloads of ELA papers occurred in the last year.

  • ELA receives about 250 submissions per year. Each volume has about 50 papers. Tsatsomeros expresses the desire to receive more submissions from core ILAS members. About 90% of the authors he does not know.

  • Time from submission to publication for a regular volume is about 9-10 months. While not bad considering ELA is run by volunteers, Tsatsomeros hopes to reduce this time in the future.

  • Tsatsomeros discusses some metrics, comparing them to LAA, LAMA, Operators & Matrices, Special Matrices, and SIMAX. For instance, the SNIP (=normalized impact factor) 2017 for ELA is 0.886, while for the others the SNIP is 1.185, 0.951, 0.656, 0.481 and. 1.747, respectively. Other metrics show similar results. While exact interpretation of these numbers is hard, it does seem to indicate that it is fair to say that ELA is at a competitive footing among the leading linear algebra journals.

  • The number of total ELA citations shows an upward trend, with over 500 for 2017.

  • It is expected that two members of the editorial board will step down in the near future.

  • Currently ELA has no policy on education oriented papers. The editorial board will have to discuss this. After it was brought up, Volker Mehrmann confirmed that LAA does not publish educational oriented papers. Daniel Szyld suggested that other journals are focused on educational papers, and that ELA should continue to focus on research papers. Tsatsomeros reiterated that a discussion in the Editorial Board on this topic will be pending, and that one can also consider special issues focused on educational papers.

  • Volker Mehrmann asked whether the current website set-up of ELA is sustainable. Tsatsomeros answered that Shader will continue as Managing Editor, and that he is committed to continue to contribute to ELA, and that the University of Wyoming website will continue to serve as the ELA website.

  • Volker Mehrmann brought up that Plan S, an initiative for open-access science publishing, is emerging, and that ELA should consider collecting open access fees from those authors willing and able to pay such funds. In addition, he made the point that for some, when they pay for services, it makes the service more valuable to them. Tsatsomeros said that the Editorial Board will consider this.

  • Sebastian Cioaba asked about accessibility of papers to readers with disabilities, noting that accessibility of teaching materials is increasingly a concern for universities. Daniel Szyld added that in use of colors, the color blind should be taken into account. Tsatsomeros responded that this is an issue to look into, and that it may require an appropriate version of LaTeX.

v. Report on IMAGE

Editor-in-Chief, Louis Deaett. Former Editor-in-Chief, Kevin Vander Meulen, reported.

  • Vander Meulen started by expressing his gratitude to the members of the editorial board for their service.

  • Vander Meulen reported that the creation of a book of problems and solutions based on the problem section of IMAGE, is an ongoing project. Rajesh Pereira, who is in charge of the project, has talked to various publishers, and details still need to be worked out.

  • The number of downloads of IMAGE continue to go up, currently about 1500 per year. Mysteriously, issue 45 remains one of the most popular, perennially averaging over 1000 downloads per year. Possible explanations are welcome.

  • Colin Garnett began a term as editor for book reviews with IMAGE 60, replacing Doug Farenick.

  • Naomi Shaked-Monderer ended her tenure as editor of the history section with IMAGE 61. No replacement has currently been found. If anyone is interested, please contact Editor-in-Chief Deaett.

  • Minerva Catral stepped down as editor for conferences after IMAGE 59. For issues 60 and 61, Jillian McLeod served as conferences editor. She has been unable to continue serving in this capacity, and IMAGE 62 went without a dedicated member of the staff responsible for this section. Again, if anyone is interested to serve in this role, please contact Editor-in-Chief Deaett.

  • IMAGE is also looking to diversify geographically, and especially encourages potential contributors from a continent other than North America.

  • Sebastian Cioaba, who handles feature articles, asked for suggestions for future feature articles. President Semrl suggested to put out a call via ILAS-Net.

President Semrl noted that all those involved in ELA and IMAGE do hard work.

F. Transaction of other business

i) Future ILAS meetings

The 23st ILAS meeting will be held at National University of Ireland, Galway, June 22-26, 2020. Organizers Rachel Quinlan and Helena Smigoc advertised the conference website, They encouraged suggestions that will be helpful to make the conference a success, and they announced that a call for minisymposia will go out soon. They encouraged all ILAS members to come to ILAS 2020.

