ILAS Support for non-ILAS Conferences
ILAS lectureship and general support at non-ILAS conferences
As part of ILAS’s commitment to supporting activities in Linear Algebra, the Society maintains a program of ILAS financial support for non-ILAS conferences. This support may take one of two forms (a conference may apply for only one of these two forms)
- ILAS Lectureships at non-ILAS conferences. It is expected that ILAS lecturers will be of the stature of plenary speakers at ILAS conferences, and may be supported by up to US\$1250 for expenses, or in the case of a Hans Schneider Lecturer, US\$1500. Reimbursement guidelines may be obtained from the Secretary/Treasurer Minerva Catral.
- General support of conferences of up to US\$1000. Such support could be used for support of student expenses, expenses for participants from developing countries, or plenary speakers. Refreshment costs are not eligible. You are welcome to consult President Daniel B. Szyld about what you may propose.
Typically, ILAS will sponsor up to two ILAS Lecturers per year. However, in years in which a large number of worthy proposals are submitted, the ILAS Board may consider the possibility of funding up to four ILAS Lectureships. In addition, we hope to sponsor two conferences with general support.
All proposals for ILAS Support at non-ILAS conferences will be reviewed once per year, with an annual deadline of September 30 for the receipt of proposals. Each proposal is automatically assumed to be also a request for the ILAS endorsement of the conference.
The guidelines for the ILAS Lectureship Program at non-ILAS conferences are:
- the conference must be of interest to a substantial number of ILAS members;
- the conference should have a substantial impact and the speaker should be at the level of plenary speakers at ILAS Conferences;
- the support should be distributed widely geographically and across organizations;
- the conference must be scheduled to take place in the calendar year following the submission of the proposal.
Electronic proposals are preferred and should be sent to the President of ILAS.
Each proposal should include:
- date and place of conference;
- sponsoring “organization”;
- organizing committee;
- purpose of conference;
- invited speakers, to the extent known;
- expected attendance;
- amount requested;
a statement whether the conference will adhere to the ILAS Welcoming and Inclusiveness Statement.If a different approach will be used, please provide details and an explanation for the chosen approach.
- in the case of general support: an explanation how the funds will be used.
- in the case of an ILAS lecturer: proposed ILAS Lecturer, and brief information about the Lecturer. ILAS support is limited and the organizers of the conference can partially support the ILAS speaker. In particular, it is expected that an ILAS speaker at a non-ILAS conference will receive similar compensation as other plenary speakers at the conference.
Selection process
Each year, shortly after the September 30 deadline, the ILAS Board will review all the proposals and decide on which, if any, will receive support, and how much that support will be. The President will then inform the applicants accordingly.
Each year, the President will issue two calls for proposals for ILAS Support at ILAS non-ILAS conferences; these calls will be distributed on ILAS-NET and via other suitable media. The calls for proposals will be made in January and again in May of each year, in order to ensure the visibility of the program.