ILAS-Net 2025
Message Archive
2025 March 28 ILAS-NET Message no. 2583 CONTRIBUTED ANNOUNCEMENT FROM: Daniel B. Szyld SUBJECT: Serkan Güğercin SIAM Fellow Congratulation to ILAS member Serkan Güğercin who has joined the class of 2025 SIAM Fellows! We are very proud of our members' accomplishments. |
2025 March 27 ILAS-NET Message no. 2582 CONTRIBUTED ANNOUNCEMENT FROM: David S. Bindel SUBJECT: Call for Proposals for organizing the 2028 Householder meeting The Householder Committee seeks a team to organize the 2028 Householder Symposium on Numerical Linear Algebra. The deadline for submitting a proposal is June 1, 2025. Guidelines for preparing a proposal can be found at Proposals should be submitted via email to [email protected]. Please note: Proposals by professional congress and convention bureaus will not be considered. No contact information about local members of our community will be provided. |
2025 March 26 ILAS-NET Message no. 2581 CONTRIBUTED ANNOUNCEMENT FROM: Kennett Dela Rosa SUBJECT: Second Announcement of the International Workshop on Matrix Analysis, Linear Algebra, and Applications (MALAA2025) Second Conference Announcement International Workshop on Matrix Analysis, Linear Algebra, and Applications (MALAA2025) University of the Philippines Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines July 1-2, 2025 The Institute of Mathematics’ Matrix Analysis and Linear Algebra Group and its affiliates are organizing the International Workshop on Matrix Analysis, Linear Algebra, and Applications (MALAA2025) which will be held on July 1-2, 2025 (week after ILAS Meeting 2025 in Taiwan). This in-person workshop will be held at the University of the Philippines Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines. More information can be found at the website: The workshop aims to provide an environment for experts to showcase their research in the theory and applications of matrix analysis and linear algebra. The workshop is also designed to foster collaboration among the participants. On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we would like to invite researchers and students to attend or give a talk at the workshop. Contributed talks in the workshop will be composed of a 15-minute presentation and a 5-minute discussion. A suitable number of contributed talks may be selected depending on the number of abstract submissions and available time slots . Abstract submission deadline: April 30, 2025 Registration deadline: May 15, 2025 Please note that we cannot provide any financial support for the participants. We hope that the opportunity to contribute to the conference community will serve as a compelling reason for your participation. Please email [email protected] if you have questions and concerns. MALAA2025 Organizing Committee: Ma. Nerissa Abara, Ralph John de la Cruz, Kennett Dela Rosa, Jesus Paolo Joven, Jenny Lualhati, Agnes Paras (University of the Philippines Diliman), Daryl Granario (De La Salle University), Hermie Monterde (University of Manitoba), Carmeliza Navasca (University of Alabama at Birmingham) |
2025 March 26 ILAS-NET Message no. 2580 CONTRIBUTED ANNOUNCEMENT FROM: Sepideh Stewart SUBJECT: Workshop Series on Bridging Abstract and Numerical Linear Algebra We invite the ILAS community to a workshop just before the ILAS Conference in Taiwan. This workshop will discuss ways of bridging abstract and numerical linear algebra. Our topics are included but not limited to the following: a. How to introduce numerical linear algebra in a first course to students (some examples of coding and programming will be provided), b. The role of AI in teaching and learning linear algebra, c. Collaboration, sharing resources (GitHub), and publication d. Future workshop(s) Date: Sunday, June 22, 2025 Time: 2-4 pm Venue: College of Science SC4009-0 Organizers: Sepideh Stewart (University of Oklahoma), Rachel Quinlan (University of Galway), and Mike Michailidis (MathWorks) More information about the Workshop can be found at Please indicate your interest in participating at We look forward to seeing you in Kaohsiung! |