The 24th ILAS meeting will be held at Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED), Madrid, Spain, June 6-10, 2022. Organizers Fernando De Terán and Roberto Canogar presented impressions of the city of Madrid, which were welcomed by the membership. Vilmar Trevisan asked about the envisioned registration fee, to which De Terán answered that they hope to be in the same ballpark as ILAS 2019.

Sebastian Cioaba expressed the concern that the ratio of female vs male plenary speakers at ILAS conferences was perhaps somewhat at the low end. President Semrl noted that in the 'Guidelines for the Organization of ILAS Meetings' diversity in various ways is a requirement for a successful conference proposal. Aside from diversity in gender, it also addresses diversity in topics, diversity of career stage, and geographical diversity. In addition, organizing committees are required to show diversity. Having said that, President Semrl continued, the ILAS Executive Board is always interested in feedback from the membership when specific concerns arise.

ii) Other business

Vice President Woerdeman, noting that this is Semrl's last ILAS business meeting as President, initiated a round of applause showing appreciation of President Semrl for his dedicated service.

G. Adjournment

President Semrl adjourned the meeting at 7:21 pm.
Respectfully submitted by Hugo Woerdeman, Vice-President of ILAS.

2021 April 03
ILAS-NET Message No. 2335
SUBJECT: Matrix Equations and Tensor Techniques Workshop, Perugia, Italy, September 9-10, 2021

The next Matrix Equations and Tensor Techniques Workshop will be hosted on Thursday and Friday 09-10 September 2021 in Umbria, Italy, at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of the University of Perugia. This is the ninth in a series on biennial appointments. As in previous meetings, the focus will be on recent theoretical and computational advances in the solution of tensor problems and linear and nonlinear matrix equations.

Registration is free of charge, and attendees are invited to give a presentation. More information on abstract submission, including deadlines, can be found at

We are currently planning for the meeting to be held in a hybrid format (virtual and in-person). All attendees, including those presenting a talk, will be given the option to take part in the conference virtually, if they so prefer, but we strongly encourage in-person participation whenever possible. Should travel restriction make the journey to Perugia impractical for most attendees, the conference will switch to a fully virtual event. A final decision on the format will be made and communicated to all those who have registered by August 8.

Kind regards,
Bruno Iannazzo
On behalf of the organizing committee
2021 April 02
ILAS-NET Message No. 2334
SUBJECT: Nominations sought for the Hans Schneider Prize 2022

The 2022 Hans Schneider Prize in Linear Algebra Committee has been appointed by the ILAS President upon the advice of the ILAS Executive Board. It consists of: Rajendra Bhatia, Anne Greenbaum, Leslie Hogben, Martha Takane, Paul Van Dooren (chair) and Daniel Szyld (ILAS president - ex-officio member).

It is the responsibility of the committee to solicit nominations and to make a recommendation to the ILAS Executive Board for this Prize to be awarded at the ILAS 2022 meeting in Galway.

Nominations of distinguished individuals judged worthy of consideration for the Prize, are now being invited from members of ILAS and the linear algebra community in general. In nominating an individual, the nominator should include:

(1) a brief biographical sketch, and

(2) a statement explaining why the nominee is considered worthy of the prize, including references to publications or other contributions of the nominee which are considered most significant in making this assessment.

The prize guidelines can be found at

and the list of all Hans Schneider Prize winners at

Nominations are open until September 30, 2021 and should be sent by email to the chair, Paul Van Dooren ([email protected]). The committee may ask the nominator to supply additional information.
2021 April 02
ILAS-NET Message No. 2333
SUBJECT: Registration for the SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra

The ILAS 2021 meeting is embedded in the SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra, May 17-21, 2021, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. ILAS members receive the SIAM Member SIAG/LA registration rate ($160 before 5/1/21 and $210 after 5/1/21).

Please choose your SIAM membership status below. Go to the registration page at
and follow these instructions.

• If you are not a SIAM member, create an account to use the online registration system. Select the Non Member price and “ILAS Member” in the drop down menu.
• If you are a SIAM member and not a SIAG/LA member, login using your SIAM credentials. Select the Member price. On the My Cart/Order Summary page, enter the Promotion Code: LA21ILAS and hit “apply”.
• If you are a SIAM member and a SIAG/LA member, login using your SIAM credentials. Select the Member price. You will receive the SIAG/LA discount during checkout.

