Current ILAS Officers

(see list of past ILAS officers

Executive Board:

[To contact an Exec. member click here]

President – Daniel B. Szyld
Vice-President – Froilán M. Dopico
Second Vice-President (for ILAS Conferences) – Raf Vandebril
Secretary/Treasurer – Minerva Catral
Assistant Secretary/Treasurer – Michael Tait

Board of Directors, which consists of the Executive Board and:

Enide Andrade
Fernando De Terán
Stefan Güttel
Chi-Kwong Li
Jephian C.-H. Lin
Naomi Shaked-Monderer


Leonardo Robol, Manager

ILAS Website:

Dominique Guillot, Manager

ILAS Resident Registered Agent in the State of Florida:

Fuzhen Zhang

Advisory Committee:

Andre Ran
Ilya Spitkovsky (chair)
Françoise Tisseur
Vilmar Trevisan

Editor-in-Chief of ELA:

Froilán Dopico

Editor-in-Chief of IMAGE:

Louis Deaett

Education Committee:

Anthony Cronin
Judith McDonald
Rachel Quinlan
Sepideh Stewart (chair)
David Strong

Investment Committee:

Minerva Catral
Daniel Szyld (chair)
Michael Tait
Michael Tsatsomeros

Journals Committee:

Louis Deaett (for IMAGE)
Froilán Dopico (for ELA)
Zlatko Drmac
Shaun Fallat
Heike Fassbender (chair)

Outreach and Membership Committee:

Minerva Catral
Andrii Dmytryshyn
Shahla Nasserasr (chair)
Federico Poloni

Prize Canvassing Commitee:

Richard Brualdi
Chen Greif (chair)
Ilse Ipsen
Pauline van den Driessche
Daniel Szyld (ex-officio)