2025 March 25 ILAS-NET Message no. 2579 CONTRIBUTED ANNOUNCEMENT FROM: Daniel B. Szyld SUBJECT: ILAS Address and Special Sessions for the JMM 2026 We look forward to seeing many of you at the ILAS Conference in Kaohsiung this coming June. As you know, we are already starting to prepare ILAS' participation at the Joint Mathematical Meetings (JMM), to be held in Washington, DC, January 4-7, 2026. I am pleased to announce that the ILAS Invited Address will be given by Dominique Guillot (University of Delaware). Let me remind you that proposals for ILAS Special Sessions at the JMM meeting 2026 are due in a little over two weeks, on April 8, 2025. We encourage your submissions. If you want to organize a Special Session please submit your proposal through the link below. Call for Proposals: Please also send the title and proposal to our Vice-President for Conferences Raf Vandebril ([email protected]). |
2025 March 25 ILAS-NET Message no. 2578 CONTRIBUTED ANNOUNCEMENT FROM: Shaun Fallat SUBJECT: Third Announcement of the 2025 Workshop on Matrices and Operators and modality update 2025 Workshop on Matrices and Operators (now a hybrid event) University of Regina, Regina August 19-21, 2025 This three-day conference will now be held in a hybrid mode (in person and over the zoom). If you are interested in attending via Zoom, please indicate this when you register for this conference, otherwise please indicate your intention to attend in person. We look forward to being able to host participants from around the world both in Regina and online! The purpose of this international workshop is to promote research and collaboration among researchers with an interest in matrix theory, operator theory, operator algebra, quantum information theory, and related topics. Participants are encouraged to present their latest findings and discoveries, and share their experiences and research problems, while fostering an atmosphere of collaboration and mutual learning. Through dialogue and knowledge exchange, the workshop aims to enhance the collective growth and development of the research community involved in matrix theory, operator theory, operator algebra, quantum information theory, and related fields. The updated official MAO 2025 conference website is Information concerning registration, housing, the conference schedule (when available), and the conference location can be found on this website. History of this workshop can be found at A designated email contact has been set up and is [email protected]: please use this email for all correspondence associated with MAO 2025. Note that online registration commenced on February 1, 2025. MAO 2025 organizers gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Faculty of Science at the University of Regina MAO 2025 Organizing Team: Shaun Fallat, Douglas Farenick, Sushil Singla (Regina) and Chi-Kwong Li (William and Mary) Dr. Shaun Fallat Professor Department of Math & Stats University of Regina |
2025 March 20 ILAS-NET Message no. 2577 CONTRIBUTED ANNOUNCEMENT FROM: Raf Vandebril SUBJECT: Special Sessions for the JMM 2026 As ILAS has become a partner with the AMS for the annual Joint Mathematical Meetings (JMM), we are again soliciting proposals for ILAS Special Sessions for the JMM meeting in 2026, which will take place in Washington, DC, January 4-7. If you want to organize a Special Session please submit your proposal through the link below. Note that the deadline is April 8, 2025. Please also send the title and proposal to our Vice-President for Conferences Raf Vandebril ([email protected]). |
2025 March 10 ILAS-NET Message no. 2576 CONTRIBUTED ANNOUNCEMENT FROM: Daniel B. Szyld SUBJECT: Child care at ILAS Conferences A Reminder to the ILAS members. ILAS is providing grants to ILAS members who are parents of young children so as to make it easier to attend an ILAS Conference. The grants up to the amount of \$500 can be used to pay for childcare either at the conference city, or the home city of the ILAS member. In the latter case, it is for any additional childcare expenses incurred because the ILAS member is attending the conference. The grant can also be used to subsidize the travel of a person who would take care of the child during the conference. Applications need to be sent at least two months in advance of the conference dates indicating: * Name of the ILAS member * Name of the child/ren and their ages * Expected budget and type of expense * Applications can be sent directly to the ILAS President. The ILAS President will