Raf Vandebril
Vice-president for Conferences, ILAS
2021 March 31
ILAS-NET Message No. 2332
SUBJECT: Shmuel Friedland, SIAM Fellow

Congratulations to ILAS member Shmuel Friedland for becoming a SIAM Fellow, class of 2021

( .

It is a great honor, and we are all very proud.
2021 March 31
ILAS-NET Message No. 2331
SUBJECT: Two Announcements: New web site, PayPal

ILAS has a newly revamped website. Check it out at the usual address:

Note that the latest five ELA papers are listed (titles only), as well as the latest five posting at the ILAS-Net.

Note also that concurrent to the launch of the new web site, ILAS now accepts PayPal (and credit cards through PayPal) for membership dues and donations.

This new website has been a big effort over several months, and I want to thank everyone involved, many putting inordinate amount of time (and it shows if I may say so).

Dominique Guillot, a member volunteer, who did the technical work of the whole redesign.

Sarah Carnochan Naqvi, our ILAS-Net and ILAS Website Manager, working with him throughout the process.

Minnie Catral, our Secretary/Treasurer who worked out the details with PayPal.

Hugo Woerdeman, our Vice-President, who oversaw the whole enterprise and provided designs ideas.

Please join me in thanking them with heartful appreciation.

Daniel Szyld
ILAS President
2021 March 14
ILAS-NET Message No. 2330
SUBJECT: ILAS Lectures at Non-ILAS Conferences and a General Support of Non-ILAS Conferences

As part of ILAS's commitment to supporting activities in Linear Algebra, the Society maintains a program of providing some support to non-ILAS conferences. This support may take one of two forms (a conference may apply for only one of these two forms).

ILAS Lectureships at non-ILAS conferences. It is expected that ILAS lecturers will be of the stature of plenary speakers at ILAS conferences, and may be supported by up to US$1000 for expenses, or in the case of a Hans Schneider Lecturer, US$1500. Reimbursement guidelines may be obtained from the Secretary/Treasurer Minnie Catral.

General support of conferences of up to $750. Such support could be used for support of student expenses, expenses for participants from developing countries, or plenary speakers. Refreshment costs are not eligible. You are welcome to consult the President Daniel B. Szyld about what you may propose.

This is a reminder that there is a deadline of 30 September 2021 for receipt of proposals for sponsorship of ILAS Lectures at non-ILAS meetings and for general support of conferences taking place in 2022. Please note that we will not be able to consider applications submitted after the deadline as it is important to rank all applications at once. Each proposal is automatically assumed to be also a request for the ILAS endorsement of the conference.

Further details on the guidelines for proposals can be found at the following link:
2021 March 14
ILAS-NET Message No. 2329
SUBJECT: Panel on Transforming Learning and Teaching Linear Algebra

On May 6, 3:30-5pm ET there will be a panel discussion on the topic
Transforming Learning and Teaching Linear Algebra hosted by the MAA.

Panelists are:
Sheldon Axler, Eugene (Bud) Boman, Minerva Catral, Guershon Harel, Judi
McDonald, Sepideh Stewart, Gilbert Strang, David Strong, Megan Wawro

For details, see
2021 March 04
ILAS-NET Message No. 2328
SUBJECT: Reminder Special Issue of Computational and Mathematical Methods (CMM)

This is a reminder on the call for papers for the special issue of the journal
Computational and Mathematical Methods (CMM) on Linear Algebra, Matrix Analysis,
and Applications

CMM is an interdisciplinary journal dedicated to publishing the world's top
research in the expanding area of computational mathematics, science and
engineering. The journal connects methods in business, economics, engineering,
mathematics and computer science in both academia and industry.

Mathematical modelling of problems arising in engineering, physics, mechanics,
etc. leads in many cases, directly or after a discretization process, to solving
systems of linear equations of finite dimension. Besides, other problems of
Numerical Analysis, such as approximation, interpolation, nonlinear systems,
computation of eigenvalues, etc., lead to the resolution of large systems. Thus,
it is essential to develop efficient numerical Linear Algebra methods, in both
sequential and parallel environments, to solve them. The main purpose of this
Special Issue is to collect original contributions about the solution of such
problems as well as other applications of Linear Algebra from a multidisciplinary

The guest editors of this special issue are Luca Bergamaschi
([email protected]), Fernando De Terán ([email protected]), and Pedro
Alonso ([email protected]).