communicate the decision to each applicant no later than one month after the application is received. Reimbursements will be sent to the applicant after the applicant has attended the conference and once appropriate receipts for up to $500 have been submitted to the ILAS Secretary/Treasurer. ---- For the ILAS Conference in Kaohsiung, 23-27 June, 2025, the deadline for applications is April 23rd, 2025. ---- Other initiatives that ILAS has put into place include: * Aiming to have a break every two hours or so during the ILAS conferences to allow parents see their children if necessary. * Invited speakers with young children could stay in apartments and not necessarily in a hotel. * If the caretaker/companion is traveling with the parent, ILAS will facilitate free registration to the conference if such caretaker wishes to attend a few lectures. The ILAS President will aim to put in contact parents of young children in case they want to coordinate activities. Children will be welcomed at the coffee breaks, excursions, or other social activities. |
2025 2025 March 07 ILAS-NET Message no. 2575 CONTRIBUTED ANNOUNCEMENT FROM: Jephian C.-H. Lin SUBJECT: ILAS2025: Registration and abstract submission are open We are excited to announce that the 26th Conference of the International Linear Algebra Society (ILAS2025) will be held in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, from June 23 to 27, 2025. Conference website: Subscribe to ILAS-NET to receive the latest information: The conference will feature ten plenary talks on a variety of topics, including numerical linear algebra, combinatorial matrix theory, operator theory, quantum information, and much more. The plenary speakers are: • Haim Avron (Tel Aviv University) SIAG/LA Lecture • Dario Bini (Università di Pisa) Hans Schneider Prize Lecture • Fan Chung Graham (University of California, San Diego) • Fumio Hiai (Tohoku University) • Daniel Kressner (EPFL) LAA Lecture • Ren-Cang Li (University of Texas at Arlington) • Karen Meagher (University of Regina) • Polona Oblak (University of Ljubljana) • Fernando De Terán Vergara (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid) • Karol Życzkowski (Jagiellonian University) There are 35 mini-symposia on various topics in linear algebra. If you would like to give a talk at a mini-symposium, please contact the mini-symposium organizers to see if there are spots available. Alternatively, we are calling for submissions of contributed talks or posters until March 31. The registration is open, and you may enjoy the early bird price before March 31. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you for your consideration, and we look forward to your involvement. |
2025 February 25 ILAS-NET Message no. 2574 CONTRIBUTED ANNOUNCEMENT FROM: Iain Duff SUBJECT: Sparse Days at CERFACS. 2-3 June 2025 Registration is now open for this year's Annual Sparse Days meeting at CERFACS in Toulouse, France on 2nd and 3rd June 2025. The website is The deadline for registering is 2nd May but it would greatly help our planning if you could register well before that. Even today! When you register, you should indicate whether you want to give a talk and whether you want to attend our traditional conference dinner on the evening of Monday 2nd June which will be held in the restaurant Au Gascon. In addition to our core of numerical linear algebra, talks in optimization, data assimilation, and scientific machine learning, for example are welcome. The maximum length for the talk and questions is 30 minutes but you are welcome to request a shorter slot. As usual we will not be having parallel sessions so talk times are negotiable. |
2025 February 13 ILAS-NET Message no. 2573 CONTRIBUTED ANNOUNCEMENT FROM: Daniel B. Szyld SUBJECT: Oscar Rojo (1938-2025) Dear ILAS colleagues and friends, It with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Oscar Rojo on February 7th, after a battle with an aggressive cancer over the last six months. It can be said that Professor Rojo, whose career was mostly at the Universidad Catolica del Norte in Antofagasta, was responsible for the establishment and growth of Linear Algebra research in Chile. His students and colleagues who continue this tradition, are the embodiment of Rojo's legacy. Beyond Chile, many of Rojo's papers have had a considerable impact in the profession, especially in areas related to graphs and matrices and their spectra. We mourn the loss of a good and influential colleague. |
2025 February 8 ILAS-NET Message no. 2572 CONTRIBUTED ANNOUNCEMENT FROM: Manjunatha Prasad Karantha SUBJECT: ICLAA 2025 and IWSMGA 2025 at CARAMS, MAHE, Manipal, India The International Conference on Linear Algebra and its Applications (ICLAA 2025), the sixth in its series, will be organized by the Center for Advanced Research in Applied Mathematics & Statistics, MAHE, Manipal, India, during December 17–20, 2025. The Scientific Advisory Committee comprises Ravindra B Bapat (Chairman), Manjunatha Prasad Karantha (Convener), Steve Kirkland, and Simo Puntanen. The conference is endorsed by ILAS. The registration link is now open. The conference will be following a preconference workshop `International Workshop on Special Matrices, Graphs, and Applications' (IWSMGA 2025) held during December 10-16, 2025, for which the resource persons are Abraham Berman, Stephen J Kirkland, Simo Puntanen, T E S Raghavan, S K Neogy, Sukanta Pati, Sivaramakrishnan Sivasubramanian and others. For more details, such as registration fees, speakers, and special issues, please visit the CARAMS web page. The organizers cordially invite all to join them for the events held at MAHE, Manipal. Organizing Secretary, ICLAA 2025 CARAMS, MAHE, Manipal, India Web: email: [email protected] Conference Page: Workshop Page: Email: [email protected] |
2025 January 31 ILAS-NET Message no. 2571 CONTRIBUTED ANNOUNCEMENT FROM: Shaun Fallat SUBJECT: Second Announcement of the 2025 Workshop on Matrices and Operators Second Conference Announcement: 2025 Workshop on Matrices and Operators University of Regina, Regina August 19-21, 2025 The purpose of this international workshop is to promote research and collaboration among researchers with an interest in matrix theory, operator theory, operator algebra, quantum information theory, and related topics. Participants are encouraged to present their latest findings and discoveries, and share their experiences and research problems, while fostering an atmosphere of collaboration and mutual learning. Through dialogue and knowledge exchange, the workshop aims to enhance the collective growth and development of the research community involved in matrix theory, operator theory, operator algebra, quantum information theory, and related fields. The official MAO 2025 conference website is Information concerning registration, housing, the conference schedule (when available), and the conference location can be found on this website. History of this workshop can be found at A designated email contact has been set up and is [email protected]: please use this email for all correspondence associated with MAO 2025. * Note that online registration will commence on February 1, 2025. * MAO 2025 organizers gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the Faculty of Science at the University of Regina * MAO 2025 Organizing Team: Shaun Fallat, Douglas Farenick, Sushil Singla (Regina) and Chi-Kwong Li (William and Mary) |
2025 January 13 ILAS-NET Message no. 2570 CONTRIBUTED ANNOUNCEMENT FROM: Apoorva Khare SUBJECT: Call for nominations for the 2026 ILAS JMM Lecturer Dear ILAS members, We are soliciting suggestions for the ILAS Lecturer at the 2026 Joint Mathematics Meetings (JMM) in Washington DC, USA, during 4–7 January 2026. The ILAS JMM Lecturer will represent ILAS via an Invited Address, and could also organize one or more special sessions at the JMM. Please send your suggestions for ILAS JMM Lecturers, along with a short justification and a CV, if possible, to Apoorva Khare ([email protected]) by 31 January 2025. We look forward to hearing from you, and with best regards, Apoorva Khare on behalf of the ILAS JMM Speaker Committee [Orly Alter, Ángeles Carmona, Mark Embree, and Daniel Szyld] |