Submission Details:
Authors should follow the author guidelines. All papers must be submitted via the
online system

Authors need to make sure they specify that the paper is a contribution for
"Special Issue on Linear Algebra, Matrix Analysis and Applications" and select the
article type, when prompted. All papers will be peer reviewed according to the
high standards of CMM.

Deadline for submissions: *June 30, 2021*.

We invite you to participate in the Special Issue with a contribution.

Best regards.

Luca Bergamaschi, Fernando De Terán, and Pedro Alonso
2021 March 04
ILAS-NET Message No. 2327
SUBJECT: Workshop in honor of Ken Hayami's retirement, March 2021

We are very pleased to announce

The 2nd Workshop on Numerical Algebra, Algorithms and Analysis March 16–17, 2021

in honor of Professor Ken Hayami on the occasion of his retirement from the
National Institute of Informatics and The Graduate University for Advanced Studies
(SOKENDAI), Japan. This two-day online workshop aims at bringing together experts
in the fields of numerical linear algebra, large-scale matrix and tensor
computations, iterative methods and preconditioning, eigenvalue problems, least
squares problems, etc.

Professor Hayami obtained the Doctor of Philosophy Degrees from the Wessex
Institute of Technology, UK (1991) and the University of Tokyo (1993). He has
worked on preconditioned conjugate gradient methods for vector processors,
quadrature for nearly singular integrals in the boundary element method, Krylov
subspace methods for singular systems and least squares problems.

Further information on the workshop can be found on the webpage

The conference is open to everyone. Registration via the above webpage is required
for participation with Zoom URLs. We expect substantial participation from
Professor Hayami's many coworkers and colleagues, including his former PhD and
internship students.

We look forward to seeing you online on this special occasion.

Xiaoke Cui, Zeyu Liao, Keiichi Morikuni,
Kota Sugihara, Ning Zheng
Organizing Committee
2021 March 01
ILAS-NET Message No. 2326
SUBJECT: ILAS Special Sessions at JMM

As previously announced ILAS becomes a partner with the AMS for the annual Joint
Mathematical Meetings (JMM) starting in January 2022. There will be an ILAS
Lecture, and at least four ILAS Special Sessions.

If you want to organize a Special Session please send a short proposal with the
title of the session (and possible speakers) to our Vice-President for Conferences
Raf Vandebril ([email protected]) as soon as you can, but no later than
March 31, as the JMM deadline for submissions is April 7.

Thank you,
Raf Vandebril
2021 February 11
ILAS-NET Message No. 2325
SUBJECT: Education Committee

I am pleased to announce the constitution of the ILAS Education Committee for
next two years as follows:

Anthony Cronin
Judith McDonald
Sepideh Stewart, Chair
David Strong
Rachel Quinlan

I thank the new and continuing committee members for their service to the Society.

Daniel Szyld
ILAS President
2021 February 03
ILAS-NET Message No. 2324
SUBJECT: Results of the ILAS election

Dear ILAS members:

The election results are in!

Minerva Catral was elected as ILAS Secretary/Treasurer.

Melina Freitag and Apoorva Khare were elected to the ILAS Board of Directors.

They will start their terms on March 1st.

We thank everyone who run for their commitment to ILAS.

We also thank the officers whose terms end on February 28: Maria Isabel Bueno
and Vilmar Trevisan who served on the Board with gusto.

Leslie Hogben who has served as Secretary/Treasurer for twelve years! She has
been the bedrock of the Society taking care of our finances and and
indispensable member of the Executive Board.