2025 January 13 ILAS-NET Message no. 2569 CONTRIBUTED ANNOUNCEMENT FROM: Daniel B. Szyld SUBJECT: ILAS Lectures at Non-ILAS Conferences and General Support of Non-ILAS Conferences and Seminars As part of ILAS's commitment to supporting activities in Linear Algebra, the Society maintains a program of providing some support to non-ILAS conferences. This financial support may take one of two forms (a conference may apply for only one of these two forms). ILAS Lectureships at non-ILAS conferences. It is expected that ILAS lecturers will be of the stature of plenary speakers at ILAS conferences and may be supported by up to US$1250 for expenses, or in the case of a Hans Schneider Lecturer, US$1500. Reimbursement guidelines may be obtained from the Secretary/Treasurer. General support of conferences of up to $1000. Such support could be used for support of student expenses, expenses for participants from developing countries, or plenary speakers. Refreshment costs are not eligible. You are welcome to consult the President of ILAS about what you may propose. This is a reminder that there is a deadline of 30 September 2025 for receipt of proposals for sponsorship of ILAS Lectures at non-ILAS meetings and for general support of conferences taking place in 2026. Please note that we will not be able to consider applications submitted after the deadline as it is important to rank all applications in one go. Each proposal is automatically assumed to be also a request for the ILAS endorsement of the conference. A statement whether the conference will adhere to the ILAS Welcoming and Inclusiveness Statement should be included in the proposal (and appropriate statement in the conference website). Further details on the guidelines for proposals can be found at the following link: In addition, ILAS may endorse a Non-ILAS conference, without financial support. Such endorsed meetings can list ILAS' endorsement on their website, and in turn, the conferences are listed on the website of ILAS-Endorsed Meetings: |
2025 January 06 ILAS-NET Message no. 2568 CONTRIBUTED ANNOUNCEMENT FROM: Andrii Dmytryshyn SUBJECT: Fifteen PhD positions at the Department of Mathematical Sciences Join one of Sweden’s leading mathematics departments! The Department of Mathematical Sciences at Chalmers University of Technology and the University of Gothenburg is the largest mathematics department in Sweden, with around 200 dedicated employees. We excel in both pure and applied mathematics as well as mathematical statistics, with research spanning a wide range of areas. We currently have 15 open PhD positions:, including a position in Numerical Linear Algebra: |
2025 January 06 ILAS-NET Message no. 2567 CONTRIBUTED ANNOUNCEMENT FROM: Alex Townsend SUBJECT: Deadline Imminent, Submissions for IMA Fox Prize 2025 We would like to remind colleagues that the deadline for the twenty-second IMA Leslie Fox Prize for Numerical Analysis is on the 31st of January 2025. This prestigious biennial prize was established in 1985 in honor of the distinguished mathematician and researcher Leslie Fox. The next Prize Day (the twenty-second) will take place on the 23rd of June 2025 at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, UK, preceding the 30th Biennial Numerical Analysis Conference. Entries for the twenty-second IMA Leslie Fox Prize for Numerical Analysis should be submitted by the 31st of January 2025 using the form on the website (link below). Any person who is less than 31 years old on 1st January 2025 and has not already won a first prize is eligible---candidates need not come from academia. Career breaks due to maternity/paternity leave, caring responsibilities, disability, or illness will be considered. Each entry should be based on a manuscript describing some of the candidate's research suitable for a 40-minute lecture to a numerical analysis audience. For detailed eligibility criteria and submission guidelines, please check the website: [] |
2025 January 06 ILAS-NET Message no. 2566 CONTRIBUTED ANNOUNCEMENT FROM: Hermie Monterde SUBJECT: 05C50 ONLINE FOR 2025 Dear ILAS members, Happy new year! The 05C50 Online ( is an online international seminar which features recent research trends in Graphs and Matrices. Our speakers for Winter 2025 include Sebi Cioaba, Polona Oblak, Krystal Guo and Vilmar Trevisan. As usual, the seminar runs once every two weeks on a Friday, 10am to 11am Central Time starting January 17, 2025. If you want to subscribe and receive zoom links for this seminar, please fill out this form: No need to fill out the form if you are already subscribed. Hope to see you there! Sincerely, Steve Kirkland and Hermie Monterde (she/her) Department of Mathematics University of Manitoba |