I also want to publicly thank Peter Smerl, the Past President, who ends in this
function at the end of this month. His advise during the last year has been

With this election, the ILAS officers will consist of:

Executive Board:
President: Daniel B Szyld (term ends 28 February 2023)
Vice President: Hugo Woerdeman (term ends 28 February 2022)
2nd Vice President for Conferences: Raf Vandbril (term ends 28 February 2023)
Secretary/Treasurer Minerva Catral (term ends 28 February 2024)

Additional Members of the Board of Directors:
Valeria Simoncini (term ends 28 February 2022)
Michael Tsatsomeros (term ends 28 February 2022)
Sebastian Cioaba (term ends 28 February 2023)
Dragana Cvetkovic-Ilic (term ends 28 February 2023)
Melina Freitag (term ends 28 February 2024)
Apoorva Khare (term ends 28 February 2024)
2021 January 28
ILAS-NET Message No. 2323
SUBJECT: Registration for the SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra

The ILAS 2021 meeting is embedded in the SIAM Conference on Applied Linear
Algebra, May 17-21, 2021, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.

All ILAS members enjoy a reduced registration fee.

To benefit from this discount one must pay their ILAS dues before Feb 21, if
not already done so.

To join or verify your membership, go to

In addition to instructions for joining, this page lists all current members
(scroll down to see the list) and is updated periodically.

Raf Vandebril
Vice-president, ILAS
2021 January 26
ILAS-NET Message No. 2322
SUBJECT: ILAS Richard A. Brualdi Early Career Prize

It is very exciting to announce that ILAS is initiating the ILAS Richard A.
Brualdi Early Career Prize.

The Board approved this new prize which will be awarded every three years at
an ILAS Conference to an outstanding early career researcher in linear
algebra, for distinguished contributions to the field within seven years of
receiving the PhD or equivalent degree. For complete guidelines, see

The prize is named for Richard A. Brualdi, who has been active in ILAS since
its inception and who has been and continues to be instrumental to its
success. Indeed, in 1987 he was a committee member when the International
Matrix Group/The International Linear Algebra Community was established,
which soon thereafter became ILAS. He has since served in ILAS in several
capacities including as Vice-President (1992-1995) and President (1996-2002).
The first ILAS Richard A. Brualdi Early Career Prize will be awarded at the
ILAS Conference in Madrid in 2023, where the awardee will also present a
plenary lecture. Calls for nomination will go out in 2022. Nominees would
have received a doctoral degree no earlier than 1st October 2015.

To make a contribution towards the ILAS Richard A. Brualdi Early Career Prize
please go to
2021 January 21
ILAS-NET Message No. 2321
SUBJECT: Changes at Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra (ELA)

The Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra (ELA) has transitioned to a
professional copyediting service starting with Volume 37 (2021). ELA and ILAS
wish to express their deepest gratitude to Panos Psarrakos and Sarah Carnochan
Naqvi for their tremendous contributions in performing this editorial service
for more than a decade. Their tireless work was marked by high quality
professionalism and it exemplified the volunteerism that benefits our society.

ELA is now in its 25th year of operation and has published well over one
thousand articles. These milestones will be celebrated by an ILAS-sponsored
plenary talk at the upcoming SIAM Conference in Applied Linear Algebra (LA21)
and the embedded 23rd Conference of ILAS (ILAS21), May 17-21, 2021.

Daniel Szyld Froilan Dopico and Michael Tsatsomeros
President, ILAS Editors-in-Chief, ELA
2021 January 18
ILAS-NET Message No. 2320
SUBJECT: ILAS announces the first ILAS Lecturer at JMM

Dear ILAS members:

The ILAS Board has selected Pauline van den Driessche to be the first ILAS
Lecturer at JMM. She will deliver her lecture at the Joint Mathematics
Meetings to be held in Seattle, WA 2022, on January 5-8, 2022

(If you want to organize an ILAS Special Session at this meeting, please
contact our Vice-President for Conferences, Raf Vandebril
<[email protected]>. The deadline is in about six weeks. )
2021 January 12
ILAS-NET Message No. 2318
SUBJECT: Mark your Calendars: ILAS Business Meeting

Dear ILAS members:

We will hold our 2021 Business Meeting in conjunction with our ILAS Conference,
which this year is embedded in the SIAM Applied Linear Algebra Conference which
is taking place online on 17-21 May 2021.
We plan to hold the
business meeting as a separate zoom call, open to all (even if you do not
register for the conference). The meeting will take place on

Friday 14 May 2021
8AM Pacific Time, 11 AM Eastern Time, 17:00 CET, 21:30 India Time, 24:00 China

Please mark your calendars.